I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 853

"I really like the story you wrote this time. It requires a lot of ancient writings and proverbs to modify the writing style, and the quality of the story seems to be very good. It is too early to give up now." Li Yan said to her.

"……Is that so?"

Xuexia Xuena didn't respond, she was silent for a while, nodded, showing a faint smile: "Then please, senior."

If Uesugiyan likes it, at least this work is not a failure.

However, when Xuexia Xuenao turned and put Teacher Cat in the basket, Li Yan turned to the last page in the long drizzle.

The last page is a letter of intent for cooperation, all in printed fonts, but on the signature column, there is a real signature of Yukino Yukoshita.

This handwriting is not the same as the preceding preface and outline handwriting, but if her name is written, it is naturally assumed to be her handwriting.It was estimated that when signing, just in case, I signed the name with my left hand.

However, I always feel that this kind of handwriting seems familiar...


Li Yan looked up with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The rain and fog are pervasive and the streets are deserted. This beautiful girl is still touching the cat quietly, with a faint but heartfelt love smile...

Chapter 397-The Girl in the Deep Sea (Preface)

Looking at this street with drizzle, dark clouds and antennas intertwined, looking forward to the warm sunshine, so that the lonely will no longer be alone.

This is the feeling of a famous Japanese novelist about the rainy season.

After about twenty minutes of drizzle, the drizzle finally stopped, and the wet streets were completely dark. With the old Japanese houses on both sides, a deserted moist cold wind was blowing on the roadside, a young man and a beautiful girl one after another. Walking on the clean residential streets.

Yukina Yukino has long hair fluttering, and her cheeks are a little more bloody from the cold wind. After finishing the interview, she will now go to the station and go back to Chiba.


The sound of leaves in the distance can still be heard clearly.

The girl's mind, no matter how complicated it is said, is actually quite simple, just like this cold and lonely scene with a touch of hope.

The water on the street and under the trees was still getting wet. Li Yan and Xuexia Xuenai walking on the street, Li Yan pushed the bicycle and walked back, and saw the snow-like shirt of Yu Xuenao walking in front of him. She sticks to her back in the rain, exuding an indescribable sense of youth.


Li Yan also took a look.


"No, something must be wrong."

Li Yan had a headache, thinking about a problem tangledly.

The handwriting... is indeed familiar.

The handwriting is very close to the only love letter he ever received. After all, he received the first love letter in his life. He naturally preserved it. It is still unclear who the other party will be, but when he is free, Just look at it. Every time on Valentine's Day, I encourage myself, the world still appreciates his opposite sex.

It's just that he never really thought about it. The girl who wrote the love letter might be someone he knew.

It is even more impossible to realize that the unknown person who wrote the love letter would be...

Li Yan was embarrassed himself and thought: "I'm really a novelist. I'm so whimsical. Miss No. 2 writes a love letter to me. I entrust Miss No. 2 to investigate the origins of the love letter. In fact, it is Miss No. I wrote it myself..."

Dew drips from the eaves.

Drop after drop of rain fell on his feet, Li Yan was pushing the bicycle, sending her off while thinking wildly.

The cold street, the wind is very cold, and Xuexia Xuena's back is so pretty, yet it seems so inaccessible.Speaking of it, Xuexiaxuena’s first impression is absolutely uncomfortable, as if there is a rift between people, the arrogant and beautiful girl naturally wants people to approach her, but cannot approach her, that This sense of distance can become a kind of mystery, even apathy and incomprehension.

Li Yan was a little curious, what type of men do such girls like?

"Senior?" Suddenly, Yukino, who had been walking on the side of the street to avoid the vehicles passing by from time to time, looked back at him and asked.


Li Yan was pushing the bicycle while still thinking about his own knowledge of Xuexiaxuno, when she was suddenly surprised when asked by her.

Why did it sound like he was asking questions in his heart, and the other side answered the same, making his heart beat.

"Um, what, what's wrong?" Li Yan asked ashamed.

Seeing Li Yan's weird reaction, Xuexia Xuena looked suspicious, looked at him with a calm expression, and asked, "From just now, are you thinking about things? You can't say anything all the way?"

"This, this..." Li Yan choked up for a while, feeling anxious, and couldn't make any excuses.

"..." Xuexia Xuena stood under the twilight sky, watching him with her dark and bright eyes, and said, "Senior, I want to ask you something."

Li Yan asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Yukino stopped, grabbing the strap of the schoolbag on her chest with one hand, and quietly turned her head to look at him, the streets of Japan, the beautiful Japanese girl, so slim, she asked inexplicably: "About that love letter What's the matter?"


As soon as Li Yan heard the keyword "love letter", his body was shocked, and many complex expressions changed on his face. He said in amazement, "Love letter...I don't understand, I don't know what you are asking? "

Xuexia Xuena’s face turned cold, and the eyes under the black bangs stared at Li Yan, as if she was planning to give up the questioning, but after a while of silence, she still pressed down and asked, “I really do not care about this question. Nosy, but did someone like you really write a love letter to the student president in high school?"

"..." After Li Yan heard this, his heart went blank, only to realize that Xuexia Xuena was talking about his writing a love letter to Chairman Amakusa, and couldn't help calming down.

"You're asking about this, it's all from the first year of high school." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and answered calmly.


Yukino's face was not very good-looking, and his face became colder again.

She met the president of the student council. Although she didn't know him, she admitted that she was an excellent woman.

However, she really felt that the female classmate's words seemed to be talking about another person, and it didn't sound like a description of this senior.

She closed her eyes, let the cold wind blow on her hair and face, continued to take steps, and said, "Really, why don't the current seniors suddenly chase after the student council president?"

"Because I am no longer a high school student."

Li Yan suddenly replied.


Xuexia Xuenao was taken aback, stopped again, and looked back at Li Yan.

Li Yan, who was standing in an old house, looked at her calmly and said: "Like a person, not simply like his excellence, because there may be people in this world who are better than that person. It is not simply like the other person. Because this world may also be more beautiful than that person. I don’t like the other person’s wisdom, because there are also wise men who are more intelligent than that person in this world... Just because the one who loves is that person, that It’s called a real liking. Otherwise, what’s the difference with the paper people you like to update once a month? I understand this, so I don’t think who likes me at random and who I like."

"..." Xuenai under Xuexia was a little confused when she heard these words.

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