I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 869

——[Aoki, don't you like such gifts?

Vaguely, Li Yan heard his own voice.

This question seems to be a conversation caused by him giving a gift to Qing Mu Haruka during a temple fair not long ago.

——[No, I like it very much...Thank you, I like it very much...Someone gave me a gift.

This is a heartfelt message with joy and fear of being taken away.


Li Yan listened quietly, quietly...feeling Qing Mu Yao's loneliness.

That's why she used this method to find her own warmth when she was extremely scared.

It seemed that Qing Mu Haru meant that after experiencing the care he gave her for a period of time, he was no longer ready to believe that there was anyone in this world who could understand her.

She is the heir of the ancient god Hadasr, and soon after she was born, her father was cut by him.

In my memory, under the scarlet moon, there are two slender figures immersed in the anxiety of killing, one is himself, and the other is Niederhogg wearing a top hat...The two of them participated in the old days. The crazy day of hunting by the Dominator.

He always thought that this way of protecting everyone was correct.

but now……

In any case, to a certain extent, he was indeed the one who took away one of her relatives...

He and Niederhogger actually committed a sin, even if they had to do it, even with the perfect justice, but for Qing Mu Yao, this sin was caused by Li Yan inadvertently.

He raised his head and looked at the sky.

The light on the water gradually became thinner and thinner, as if he was still sinking.

"Sure enough, it's still sinking."

Li Yan looked at the water surface calmly, and thought quietly.

This is not the real deep sea...

I heard the saddest thing and the happiest thing about Aoki Haruka before, probably... After his consciousness was deprived, Xiaoyao was banished into his inner world...


After school, Aoki Haruka carried his schoolbag and stood up from his seat.

"Ah, Xiaoyao, you went back very early today!"

In the hallway, Yui Ou met her, froze a little, smiled randomly, and said.

Aoki Haruka pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "I was told by an adult that I went back too late recently."

"Really, I think so, Xiaoyao, you go back late every day, you will definitely be scolded by adults."

Yui smiled and agreed.


Aoki Haruka didn't seem to be in the state, and after being quiet for a while, he responded.

This is already the fifth day.

Aoki Haruka carrying his schoolbag and riding the subway, he walked back on his daily road like a normal elementary school student.

Perhaps many elementary school students don't know how important it is to their childhood to walk the way home, but Aoki Haruka feels very different.

Home, not because the house is there.

It's home where the family is.

"I am back."

Pushing open the door of his own house, Qing Mu Yao said to the house as always.

The room was sunny and tidy, and there was a gurgling cooking sound from the kitchen.

At this time, every family’s parents started to prepare dinner. For a long time, there was almost no trace of fireworks in Qing Mu’s home.

"Welcome back." A young man said to Qing Mu Yao with a low voice.

Qing Mu Yao walked into the room, and saw the figure surrounded by apron, cooking soup, the one with dim eyesight, somewhat mechanical Li Yan.


Aoki Haruka's expression was somewhat meaningful.

The current Li Yan is still Li Yan, but the teacher Li Yan who has accepted her psychological suggestion.She has always had the ability to interfere with the consciousness of others, but she has never really done so to a person.

In her heart, there is still guilt and pain for what she has done...

"Teacher, what are you cooking?"

Aoki Haruka put down his schoolbag and asked.

"Tomato egg soup, and fried pepper escargot later."

Li Yan replied.


Aoki Haruka's expression was a little uncomfortable, and he always felt that it was not very suitable.

But this is also good...

She crossed the number of the calendar, calculating the number of days that Li Yan's consciousness was imprisoned.

After eating the hot meal, Aoki Haruka took a hot bath with Li Yan.

The house is no longer pitch black, and she can hear this adult's nagging when she is in the bath.

No matter what, no matter how false it is, she miraculously felt that Li Yan was close to people, and this place was home. Li Yan still had a sense of caring for her from the heart and warmed her.

At night, Aoki Haruka was in his room, and it was difficult to sleep.

She inadvertently looked at her calendar again, sneaked up from the bed, and got into Li Yan's quilt next door.

Holding the body of the person who cared about her, Qing Mu Yao felt warm and at ease, but as soon as her hand fell where she shouldn’t be touched, Li Yan still moved, shocked her, and put her hand subconsciously. To where it should be.

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