I am Ultraman

I am Ottman, Chapter 116

"What are you doing? What are you doing? One night is staying up late?" Along came to the Philosoping of the computer asleep.

Zhe Pei opened his eyes. "I looked at the headquarters in the headquarters, and I found that Altman is dead, but they finally resurrected."

"So, Ottman has a few lives, it is very powerful." Yan Zhiguan said with a smile.

Li Wei smiled this goods, "Don't think too much, Altman only has a life, the energy timer of the chest stops glowing means life."

"Yes, from the previous case, all Ottman died, the energy timer stopped glowing." Potted it all.

"Why can you resurrect?" Asked Wood's Beauty.

"Give Altman energy, Otman is possible to resurrect, but it is not necessarily to be resurrected every time." Li Wei smiled.

Aron looked at Li Wei, "How do you know these?"

"Don't care about these details, you have to understand that the boss is right, it is right." Li Wei is the same as the second five hundred thousand.

I nodded in the future. "I think so too, but Li Wei you actually know this."

"The intention of energy timer is more than just reminding Altman, but also to remind him of his situation in his situation, after all, ordinary Altman is also unable to fight alone." Li Wei smiled at this car .

A Long looked at Li Wei smiled: "How do you say it? You will be like Altman, know more."

"I don't have to worship me, I have always been such a blogger. I think Nikesethman and dreams are like this." Li Wei's eyes were very deep.

I heard Li Wei, I said that my dream is like, the future face is changed, how do Li Wei know his name?

"Nikseth Ottman and Dreamier, Ottman, have two Ottman's code has been determined." Truth never asked.

Li Wei smiled, "This is what I thought about last night, I don't know how you think?"

In the future, I hurriedly said: "Very good, Dream is very good. Li Wei, you are still very powerful, actually think of this."

"Haha ... I have always been very powerful, you don't know."

"Thick face." Truth nerne saw Li Wei's favorite looks that it feels uncomfortable.

The beauty of the wood is true: "I think Li Wei is very powerful, these two names are very good."

Li Wei came to the side of the wood, "Or you can understand me, how can I thank you?" Li Wei looked at the beauty of the wood, the beauty of the wood is really cute. , The body is very delicate, it is a very good thing than Li Wei, and it feels very good to hold it in his arms.

The beauty of the wood is low, and the face is red, and I don't need to thank this. "

I pushed Li Wei in Truth, "I said, don't you bully the beauty of wood?"

"I really don't understand where you look out, I am bullying her, the good people are really difficult, I am very speechless for you." Li Wei is a feeling of this. "

"I said that you don't talk here, the Chief Executive of Miyazaki is waiting for us." Birds and Pills secretary came in.

"What is the old bird?" Along said.

The bird is instantaneous, "I will say it again, don't call me old bird."

"What do you say, old bird, I have not heard, have you heard it?" Li Wei asked the opinion of everyone.

"No." Everyone shook his head.

Li Wei is stressed, "I have never heard of the old bird."

"I said that you are not allowed to call my old bird, and there is a malicious mix of children." The bird is angry with anger.

"I still haven't heard it. This can't blame us." Li Wei took the ear.

Birds and Mountains are still stupid and also know that Li Wei is playing him. Head with his finger, "you, you, you ... mixed children don't know the old, I don't care, Miki, Miki, etc. To train the training of artificial monsters, Pills we will go. "

"Let's go." Li Wei rushed out this goods, and finally I can see the snow, I can't play it.

"How did this guy suddenly active, not very like him." Truth is very unclear.

Aron shakes his head, "Who knows, the boss sometimes does nothing is what we can understand."

Horn. "Miki, Miki, you are, Li Wei reports to you." Li Wei is very respectful in this goods.

Mikasury snow just looked at Li Wei, casually said: "I know." Then I started talking.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, this chick is still revenge, women can understand her little, I am very nrateful, "That, Mirai, I think you look like it. Unhappy. "

Mikizi Snow looked at Li Wei, "How? You are one of the members of Guys, how can I see you uncomfortable, then say that I am got to see you unhappy? I am very busy, many things I don't remember."

This means that it is definitely not forgotten. Li Wei smiled this goods. "Miki, I certainly know that you are a big person, the chief is careful ..." Li Wei suddenly "one accident" to the Sakyaka Pour the past.

"Ah ..." a woman's scream.

Li Wei has pressed Mikizi's snow in his body. The two lips only zero one mm distance, breathing sound, and the heartbeat is clear. It's a time atmosphere that is ignorant in Mikasaki, is it to give Li Wei.

"What are you doing? How do you press the eldest officer in the body, get up." The bird hung ran over and pulled Li Wei.

Mikizi's snow face red stood up, looked at everyone's eyes, coughing, "just an accident, you don't want to think more." After finishing Li Wei, this is really thought. Unload this guy, let yourself be ugly in the eyes of so many people.

Aron's team shook his head together. "Please rest assured, we will never think more."

"Miraaki, I know that you are a large person, so I didn't care about it, I didn't think about the sky, I just didn't deliberately deliberately." Because it is intentional, hahaha ...

Mikizi's snow sucks a deep breath, "I will not put it on my heart, a little small thing." Li Wei didn't let me find the opportunity, I will let you understand a terrible woman.

Li Wei, this car, "I heard the Secretary of Meysaki said that the mood of my sincerely finally succeeded."

The birds and mountains coughed, "Since there is nothing, then start the experiment of the artificial monster. The artificial monster is not something ..." After a nonsense, Aron and Chastity saw each other, "Old Birds you are What to say, I don't understand. "

"Don't listen to the old bird, simply, use the nano machine to transfer the high-energy molecular parts of the Phoenix nest, reproduce the monster in the information, this is the artificial monster."

Aron nodded, "it's easy to understand the boss."

The old bird coughed.

"Then let me come to the first experimenter." Along got up the nano machine to go to the scene below.

Today's chapter update is over, I really thank the brothers who have been supporting this book, whenever I see your support, I am really happy.

Chapter 11 Shameless Requirements 331

After Aron hit the nano machine, Aron made a monster, constantly jumping his feet, giving a tence aiming.

"This is Mikras." Zhe Pei called.

"Yes, it is it, you can often see it in the monster." The birds explained.

"I feel so weak ..." Truth never swallowed.

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