I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 150

"You can come slowly." Labor will make it very clear about your ridiculous.

"Don't, the harsh guy, I'm gone." The color is over stepped. Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, colorful, and she gave people a feeling that it was easy to be friends, but I would like to have some difficulties. I really don't understand how to look at the original plot. The future is in the future.

Going back to the colorful personal research room, I saw a dog with dog food in the future. I saw a ranking, "Sorry, Alo, you must be hungry, thank you for your future."

"Nothing, I see it ran in, it seems to be hungry." The future laughs.

"Aldo was originally raising, but it didn't take care of it at all, I have no way to bring it here." The color of the color has a helpless.

Li Wei smiled this goods, "Is it related to an accident before three months?"

The color is a bit, "Yes, at that time, the high households and Aldo played out to play, and the results have encountered a monster ... This matter left trauma in the hearts of high households. For those who have not rescued Aldo, although Aldo is safe. The high household is very afraid of the monster. I don't dare to move in a monster. "

"A little misfortune, but I believe we can re-bring hope to high households." Li Wei seems to have stars in the eyes of this goods. "

"Higher households are very worship Nike, if Nassers can encourage him, but this is impossible, how can Alterman comfort a child." The color shook his head.

"Color, I believe that Nikes must hear your wish to restore the high household to return to normal." For the sake of picking up the girl is not comforting a bear child, what is big deal.

"If so, it is really great ..." Already finished, the entire research center is a bury.

"Let's go out!" Three people ran out of the home, and the sky rose a huge figure.

Chapter 49, take me 369

"That is an imperial star." Li Wei said in the sky.

The imperial star landed on the ground and started a crazy destruction.

"Why didn't you say Nikes? Will not be because I know Nike, so I will find a soft mortal." Said with a smile.

I have listened to this sentence in the future, and I was so depressed, did you have such a dish? I can't afford it.

The chaos of the entire city are all running, and a mistake is flashing. Dreams appear, starting with the battle with the imperialism.

"How is a turn in the future?" The color is a bit strange.

"Who knows, it should be to help dreams than Youis."

"Why don't you help? Are you not a member of Guys? Are you afraid of a monster." Said smile.

"I stayed in order to protect you, don't look small, I am very powerful, such as this." Li Wei quickly went to the back of the color, a punch.


The color was scared, looked at the fragments of four, and then looked at Li Wei's fist, and asked: "Is there a stone fly over?"

Li Wei nodded, "Yes, I have crushed it, it is okay."

"Then you are really very powerful, the stone should not be small, you are broken. It is very peaceful with you. You have saved my life, what do you think of you." It seems to have something else.

"I have never thought about it, because I have been helping others. But since I have this heart, I will reject you, I will hurt you, so I will mention a small requirement. How is I? "

The lotus said, "You really dare to say, I am not a casual person, but since you saved my life, then I will make it difficult, you come, I will come to kiss you."

Li Wei stunned, unexpected surprises, cheap does not account for Wang Ba eggs, as for the embarrassment of Li Wei, this product has not been a feeling.

Looking at the goods that came over, the corner of the color of the color showed a smile, "I tease you, hahaha ..." smiled and jumped.

Li Wei's body is stiff, it is actually played, and the unexpected surprise is a big yang, only shocking.

Looking at Li Wei's stiff body, the color is constantly laughed, "I am not a very wonderful feeling, I am very unhappy now, I don't know why."

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil, colorful girl, you will give labor, one day, I will make you pay one hundred times.

"You see dreams than You Si finally defeated the imperial star, so tough look, if it is Nikseus, you can kill the imperial gidences." The look of the color is a bit.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of the car, "If Nassess knows such a big beauty worship, it will be ambiguous."

"Is this?" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Li Wei revealed a mysterious smile in the mouth of Li Wei, "I believe in me, one day you will understand, I went to the toilet, you are waiting for me."

"Hey, Li Wei, what do you say, I don't understand, you wait ..." The color is called.

After a few minutes, a dazzling Guanuang rays exuded out in front of the color, and the color was covered, and slowly shining in the entity,

The mouth of the color is big, "Niksse ..." is an excitement, trying to swim in Nike, "Hello Nike, see you are really happy."

Nikes extended a hand to the side of the color. "Are you going to go up?" The color is excited.

Nikters dotted, the colorful climbing of the giant hand, "It's so warm, so comfortable ..."

Nikest's body suddenly flew up and went to the vast ocean. In the city, people looked up at the huge figure of the space, and they were excited, "Look, it is Nike ..."

"I have to take a quick shot, which is much more handsome than TV."

"Niksse, etc., take us with us to fly together."

In the workplace of Guys, Philosoping looked at Nikes is very doubtful: "I really don't understand, the monster has been defeated by Meiste, and Nike is doing? Hands with a woman with a woman "

The beauty and truth of the wood is itchy, what is the cuisine? It is purely for picking up a girl.

When you look at the ocean, you will continue to let go of the scorpion, this feeling is too cool, there is a feeling of dreaming, Nikas is flying!

Finally, Nikese stopped flying, raised his hand to his face, two eggs looked at the beauty in front of him.

"Hello, Nikese, really thank you very much, I feel like you dream, it is really great, I have never been so close to Ottman, I am too proud, I don't know What is good. "The excitement and excitement of the color.

Nikes didn't speak, just put the head, nothing to say, tangled!

"Can Nikese, can you encourage my younger brother? He is now in a fascinating pain, he worships you, if you are your words, you can make him recover." Calling very much, "No, I The requirements are too much, you are Altman, how can you do this? "

Nikekes once again, "I heard your wishes, I will help you realize." A voice rose in the heart of the color.

"Thank you, I want to kiss you, I am really happy." The color walked to the big face of Nike, touched the hand, and then the whole body was posted in Nike. Surns' body.

"Good warm feeling, um ..." The color of the color of Nikes was a bite.

Why don't I bother me when I am in my human form, I feel that there is no one, Nikith suddenly wants to cry.

"Nikeshi let us continue to fly, I want you to fly with me in this vast sea, can you?" The color is called, and she believes that Nike must agree.

Flying, Lottery opened his hands, enjoy the blowing sea breeze, how comfortable, thank you Nike, really thank you for listening to my voice.

Chapter 55 Leaves Future 370

After defeating the imperial star in the future, I met a high household. After a lot of nonsense, the high households only said to him, "I hate Guys and Altman." After that, he ran.

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