I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 124

"Big Brother, are you nothing?" Xiandong came over.

"Do you think that I think I am nothing? If you don't worry about this, I have to teach this guy today. Your time is almost, let's leave." Nikith bite his teeth. Tao, it seems to be a good job today.

Xiao Dream nodded, "The big brother, you are careful, I am gone." A jumping flew over the sky, now only Nikes and swords left.

"It's evil, or if the blue giant attacks Nike, the monster can't escape. Who is this blue giant? Is it our enemy?" Hui is loud.

Aron is standing on a bridge and looks at the blue giant, "Caizu ... captain."

"I said the sword, I know you want to kill Baggu, but don't you have no difference attack? You didn't see me in front of Bojaru?" Naikese stepped stepped by step toward the sword .

"Hey, what is the relationship with me? Who is you?" The sword looked at Nikith disdain.

"You are really hanging, how can I not cool this?" Nikisse rushed to the sword.

The sword began to run, the two sides suddenly played a punch, and the fist collided.


A airflow diffuses around to the center with a fist. Nikest's body trembled, but the body of the sword retreated back and left a scratch on the ground until I returned to 20 meters.

"It's so powerful, it is really powerful, the blue giant is not the opponent of Nike." Wooden is happy, the other people are also very happy, this blue giant attacked Nikesess Galu fled to make them look very unhappy.

The sword fell, the body stood up, the fist felt to be broken, how can there be such a powerful Altman, it is also a giant, and there is also a blessing of the revenge armored armor.

Naochers once again walked toward the sword, and the sword made a big scream, went to Nike, but Nike was relaxed, then a Tiequat was on the chest of the sword.

How can the sword fly out again? It is clear that there is a protection of revenge armor, but why is it like this, sword does not understand, really don't understand.

"Nassess stopped." A big shout came over.

Nikesh saw Aron standing on the bridge, I went to the head. Aron's misunderstanding is that the sword is Chensus, but the truth is only the bodies of the swords, for the sword, Cherish is just his activity container on earth.

Nikesel disappeared for a light of the light, the sword slowly stood up, looked around, and the body disappeared.

In the work room of Guys, a prominent Vatican star is bid to everyone, followed by a layer of halo.

"It's really, it's a trouble to add trouble." Chastity laughed.

Suddenly, the Vatican nearsade appeared again, and the people were shocked, how come back?

The Vatican neighbors began to talk, of course, only some birds, the average person does not understand. Philosoping began to translate, "he said that he forgot one thing, the blue giant called the sword, his purpose is to knock down the life of Boja Ru." Then the Vatican gave it to the front of the philosoping. He has a ruthless hug and then disappears again.

The bird hill ran in, "It's really mad at me, the guy actually eaten my dietary coupons in half a year, , what happened, is he gone?"

Everyone nodded. Li Wei smiled and went up, "Old bird, I said how you are like this, you represent the earth people, you put the earth people, friendly virtues spread to the universe, this one Great things, you should be proud. And then, do you think that the Vatican nears are not knowing? "Li Wei picked up a silver sphere from the ground.

Li Wei took out a note from above, "translated it."

"This is said to have a year of food, waiting for us to prepare." Zhe Pei looked at the paper.

"Too good, I will send it to the earth's soast." Wood of Wood called.

The birds are proud of the birds: "If it is not me, you have no chance to eat alien, this guy is still quite good, hahaha ..."

"What did the Vatican nears have finally told you?" Forced water to the philosoping.

"He is talking about cosmology, meaning is thank you, we are friends."

"The cosmology thank you, do you say this ... I hope that one day I can also say to Nike." Truth na.

Li Wei revealed a smile in the mouth of this car, "There is always one day, I believe that Nikes may listen to us by our side."

Aron came in and started to sit there silently, and did not say a word. I don't know what I am thinking. Li Wei came to Along, "Aron is not very good."

"I am fine, my boss, I will go out first." Along said out.

"What happened to him? He is different from him." Wooden beauty is strange.

Li Wei smiled this goods, "I have a difficult time to solve it, people have a few days per month."

"That is a woman ..." Truth never talks, instant face is red, a pair of wonderful eyes are watching her.

"You don't want to look at me like this, you can evil, blame this alive guy, or not him, I will not say, hey, a group of crowd guys." Truth came out of his face.

Hahaha ...

It's really unable to break out, my time is also very nervous, from now until 500,000 words are four more, 500,000 words, broke out, the god horse will often have

Chapter 19 can't stand 339

The birds and mountains walked into the workplace of Guys, "I brought you a good news today."

Li Wei called a yawn, "Old bird, can you force it? The news of the bad street will not say ha, listen to boring."

"Available guys, this will definitely scare you, and the transformation of Mcrat has begun, borrowing the special ability of other monsters in Mickeras, how? Is it intimidated you." The birds and mountains smiled.

"Excuse me, is you a funcy in the monkey? Can you not tease?" Li Wei took the birds and mountains, and he couldn't com.

Wooden Beauty is a happy way: "So, you can see Mikras."

"Of course, it is." Birds and Mountains have recovered.

"So that special ability is?" Trismai is also very excited.

Birds Mountain made a shake posture, "It is a current attack, so the monster selected is ..." Birds and Mountains still want to sell, but Philosoping has already told him, "is Ai Ling."

"I will take a look ..." Wood's beauty opened the computer and started to check the information of Ire, "I really have to be."

Li Wei smiled this goods, "The beauty of the wood is not the king of Ire."

The future laughs and said: "The power of Aile and the combination of Miklas, it is very powerful."

The birds and mountains are proud: "Of course, their power combine, is called ..." But it is destined that the bird mountain is not more than, the pill secretary has told him, "as a one is Ire-Mcra S. "

"Aproun letting you grab me what I said." The birds and mountains who were eaten everywhere in Li Wei.

"Why can't you?" The pill secretary called.

"I am assistant, I can't help but ..." The two began to quarrel.

"But why should I use a current? Truth is a bit confused.

Li Wei felt that it was still better, grabbed the front of the philosoping, "It is very simple, Baggun is cut by the little dream after the tail paste, it will change under the attack of the current. "

"Dream ?!" said the future.

"Li Wei, you shouted to dream than Musi Dream? This title is kind, I will also call him a little dream later." Wooden Beauty.

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