I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 845

Shinjuku, 8:25 minutes.

In Room 505 of Yiyuan Apartment, Li Yan finally returned to his home.

"There are so many things tonight."

Li Yan sighed. Not only did he understand new things in the fight with the Headless Horseman, but he also met Sayuri Sawamura who hadn't met in years.

When Sayuri left, when Li Yan mentioned Duoduo's contact, the beautiful black-haired woman turned around and smiled warmly at him. When she waved, she was almost exactly the same as Ying Lili.

"In the future, I should contact more..."

Li Yan took off his shoes and silently reviewed himself, thinking.

In the fight tonight, he lost a coat he had bought for two years. It was a bit distressed, but more importantly, he sweated a lot and it was time to wash.

Taking off his dirty coat, Li Yan walked into the bathroom.

The hot water sprinkled on Li Yan's body, from the top of his head to the feet, and immediately warmed his tired body.

Li Yan sat on the small bench. He lowered his head slightly, watching the flowing hot water with fatigue in his eyes.

It’s not time to relax.

"Before I beat that bastard into a paralysis, I won't take it lightly, Zhenbai and Yui are still in danger."

Li Yan thought silently.

But he also found himself very strange. I don't know why. Even if he encountered such dangerous things, he was still able to deal with things calmly, but after returning to Japan recently, he lacked the ability to adjust his mood.

I always feel that something is missing...

By the way, if you talk about the difference in life before and after, it seems that he hasn't used novels to express himself for a long time.

Just when Li Yan was thinking about it, suddenly, the door of his bathroom was opened.


Li Yan was shocked, and a chill came suddenly.

He suddenly looked back, and as a result, in the misty bathroom, the three little girls who took off their clothes, Yui, Qinye and Xiaoxing, even took the previous Alice, Victorica, and Inari. His spare towel came in naked, talking and laughing.

See clearly...

Li Yan's eyes were bloodshot with fright, and his head was stunned by the blood.

"Teacher, you really came back!"

Yui looked at Li Yan who was sitting there naked, and said in surprise.

"Obviously let us wait, but we came here by ourselves, without words, and there is only psp at home. Is this an antique shop? Isn't the antique teacher and the antique shop in good time?

Qin Ye, who was still playing games when she was undressing, finally put down the 3DS, and made cold comments to Li Yan.

"It's okay, let's play at the teacher's house now!"

Xiao Xing said with a smile.

The three of them all came to Li Yan's side, completely ignoring Li Yan's expression at the moment, and began to use shower nozzles in the bathroom to prepare to wash their hair.


"Wait a minute, you group..."

Li Yan narrowed his eyes and said to them.

"What's the matter, teacher?" Yui asked curiously, standing aside.

"Why did you come in?" Li Yan asked in amazement with his brows jumping fiercely.

Yui understood, and showed a natural smile randomly, and said, "Didn't we always wait for the teacher, but you never come to the teacher, so we propose to go to the teacher's house to wait. Anyway, the tram only takes more than ten minutes, so let Vinette My sister brought us here. We sweated a lot while playing hide-and-seek, so we went to the teacher to take a bath. This is the first time Colors went to take a bath in someone’s house."

"Don't just go to the male teacher's house to implement a bathing plan!"

Li Yan complained.

After Li Yan heard it, he felt a little strange. If it was Winnett, how could he have the key to his room?However, he seemed to understand when he thought about it seriously. Gabriel had his key, and Venete had the key of Gabriel's family. The continuation of such sins led to such new charges.

The people's teacher and the students of the opposite sex were bathed together, how could they be arrested on charges of Loli after being expelled!

No way.

Li Yan wrapped himself in a towel, but how short a towel could be wrapped, he couldn't help but suggested asking: "You don't want to wait until I finish washing, teacher... teacher, I will wash it soon. ,how about it?"

"But we all undressed and came in."

Qin Ye was already washing her hair and said blankly.

"Then teacher, go out first, and call me after you finish washing."

Li Yan's face turned pale, and he said in compromise.

He actually wanted to make the little ghosts avoid it when he stood up and went out.

"Why, isn't there enough space?" Xiao Xing asked suspiciously.

Yui saw some details, blinked, and asked curiously: "Teacher, are you shy? We and our parents wash in this way. Isn't it normal?"

"That's the problem, I'm not your father."

Li Yan thought helplessly.

Li Yan has some headaches about the mixed bathing culture in Japan. The last time he was so comforted was in a hot spring pool in Okinawa. When he was in elementary school in Japan, he could wash with his parents, but after the first grade in China, there is rarely such a mixed bathing situation. happened.

No matter how young a girl is, she is a girl.

With the smooth, flushed skin and spring-like arms in front of him, Li Yan can imagine that if these three girls grow up, they will be outstanding beauties.

"No, I can't watch."

Li Yan closed his eyes and thought in silence.

In the laughter of the little girls, Li Yan annoyedly waited for his students to finish washing first, and was unable to stand up. Suddenly, Li Yan felt a skin-to-skin sensation.

"Teacher, why are you covering your thighs with a towel?"

Xiao Xing seemed to notice that Li Yan had wrapped his body, clinging to him curiously, and asked.

"The teacher seems to have muscles in his abdomen and chest."

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