I am Ultraman

I am Ottman, Chapter 101

Chapter 113, to Lulu, Afall 314

"It's you!" Ka Tmie is deadly staring at Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled casually, "It is me! It seems that you should bother you, sorry, I should be late."

"Daram, Hitra, to kill this human beings, can be evil!" Cardira angrily.

"I already understate early." Hitra has reached the next next to Li Wei, and I kicked it to Li Wei.

Li Wei has a disdainful smile, "Can this be called speed?" Easy to block the foot of Hitra, Li Wei gave Hitra in the speed of everyone could not see clearly.


Hitra flew out in your own unbelievable eyes, he didn't see how Li Wei was out of this goods.

"I can't afford to look at us." Daram played a mighty punch to Li Wei, but it was easy to pick it up by Li Wei.

Slowly Dalham's body is curved, the face is full of pain, and the giant pain comes in the hand makes him feel broken.

"Darham is still the integration of strength?" The relaxed foot, Dalham flew out.

Ka Tmia was amazed Looking at Li Wei, this man is so powerful, "Who is you?"

Li Wei revealed the pity in the eyes of this goods. "I am a person who can save you, one who can save you from the darkness."

"I don't need ..." In the face of Li Wei, the eyes of this goods, Kam Tmiel seems to feel his own heart.

Dalham and Hitra stood up. The two paired it again and again, Li Wei was easily avoided by the two people. "I said that you are all endless, you are now What is the consistence, how can you destroy your part of this conscious? "

In the eyes of Dalham and Hitra, they didn't believe in the eyes, they were already raised by Li Wei's neck. Although they are now just part of the consciousness, but if they are eliminated, the damage to the body is great, there is no consciousness of this part, maybe it will become idiot.

"Stop ..." Ka Tmi rushed to Li Wei. Li Wei is just laughing, holding two people in the hands of two people to avoid all the attacks of Ka Tmia.

"Ka Tmi, don't be excited, if you want to kill them, I have already opened it, and I haven't worked on your face." Li Wei threw Darham and Hitra after a backward Go out.

Ka Tmia stared at Li Wei's eyes. "What is your purpose?"

"I didn't say it? I certainly don't save you, or I spend so much time." Li Wei is very stupid.

"I am evil, don't be self-righteous, do you think you are? We have been very good, there is no rescue, you still save yourself." Cardira said loudly.

Li Wei shook his head, "Are you very good? I really don't know what you think, I have been seal this is good? In fact, I think your heart is eager to be eager."

Ka Tmie is trembled, "What are you talking, I am a dark giant, how can I be eager to be ray, don't you laugh?"

"Is it said that you should know more than me, right?" Li Wei looked at the card with a gentle eyes.

Ka Tmie moved his face to one side, Li Wei's eyes made her a little scared, the trend on the spirit, "Don't say it very well, do you, a stupid human, you, you What do you know? "

Li Yu smiled, "Do you still think a stupid man? I am still disappointed."

The ancient stood up, looked at Li Wei, "Li Wei, who is you?"

"Dali, still when I am your brother? When the words, don't care about these details." Li Wei went to the big ancient times, and took a picture of the brothers.

"I naturally when you are my brother, but how do you know them?" Asked.

"You can understand, I can naturally know, I am not saying, don't care about these details, how do you not listen?" Li Wei is a very disappointed expression.

Ka Tmie looked at the ancients, "Ren, returned to our darkness, we need you."

The ancient shake shook head, "Ka Tmie, I hope we can get along well, not to destroy the world, I am now a human, I love this world, I don't want to destroy it. Kam Tmiel, I can become light, You can also. "

Ka Tmila is disappointed shaking his head, "the ancient, you are really too true."

"Ka Tmie, why, why do you want to destroy this world? Why can't we get better well, we can!" The ancientity said.

Li Wei looked at the night, and then let two people go so much, and they have to fight against it. How precious woman in Kamirira is, how to say it is labor.

"Hey, I said that you have not finished, don't do this kind of warmth is good, big ancient your position can't be firm?" Li Wei began to destroy action.

Kam Tmiel glared in Li Wei, "Antcient, I believe you will come, Dalham, Hitla, we will go." Three black light flashed, Kam Tmieli gone .

A few people who watched the invisible were so stunned. Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, "The ancient, I didn't bother you, what to do, I think you can think of it. "

The ancient silently walked outside, what should I do? The ancient times is very fascinated, and the feelings of awake let him do not want to be enemies with Ka Tmie, if possible, if possible, can let Ka Tmiel, protect human beings.

Be sure to let Kammiela will discard the darkness, think of this ancient array of excitement, must do this.

Li Wei came out of a corner, and his mouth revealed a trace of evil, "Go, if you will be very exciting, do you think so? That's unbeatable ultimate battle!"

The next day, the ancient a man was driving a victory flying Yans No.1 in advance, of course, this is an unauthorized action, and anxious ancient ancient is waiting.

Larna and Li Wei have returned to a long-lost victory team. "Everyone really wants me." Li Wei said in exaggerated.

"I miss you, if you want to see why I don't want to see my big mener." The new city is full of face.

"Big brother, I am your brother, I know you miss me very much, but I am a little afraid."

"Rolling, if you dare to really be good, labor is sicking you." The New City blood.

The papers are cold and face: "Don't talk nonsense, Lina, let's go."

"Understand! Max power system started!"

Suddenly, the screen above, the figure of the eight-tailed mood appeared.

"This is the best spacecraft for us." The Paper is cold and cold.

Eight tails looked at Li Wei and Lina, "Li Wei, Larna I really look forward to your wedding, you must not forget to invite me."

Li Wei smiled at this time. "Do you feel relieved, I will forget you?"

"The Atdis Tour!" The electronic sound is constantly coming. Go to Lulu, Ka Tmiel, labor.

The last chapter tonight, let us continue tomorrow

Chapter 114 is from Mei Village 315

As soon as possible, I arrived at the old ancient relish, I finally saw the tripledom of Ka Tmia.

"You are finally here, old, waiting for you for a long time." Ka Tmia's charm smiled and walked through the ancient times.

The octoptropharya has a sip of the saliva, "Ka Tmila, I am here, I hope you can get along with us, I don't want to be enemies with you."

"Dali, you really change the sky, go back to our darkness." Cardira faintly.

"I still talk nonsense, this guy has betrayed us, and I don't know how to repent, then I will kill him." Dalham came out.

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