I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 851

While Yukino was thinking, a cup of hot coffee was placed in front of her, interrupting her thoughts.

"Please use."

Ms. Caichuan, the editor of the library, said to her.

"Yes, thank you..."

Yukino Yukino withdrew her gaze, her expression was a bit complicated, and she began to focus all her attention on this interview.

Ms. Caichuan looked at Yukoshita's face quietly, and she could see what she planned. She smiled and asked, "Then, let's talk about the matters stated in the email, Mr. Muzi, you are left. Have you brought all your manuscripts?"

"Yes, please have a look."

After Yukino Yukoshita heard it, he handed over the paper bag in his hand.

After Ms. Caichuan took it, she began to read it carefully.




Yukino Yukino closed her eyes silently, her expression seemed calm, but her heartbeat kept accelerating. This kind of most critical and difficult waiting time is really that ordinary people have to be nervous.

"I'm really useless..."

Xuexiaxue Nai silently thought.

In her heart, she couldn't agree with her own mentality.

The drizzle outside the window was ticking, and Yukino felt that such a hazy rain scene could easily remind people of past experiences.

Yukoshita Yukino, a girl who is difficult to approach from Chiba City Soubu High School...

She is very cute. Until now, not only she herself thinks so, but everyone around her agrees with it. This is because she, a beauty who is called incredible by others, is always looking at the sunset window alone. Wenku's novel, a cold girl, cannot be easily approached by a person.

She has always been a lonely person, not that she wants to be alone, but that she can only be alone.

People who can’t understand her occupy the vast majority of this world. There are not ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred thousand, and there are populations close to this probability who cannot accept her. The famous family from Chiba has been born since birth. She was placed in the life of comparison with her sister. This way, the more time she compares, the more hurt her time, the more her self-esteem is not allowed to be hurt. She feels that there is nothing bad about this kind of life, and it also treats others. People who follow her have no interest.

Until one person completely shattered her innocent thoughts.

One night, the third-year student who had received her sister's salary of 400,000 yuan and became a teacher, after a shot, told her what he was.

It is even more unimaginable that when he was in the second grade of high school, he could withstand hundreds of millions of yen in family debt, sitting here with her, using words to save the family's mood.


Xuexiaxuenai was sitting on the seat, her eyes were sad when she heard the rustling rain in her ears.

"It's very well written, Teacher Muzi."

Suddenly, after reading it, Ms. Caichuan said to her with a satisfied smile.


Xuexia Xuena was shocked, opened her eyes slightly, and asked in surprise, "Is that right?"

"Yes, Mr. Muzi's writing style is very good, the writing is very delicate, I am also very touched by the story, the quality is definitely enough for debut." Ms. Caichuan smiled, and said to Yukino Yukoshita.

After Xuexia Xuena heard the exact news, finally, her calm face gradually showed a cheerful smile.

"The plot of the story seems to have a touch of melancholy. Is this a story from the Monogatari series?" Ms. Caichuan asked.

"Yes, the story takes place in the Edo period. A woman with low status, full of floating world and depravity, is a girl who is a declining celebrity and needs constant efforts to reach the stage of contradiction in history."

Xuexiaxue Nai explained with a smile.

This is the inspiration that she sprouted after reading the entire selection of Japanese historical essays. At first, it was not clear whether historical stories could be written into light novels, but now it is adopted, and it is naturally better.

"It sounds very good, and I am also very sure that the works written by a beauty writer like you, Mr. Muzi, will definitely receive a lot of attention." Ms. Caichuan said to Xuexia with a confident expression. Xue Na promised.


Yukino Yukino looked at this editor lady with a puzzled expression.

"Well, what does writing have to do with the author's appearance?" Xue Nao asked in confusion.

"Mr. Muzi, now it’s not just the age of using stories to win readers, but the attention drawn by the author’s factors is also very important. In a commercial society, all the advantages that can help sales should be put to good use. Just imagine. Now, let’s use the media to publish your appearance. Not only Muzi’s novels, but you will definitely be able to..."

Ms. Shikawa told Yukoshita Yukino about her commercial packaging plan, but Yukoshita Yukino stood up before finishing talking.

"Sorry, I seem to have invested in the wrong company."

Yukino Yukino showed a cold expression and said to the dazed editor, "I'm looking for a library company, not an idol company. I'm sorry, I'm going back now."

At 9:41, Xuexiaxue took the elevator down to the first floor of this building alone.

Holding the bag, Xuexia Xuenao stood in the middle with a gloomy expression, his expression gloomy.

She remembered the cat teacher in her bag, and soon she opened the zipper of the school bag. As a result, the round cat showed its head with a lazy expression.

"Sorry for keeping you bored for so long."

Yukino Yukino showed a pleased smile after seeing Teacher Kitty, stretched out her hand and touched Teacher Kitty's head, and said.

She thought about it for a while, and said, "I remember, your name is...cat...cat teacher."

"Teacher Cat, I guess I will disappoint the senior again this time."

Yukino Yukino showed a somewhat helpless smile. She picked up Teacher Cat and said in a low voice, "Sure enough, writing a novel that can support yourself is really not an easy task."

The warm wind from the vent kept blowing on Yukino's long black hair under the snow. Her situation at the moment was similar to the protagonist of the novel she wrote.

The elevator kept descending, one after another.

Yukino's mood dropped to a freezing point. She believed that this time of hard work should be qualified. After encountering the failure, she closed her eyes and endured her inner loss.

——Ding Dong!

After the elevator buzzed for a while, the door opened slowly. Yukino Yukina walked out of the elevator with Teacher Cat, and heard someone talking outside near the door.

"It's really classmate Li."

"It's been a long time, and it's been many years since I graduated from high school."

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