I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 104

The entire field is also a dramatic fluctuation, and the fire is constantly expanding towards the surrounding. The body of the Zaji broke through the flame of the rolling to Nova.

The two started the near-body battle, and the sound of the thunderstorm was constantly, then doubled from the sky, and each corner has become the place where two are fighting.

Noah Floral! "

"Zaji sparks!"

The blade of the different colors collided together, in the collision, the doubles were cut off, and the blades made from Noah and Zaji.

"Ah ..." The two screams were sent at the same time. Noah's brother was drawn a big mouth, the blood of the crystalline was constantly dropped. Zaji is also the same situation, and the black blood flows.

"Noah ..." Lina shouted.

"Don't be excited, we have to believe in him." The residence of the residence into his arms.

"This level of battle is not in the field, the earth has been destroyed, Noah must not lose, defeat this darkness." The rose well clever.

Noah's hand-made a gentle radiant ray, and Zaji is also the same situation, but it is a black light.

"Noah, it seems that the battle is difficult to divide, it is really boring, it is really boring, can't kill, it's hard, , Zaji lightning!" Zaji suddenly turned his body, super black light toward one direction Capy.

Ka Tmiel looked at the blink of an eye from a huge light, the eyes were very big, was it really dead? Once you are hit, you can directly turn into a molecule.

Suddenly a huge body blocked in front of her.


In a dramatic explosion, huge body constantly trembled, but insisted that there was no fall.

"You, why are you stupid ..." Ka Tmie felt that the water was constantly flowing from the eyes, what is this? Why is this uncomfortable.

"I said, I will protect you ..." Noah slowly squatted, and behind him is a piece of wolf, constantly braving black smoke, crystalline blood has spread all over around.

"Noah's wings, Noah's wings are gone ..." Lina looked at the tears of the screen.

The family is also trembled, "fool, fool, is the woman worthy of you?" Suddenly, the intercourse gave birth to Kammira, if there is no woman, if there is no woman, Li Wei is not Will be like this.

"It is the attack of Zaji destroyed Noah's wings, Noah stood up, don't make such a good luck!" The papers loudly.

"Hahaha ..." Zaji smiled and came to Noah, Nova, "Noah Noah, I really didn't think of a woman can ruin you, hahaha, chick, labor Really thanked you, or if you want to do it? Is it really difficult? In order to repay you, wait for the labor to solve Noah, will send you to accompany him. "

Cardira continuous hammering wrapped his own light group, "I am evil, can evil, why is you fool like this, I don't need it ... I don't need ..." The tear continuously flows out from Ka Tiala, Warm and grief from the bottom of the heart.

"Glow, I have been eager to be ray? Now I finally got, but this is not the result I want ..." Ka Tmiel looked at his own hands, the darkness continued to return, bright rising Her strength has changed.

"It turned out to be bright from the darkness. It is really self-fall. It is clear from the darkness." Zaji looked at Ka Tacrose disdain. "Forget it, you can't arouse the interest of labor like this weak! , Haha ... soon will do it, it is necessary to do it ... "The sound continuously issued from the mouth of the Zaji.

Zaji's neck of Noah, "Noah, I am really excited at this moment, because labor is finally able to kill you, do you know? Oh, for so many years, stay in your bright body How hard is it? Go to death. "Zaji is playing in the abdomen of Noah.

Noah's body is curved, and the treasure is flexible, the timer of the chest is flashing, and the sound of the sound is constantly issued. He is seriously injured, and the attack of Zaji is fundamentally. Unable to defend.

"Don't lose this, are you still to protect me? Stand up ..." Cardira is loud.

Noah's line of sight looked at Kakira, "I will do it ..." A sudden power broke out from Noah's body, "Noah!" In the moment of Nova, Noah Pass your own spirit to the field.


The Zaji's was flying out, "I am evil, now let the labor thoroughly eliminate you, Zaji lightning!" Zaji once again made a big trick.

Noah Light! "


The field is constantly trembling, the two powerful lights have begun to hit, and the impact wave of the fireworks is constantly impact, and there has been a crack in the field.

Slowly, Zaji lightning has pressed Nova lightning and advanced to the side of Noah.

Chapter 117, the ultimate holy battle (3) 318

"Larina, Lina, A Hui, can you hear my voice?" Etienale voice rang in the hearts of Dina.

"Li Wei, Li Wei, you are nothing now, you ..." The residence of the residence asked with Run, but he was interrupted by Li Wei.

"There is still a matter of time, so there is something, so don't talk nonsense, now you listen to me, I know you can observe the interior of the field, and get the current image with radio around the world, let all people You can see this picture, fast ... "

The inside of the Atdis is suddenly trembled, and it is awake from the spirit of only one second. Two women gained a look, ran to the computer in front of the screen, quickly operated.

"Captain, what happened to Duan?" Zongfang asked hurriedly.

"There is no time to tell you, Ye Rui, rising, you also come to help, hurry to send the battle image to the TV station around the world, there is no time, hurry." The residence shouted.


At this moment, the world is already a darkness, countless people gathered together, pray for great Noah Altman, to disperse the darkness of horror.

Suddenly there is a big screen of different squares and the images shown in the family have changed, which changed to a pole shock image.

"Heaven, how does Noah become the look, behind the wings? It is impossible, Noah will not lose ..."

"That black giant is emitting with Noah, but Noah's light is in the back, how can Noa? This must be fake, it must be someone in the prank, I don't believe ..."

Countless human beings feel that their confidence collapse, if Noa is can't deal with monsters, what should they do? Panic is constantly spread.

A ethereal voice suddenly spread throughout the world, "Dear humanity, I am Noa Altman, the image you see now is true, I have faced a very difficult to defeat. Dark, you may have seen him, he didn't die, he again came again. "

"Humanity will rely on their own hands to protect their future, because even if Otman has a darkness that can't be defeated, you can. Yes, you are very weak, but you are also very powerful, as long as you put your strength to bring your strength Together, there will be an incomparable miracle, please believe in your strength! As you can see, now I am about to fail ... "The sound suddenly disappeared.


A shocking explosion came over from the influence. Noah's body was hit by a strong black light. The huge body was bombarded by a distance of nearly kilometers, and the heavy fell is on the ground, the timer of the chest After a fierce flashes, it turned out, and the body was quickly blocked.

"Li Wei ..." Lina shouted, tears began to vent.

"Li Wei ..." The residence slowly squatted on the ground.

Li Wei is in the house of the sea, looking at the image of the eyes, all women are stupid, tears all can't stay, "I still wait for him, waiting for him to come back, marry us ... ... "Jiang Zhen Qianhe is stupid.

"It turns out that Li Wei is Noa Altman. It turned out that he has been protecting us, Li Wei stands up!" The Palace shouted loudly.

The new city wiped his eyes. "Li Wei, I always thought you were a guy in addition to a good color, you got up, I am still waiting to see you and really married ..."

"Li Wei, I have always admired you, in my heart, you are a man in a man, I know that you will not let me down, stand up ..." Ye Rui shouted against the image.

"Li Wei, in fact, I am very grateful, you gave me a lot of help, Bisa, the universe life, Magnia, you change my ideas, stand up, Li Wei!" Rising!

"Ray, belonging to our light." Lina looked at the rays from his body.

"Everyone is ..." Everyone's body is exudes rays.

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