I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 833

It seems that I always feel that it is not the black long straight beautiful girl that can be found in Japan in the real world.

She happened to see this scene, hesitated for a moment, carried her schoolbag in a calm manner, passed the hesitant blond girl, and sat firmly in front of Li Yan.


For a while, the three girls were confused.

Li Yan was taken aback, looking at this uninvited young girl, without speaking for a while.

"Ahem, there seems to be a girl looking for you, teacher."

The young girl sat calmly on the opposite side, and after the waiter put down the black tea, she took a sip of it leisurely and said.

"what are you saying?"

Li Yan was a little puzzled. He turned his head and looked for a while, and saw that someone really seemed to be looking for him.


At this moment, the female high school student with dyed blond hair could hardly speak. It was not right to leave at this moment, and it was impossible to go forward. It was a public sentence.

No matter how you look at it, it is a complete result of "not being able to reach the end" in front of that beautiful girl.

The two blond friends looked at their friends sympathetically, really embarrassed what she would do next.

"That, that, is actually a truth or dare, this is my phone number, if you don't dislike it, just accept it!"

After the girl who was about to cry quickly handed her number to Li Yan, she almost ran away from the western restaurant.


Li Yan looked at the number in his hand and didn't know much about the situation.

"What a monster with a lot of talent for compensated dating."

After seeing Li Yan's "talent" for the first time, the beautiful girl was not only a little surprised, but she also showed a stunned expression. She watched Li Yan praise.

"Don't make fun of me. By the way, why are you here, second lady?"

Li Yan showed a complicated expression, obviously in a bad mood, he accepted the number and asked.

Dressed in a uniform similar to that of a schoolgirl with good-looking features, Yukoshita Yukino, a formal student at East University.

"Let's play a game."

Yukino Yukoshita said.


"Yes, guess how I found the senior you are here, why am I looking for your game?"


Li Yan was silent for a moment, and replied, "Biqigu told you, including my recent mood problems."


Yukino's clever and proud expression seemed to be clicked for the answer in one sentence, and his expression changed.

"Did you guess right?"

"A well-thought-out senior who is full of talent in Cowherd, it is really dangerous to think about it."

Yukino still said with that expression of looking at the weird person, ruthlessly sarcastically.

Sometimes I think this second lady is particularly good at making people angry.

Li Yan had to ask: "So are you here to comfort me?"

"In short, no matter what I say, you will say nothing. Don't worry about perfunctory words that I care about. I will not waste my words in exchange for an ineffective reply."

Xuexiaxue nai bluntly retorted like spoilers, leaving Li Yan completely unaware of how to discuss the next topic.

But she was right.

She calmed down for a while, closed her eyes, thinking about something, the black eyelashes of Lingxiu seemed to have an artistic atmosphere, which could not be disturbed.

"It's not shameful to escape sometimes, but you can't move forward if you keep doing this."

Yukino's expression became slightly serious, her eyes were so energetic, she looked at Li Yan's eyes, and said, "I heard that there was an accident with the mixed-race girl named Shiina whom the senior knew. , It can’t have any effect. So, what we have to do is to trust her, and use professional knowledge to find a way out.”


Li Yan was shocked, his eyes changed, and he remembered that Xue Nai is a student of Eastern University even though he majored in dentistry.

"Please don't look at me so expectantly."

Xuexiaxuena looked a little more stern, and said coldly: "I'm just a student, and I don't have that great ability anyway, but I will do my best. This is the capital for me to come and find you."

When Li Yan was said so, he recovered his calm and nodded.

He lowered his head slightly with a faint smile, and said, "I know, but if there is a second lady by your side, I will be more at ease. Thank you, really."


Xue Nai sat there, quietly watching this response, this faint and warm smile.

Slightly swaying under the black bangs, that pretty face didn't know what he was thinking, but when he was said so, he stopped talking.

"Second Miss, what are you going to eat?" Li Yan asked, raising his head, ruining the atmosphere.


Xue Nai suddenly woke up and opened his eyes slightly.

"I will think about it again." She calmed down and said without changing her face.


She always felt that it was not just once in a daze like this, the first time was before the "Sunflower" in the museum, and the second time seemed to be on the promenade by the river...

Sure enough, this person is really a bit dangerous.

Early the next morning.

Li Yan received a very important letter.

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