I am Ultraman

I am Ottman Chapter 118

"Li Wei, this is to write the report to the headquarters. If you have a thing, I've been borne." The bitterness of the Bird Mountain.

Forced to laugh: "I will write it by me, Guys is dispatched."


Bank is landed from the sky, and started a madness, the phoenix number has come, and the ray is played toward the baseus, but the injury is really small.

The Bank's mouth spurted a super-fireball, the bombing of the bombing, and then began to rotate, using the hard tail sweep, the surrounding building fell.

"Phoenix is ​​separated!" Li Wei is a big drink.

Li Wei, the beautiful, the truth, the flying wings stopped in one place, Li Wei smiled in the beautiful wood: "Wood beautiful looks at you, I believe I don't be afraid, you can be. "

Wooden beauty is very unconfident, nod to release Mikras, "Mikras, please help us defeat the base of Bank, please."

Mikras looked at the Burgun's body, and poorly turned into the body of the wood.

"What happened to Miklas? Battle, please ..." Wooden beautiful shouted.

But Mikras did not respond, poorly looked at the beauty of wood, and the body constantly trembled. Base Road, the big eyes of the Bailu Road looked at the beauty of the wood, the treasure of the woods, made a big yelling and started to escape.

Looking at the beauty of the escaped, Mikras also began to flee, but unfortunately opened by the steel tail of Bailiji, and then turned into the light, the one-minute meteor technology was already arrived.

Baili Road is fascinating, and then a jumping flew over the sky.

Guys' studio, the bird's anger, "The team members of Guys actually come to escape, now the affected scope caused by the baseline Bo, what are you going to be responsible."

The beauty of wood is constantly being modest. "Sorry, it is really sorry, I am afraid of terror."

Li Wei came to the side of the wood, "it's okay, it's okay, not your fault." Then Li Wei looked at the Bird Mountain, and the birds looked at Li Wei's brutal eyes. I. "I didn't say anything wrong. What do you look at me?"

"Old bird, I said that you have a woman with a woman? What is a man who is a man who is going to escape? It is wrong to say that there is a mistake, and you have a mistake. "Li Wei said loudly.

Birds and mountains looked at Li Wei, I didn't say anything.

"If the monster is so good to deal with Altman, Ottman is going home to pick each other. The beauty of the wood is the first time, it is not easy. I believe she will definitely become a qualified. The warrior. "Li Wei said the impassion of this car, but please don't be cheated, say these words are just to make the beauty of the wood, hahaha ...

"I don't care, you look at it." The birds and mountains walked out to the outside. There is also a large group of reporters waiting for him. He is ready to wipe the napkin to rub the water, and the birds are not easy.

After the Birdshan left, everyone gave a thumbs up to Li Wei. A Long Jingpian said: "It is my boss, I have never seen others talk about the old bird."

"Li Wei, you are so good, only you stand out for the beauty of wood, in comparison, this team leader is not as good as you." Forced water is also appreciated.

"Don't praise me like this, I will be proud, hahaha ..." Li Wei touched his head and laughed.

"Thank you, thank you can come out for me. In fact, I am really weak." Mu's beauty said that one person went out.

"You will continue to ha." Li Wei went out of the outside.

The beauty of the wood came to the pool and won his eyes and his tears were constantly dropped. A paper towel has handed over, "Wipe it!"

"Li Wei ..." Wood's beauty took a wi-eyed, "Thank you!"

"What is you with me?" Li Wei squatted.

The beauty of the wood suddenly asked: "Li Wei, you think that I am such a person, Guys really need? As I like Mikras, I will give up me ..." said that the beauty of wood began to sow.

Li Wei looked at the beauty of the wood, a big pity, this cute woman should take a good care for a lifetime. If you want to do it, you have always been the advantage of Li Wei, and gently pull the beautiful beauty into his arms. In the middle, "I cried, I thought I imagined into a pillow, I won't have any other ideas, cry." Just like a rabbit, this can't believe it.

The beauty of the wood feels this warm chest, although I feel that this is not good, but I want to leave again, I have some relief, just a pillow. The beauty of wood, you have deceived yourself.

"Cry, cry, cry," Li Wei is caressing in the back of the wood beauty. "

"Hey, ... ..." The tears said, the woman is this sentence, Li Wei, this experience.

For a long time, the beauty of the wood stopped crying and lifting red eyes, some embarrassed: "Yes, sorry, put your clothes ..."

"Woody beauty is really a cute rabbit, look at your eyes." Li Wei smiled.

The beautiful red face of the wood: "People, people are not a rabbit ..."

Suddenly a hot thing was posted on her forehead. This ... is ... is ... What ...... The beautiful eyes of the wood look at Li Wei, Li Wei, who is close, Li Wei seems to be pro. Her forehead, is this true?

"Woody beauty is really too cute, so I can't help but I can't help you." Are you a farm animal?

"Oh ... ah ..." A scream, the beautiful face of the wood can be fried in an instant, and it seems that you can see the hot gas from it. "You, what did you do for me ..."

"Dear you, if you feel the loss, I can give you a boring." Li Wei is a good way.

The beauty of the wood has jumped out of the rabbit from Li Wei, "I only, I don't ... you, this, this bad person." Finally came to describe Li Wei .

"I have never said that I am a good person, have you not heard a good person is not a long life, is it a millennium? Ok, is it wrong? Mainly the beauty of the wood is too cute, people can't stop it. "Li Wei is full of evil."

"Even if you say this, I will not forgive you, it's too bad ..." Wooden beauty is low.

"Don't be so small, take you back to your kindergarten to see how?" Li Wei smiled.

The beauty of the wood suddenly raised his head, and it was a surprise in his eyes. "Are you really true?"

"Of course it is true, will I lie to you, just how I am used to apologize?" Li Wei said to the beautiful ear of the wood.

The beauty of the wood feels the warm breath from the ear, a sprite, shy, look at Li Wei, like a rabbit, is gone, "The talent is not ..." Running away. .

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil, hey, wait for the last blow, then sleep at the rabbit every night, hahaha ...

Chapter 13 Teacher's Boyfriend 333

"Don't go in and see them?" Li Wei asked this. Two people in front of a kindergarten, the beauty of the wood came to go to the door, and the entanglement of a face.

The beauty of the wood looked at Li Wei: "I am afraid of seeing them, I will be very reluctant, when I get ..." I have to cry.

"See the face, you can still come in the future, don't be afraid." Li Wei smiled.

"People are not afraid, just have to be reluctant." The beauty of the wood is entangled.

Li Wei smiled, and took a beautiful hand of the wood, walked towards it, "I will help you decide, go to see it, look for your own courage, for these children, the beauty of the wood What else is there? "

"You don't want to pull me, don't pull me ..." But I can't break it at all, I can only be pulled in this goods.

"This is the classroom of those children?" Li Wei asked.

The beauty of the wood nodded, "Yes, I really don't plan to go in, Li Wei, you don't want this."

"Nothing, let's take a look at these bear children." Li Wei pushed away the door of the classroom, and a pair of small eyes looked at Li Wei.

"Bear, no lovely children, you are good, today I brought you a person, it is a person you all want to see." Li Wei took out the beauty of the wood behind him.

"Teacher ..." Seeing the beauty of wood, all the children all cheered, and ran over and gave the beauty of the wood, and calmed down for a long time.

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