I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 138

"Hey, come, I have to punish you well." The beautiful wood is bold, but whether it is in the character or the body of the wood, the body is not completely caught up.

Several men have been staring at Li Wei, the beauty of the truth, and the beauty of the wood seems to see something from it, and the relationship between several people always feels unfortunate. I got this farm animal? Li Wei has such a big charm, feel very general?

Even if I retire 10,000 steps, two women like Li Wei, but is this not a love? No, there is a word called: Love the enemy meets, is it more red? But the relationship between them looks very good. How to see, the person of happiness is Li Wei, mixed in two beauty, cool, why isn't it me?

Li Wei smiled and looked at several men. You will slowly go, look at your envy of the eyes, and labor is happy. Saying that their full-time is not a foundation, a few basic care, now how is it interested in a woman, is it to have a labor-capital stimulating their hormone secretion?

"Truth, I and you talk to you. Today, when I went to the park in the park today ..." Wood's beauty said, while saying that Li Wei is still looking at Li Wei.

After listening to the truth, I smiled and looked at Li Wei. "I really didn't think of it, you still have this hobby, very good."

"Don't praise me, even if I will be embarrassed, I need to go to the toilet, you will continue to talk ..." Li Wei, the goods said, then returned, and then turned to run.

"Li Wei, you will come back, I guarantee that you don't kill you ..."

35th chapter, Zam, Summer (seeking flowers) 355

At night, Li Wei looked at the sky, and played a few more soy sauce, and no longer came out to reveal two hands will be forgotten.

Among the space, a huge comet is in the event of a two-way battle. The cosmic swords Hamxia is swinging for his long sword star.

"You see the orbital of the Osma comet changed, it is flying towards the earth." Zhe Pacific panic said.

"What if it comes to the earth?" Asked forced to ask.

"It has seven kilometers in diameter, and it will land in the Pacific Ocean according to the calculated track, then the earth ..." Philosoping did not continue to say.

"A super tsunami, human beings will ..." The bird is soft.

Mikizi's snow is coming in, "Attack satellite V99 has been aimed at Oshma comet, only crush it in space."

"The chief is really good idea, admire, this kind of cattle fork can only be able to think about it." Li Wei took the arrogant.

Miki Snow looked at Li Wei, this goods couldn't help but remember the childhood, and the face did not consciously floating a slim, but they still need to be calm. "Unnecessary nonsense is not said."

Li Wei smiled this goods, "My heart is thinking so, how can it be nonsense, the chief, you say that it is serious to hurt me."

Some of Mikizi's snow, she doesn't know how to face Li Wei now. Sometimes I see Li Wei and hide, let her feel depressed. I am very afraid of being a sake. There is a feeling of gentleness.

"Oshma comet smashed into a piece of small meteorite, the location of the land is Japan, if it is down, it is bad, and Japan will become a fire sea." Zhe Pei shouted.

"I went down." A Long blood.

The truth is not angry: "I don't know who is the last one, causing the phoenix number in the maintenance, now there is only one ..."


The whole Phoenix nest has trembled, the body of Mikaki snow, and it will fall, but it has fallen into a broad embrace. "You have to be careful. If you are hurt, what should we do? We Need your command. "

Mikizi Snow feels the hot air from the ear, the trembly of the soul, how is this bastard to say that the things are so great, "I am fine, you can let go."

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, "The chief is the order? If it is not an order, I think the danger is better in my side, because I can protect the chief. "It feels like a good sense.

Mikizi's snow has a deep breath, "This is a command ..."

"Oh, that's good, the chief is careful ..." Li Wei once again took the snow in the body, "the chief, can't blame me, the ground is too trembling."

Mikizi Snow feels that he is going to be tortured by this guy, this is the third time, "You don't want to say anything, give me up!"

Li Wei climbed from Mikawaki, the woman was a small gas, and he was too much to be pressed by you.

Due to the shaking of the ground, all people are in panic, there is no special concern for Li Wei, how to say, Mikizi Snow ate a dumb loss. Obviously, the sanner said, why is it always suffering from Li Wei's livestock.

Finally, the ground stopped shaking, "You see ..." Zhe Pei pointed to the screen loudly.

"This is the universe sea Balgi, and the other has no information record."

"Looks like they are going to prepare for the duel, and just outside the Phoenix nest, I will drive the proporty to deal with them." Li Wei walked outside.

"Boss ..." Aron shouted, and the look was worried.

"Come on." The truth shouted, and she knew that she was ready to look at Li Wei.

"Li Wei, we will cheer you for you." The beauty of wood is also excited.

Mikasury snow and others looked at the beauty of Truth and the beauty of wood, what is the woman? No matter how this is a dangerous thing, how do they still excite, really don't understand, not the time to stay with Li Wei for a long time, people have changed.

Zhe Pei said: "Our imperative is to deal with the comet fragments that want to fall, otherwise the whole Japan is dangerous."

The birds and mountains smiled, "I will give us this matter."

The outside of the Phoenix nest, the battle has begun, and the Bargi Star people will be the dripping of the cut, but in the end, it is still a Mamashi skills, killing Balgi.

After killing the Balgi star, Zamxia issued a big, "Where are you, come out and make a winner with me." It turned out to look for the sword.

"Hey, you are called Zam Summer, what is it? I don't know if the earth is very dangerous now?" Li Wei drove his enthusiasm loudly.

"Who are you? How do I know my name? Is it my name too, even such a garbage planet heard my reputation, I must be like this." Zamxia is very narcissism.

"I am going, Nima dares to love again? People don't have a face." Li Wei is a very disgusting thing.

"Bold, this small earth man knows who I am? I am a cosmic sword Hamx, as long as I have a sword, I am the universe." Zam Xia said loud.

Li Wei, this car, "You really dare to say, I really don't know where you come to say, defeat the sword is the first of the universe, the countdown is still almost the same. The sword has been washed hands. You don't want to bother him, people are also living. "

Zam Xia is anger, "Garbage Earth, you are looking for death, see me." Zam Summer has pulled the sword.

"Don't be excited? The strongest amount of the universe is like this. As a strong, you must have a strong heart. You look at your own look, I just said you, you have to Split me, this is a strong person. "Li Wei said faintly.

Zamxia recovered the sword in his hand. "You are not wrong, I am a strong, can't be seen in this kind of garbage, sword, you come out, or I ruined this planet."

"I said that you are, how to make it to kill, you will make you fame, your body's parents, you have to love, listen to the brother, don't Nothing to leave, go back to your universe? "Li Wei is a big name.

"Shut up, trouble ..." Zam Xia has never seen such a person.

"Oh, ok." Li Wei is very close to the mouth, and there is two silver big guns on the ground, don't look at it, let's look at them.

The sky flashed a spark, a comet fragment of a fire whisped, the big gun started, one of the guns played in the air, it is a beautiful firework!

"Let the sword come out, otherwise I will cut this thing, you will finish it." Zamstroke smashed.

"Hey, how do I know where the sword is? You threaten me, but if you want to play, I will accompany you a few tricks." A burst of light is issued, Zamstroke I live my eyes.

"Zam Summer, remember my name Nike, it will become your life's nightmare."

Chapter 36, Small Happy (Flowers) 356

Looking at Naixs, Truth, Truth, and Wooden Beauty, "Too good, see how Narchers will defeat the arrogant guy, he is the most powerful."

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