I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 131

"I understand, if there is a ¥ traitor ..."

"No, Baggun has already knocked down, my existence has no meaning." The sword said with the last one.

"Dream is hidden, then I will give it to me." Mary is like Dream than Youz.

Dream is a bit, "I understand, the mother of Ort!"

Mary put the revenge armor on the sword, revealing the appearance of the swords, "With the disappearance of the armor, you also got the liberation." Mary said that the people who have gained liberation are Cherish.

Cherish's body slowly came out from the body of Xikuli, then the two sides once again, "From Today, you will live as a conceited Ott warrior, go to Chitculio Man."

"Thank you, the mother of Ott!" Jikari Altman is gone. Mary who finished all this is also ready to leave, a voice passed, "Hey, Mary, hello."

"Who?" Mary was shocked. Some people were in their own, but they did not find it.

A ray flashed, a huge body appeared, "Don't panic, my name is Nike, in fact, we have seen it."

Mary looked at Otmman in front of him. This Outman has never seen it. "No, who is you?" There is no Ottman like you. "

"Hey, Ottman doesn't need to be from the country of light, this is Mary you agree with?"

Mary nodded, this is true, "Nikes, you said we have seen it, there is no such person in my impression."

"That's because I have changed a look, is you going back now?"

"Yes, I don't know what to see me." Mary asked.

"It's very simple, it is just a beautiful woman in Altman, there is nothing else." Nikseus is shameless.

Mary's body slightly fought, never talk about Altman to her, this kind of Ottman he saw that Ottman is justice, with the universe as a person, While there is a beautiful woman.

"Please pay attention to your words. If there is no other thing, then you will see it again." Mary's voice is sure.

Of course, these are completely useless for Nikes, and the majesty is a yarn. It is the collection of the first light of the universe, and what majesty can affect labor.

"That's harsh, and is not very good? Although you don't know me, it is because I don't know, I should talk to the heart and talk."

Mary nodded. "You are right, but my business is busy, Nikas, I remember you, goodbye!"

Among the radiance, Li Wei appeared, looked at Mary's figure, "Some things really need to come slowly, Mary has a family, strong husband, excellent child, not good, revolution It has not been successful, comrades still need to work hard. "

In the work room of Guys, at this moment, I only silently situated there. Li Wei came in, came to Along, "How can I still think about the Captain Captain Captain?"

Alang nodded, "Yes, what happened to Caizu Captain?"

Li Wei smiled, "You are really a good car, I believe in me, one day you will meet, so I will come now."

Aron nodded. "I have always believed this, and the captain of Cherbrinders will not die, thank you, boss."

"Someone is really relaxed, a toilet is over, all things are solved, I also want to be such a relaxed." Truth got to Li Wei's goods next to Li Wei.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, "Since this, I will take you to the toilet." When I finished the hand who took the truth to go outside.

"You let me go, let me go ..." The sound gradually disappeared.

Chapter 27 Drunk 347

Li Wei, such a car, laughing, laughing the truth next to the toilet. "What do you want to do this?" Truth na.

"You say what I can do, naturally give you a little punishment, I played my feet yesterday, do you remember?" Li Yu smiled and asked.

I have flashed a panic in my eyes. "I don't remember, I will leave." I wanted to leave, but I was pulled by Li Wei, "Where do you want to go?" ? "

"Don't worry, let me go." Truth is angry, there is no personal freedom? "

Li Wei is easy to put the truth Nara into his own arms. "I haven't punished you yet, just put you, is it too cheap you."

It was pulled into the arms by Li Wei, and the truth didn't feel this embrace. Of course, what is red, "You are not qualified to punish me, do you think you are, one Heart color. "Thinking of this truth, he will not be able to succeed by him.

Li Wei smiled this goods, "If you qualify, do you need it? I am not qualified? Don't tease you, how can I go to play on the street?"

"If you go to the street ..." Truth Negli's eyes put a touch.

"Close your eyes." Li Wei suddenly said.

I didn't understand the truth: "What is it?" But even she didn't understand why she was so eye-catching, if Li Wei, this livestock, what did this be ashamed? Think about it is a little nervous.

"Okay, you can open your eyes." Li Wei came from the sound of this goods.

"What is your guy? What is it ..." Truth never stopped, it is not a phoenix nest, but a corner on the street, how can this possible?

"Li Wei, are you an alien?" Truth asked, "Is a human beings can't do?"

"Why do you care about these details? Do you think I am a bad person?" Li Wei took a trace of sadness in the eyes of this goods.

Truth Nai's heart, "No, no, I have never thinking that you are bad people."

Li Wei disappeared in this moment, "This is good, is your woman like shopping? Go."

Truth, Like, I looked at Li Wei, this alive guy, deceived my feelings, but I really didn't have to go shopping, I can go shopping today, I also a good thing, Li Wei Your mixed guy looks at me today, Truth is thinking in the heart.

"Li Wei, I need to buy some clothes, you will go with me." Truth said with a laugh.

Li Wei smiled without a smile, "Of course, you can buy clothes with beautiful women, but I am honored."

In this way, the truth begins to buy a crazy buy, what is expensive to buy, anyway, don't give money, things don't want her, and finally Li Wei is full of packaging bags.

Truth, you are waiting for labor, see how I will clean you in the future, Li Wei is secretly swearing in his heart.

When I passed an underwear shop, the Truth Nai's mouth revealed a smile, see how I let you lose his face, so I will go in.

Li Wei came in in the strange eyes of the women's clerk, and the woman who purchased underwear in the store also looked at Li Wei with the wonderful eyes.

Li Wei is not a good, mother, do you open a shop is not selling? The man can't come in, it is very strange.

Truth, I didn't expect Li Wei, the skin of Li Wei, so the skin, the eyes turned, "Li Wei, come over."

"Do you want me to help you choose underwear, I am very taking your hand, look at this Rice is good, very sexy, you wear it must be very nice, or you do it." Li Wei The context of the goods.

Truth is deeply absorbed with a sigh of relief. This is a good person, it must not be easy to let him go. "It's not to choose, you want you to try, come, put things down, hahaha ..."

Li Wei was next to the mirror by Trume Nara, and then the truth gave a cover for a cover, "Yes, Li Wei is very peaceful, hahaha ..."

"This is also good, good ..."

People who got the last store came to see it, and poor points, the laughter continued.

Li Wei looked at the mirror in the mirror, and he had thought about how to punish the truth. This time it will not be soft. This little girl is really unable to be.

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