I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 157

"One hour later." Miyazaki replied faintly.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Forced water, I didn't stop it, "Right, brush your teeth, I want to brush your teeth."

"What happened to" Captain? "Along asked.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of the car, Fuja, hahaha, finally waited for you. Li Wei saw the line of sight of the goods to the chastity, the corner of his mouth revealed, chastity, you gave it to the labor to die.

"What are you thinking?" Truth staring tightly in Li Wei.

"Haha, haha, I didn't think anything, don't look at me in this eye? Is it the most basic trust between people?" Li Wei wiped the cold sweat on the head. How is it not less lesson, how many times, how to make the same mistake each time.

The moth showed Dragral, and Guys did not go. Drags finally escaped, Aron and the future go back to Guys, Chastity and Truth, did not come back.

The door was suddenly opened, and a person turned against everyone, Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, and Fuji Ze Mei came.

In addition to Li Wei and forced water, Fuji and forced water, all people were shocked, and the future called: "Yabo ..."

Aron jumped directly to the birds and put the birds on the ground. Li Wei, such a car, "Beauty, don't be so scary," Beauty, don't be so scary, you can find a place slowly scare. "

Fuji Zeamei took the mask on his face and smiled. Li Wei in front of him, "as the rumor, unruly, shameless, you are Li Wei."

"This person is the authority of the same physics?" Wooden beautiful way.

Zhe Pei immediately said: "Yes, I heard that she has been driving, after the age of 20, I got a doctoral degree in Division of the same physics."

Li Wei smiled in this car, "I can barely accept it, shameless, don't dare, Dr. Fuji, you really like to joke."

Fuji Ze Ma is near Li Wei, "I found that you are a bit different from others, find a chance to give me a good study, can you?"

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei. "What do you want to study? Is it still inside?"

"You are really bad, but I like it, you can specially allow you to call me beauty." The eyes of Mumei flashed a hint of charm.

When Li Wei, I still want to say something, the beauty of the wood has been pulled down, "Li Wei can not hinder our understanding of Dr. Fuji, let it open."

"Hey, this is a little rabbit, it is really very cute." Mumei reached out to pinched a few times on the face of wood.

The beautiful wooden beauty, "Hello, my name is the beauty of wood."

As Mime came to Argon, "You are the blood of the blood, you just have a very satisfaction, come to my sister to give you a lollipop." Mumei took out a big stick from the bag. Sugar delivers Along.

Looking at the big lollipop, Li Wei is instantly evil, you are really awesome, you can give you a lollipop you rest assured that you will be given to you.

"Dr. Fujita is still an oldest, in short this time, it will be able to drive you." Forced water and walked over.

"You still don't respond as before, can you learn a bloody mugger? A little surprise is not awkward, can you give me a bright feeling?" Mumei said.

Forced to make a constantly playing haha, appearing in the top two steps, "Well, you have been drinking it before fifty minutes?"

"No, I have already brushed my teeth." It is constantly returning.

"Don't drink coffee in front of me, you know what you do." Mumei fired forced water with his finger, forced to nod, and scared it.

"This is a monster doctor, come to you, you have to look at it." Mumei handed a information to the philosoping. Zhe Ping nodded, "I know, I will definitely look serious."

The birds and mountains coughed, the pill secretary immediately said: "This is auxiliary official ..."

"I know, are you a pill secretary of the old good person, and that a bald? It is a tempura called the old bird, hahaha!" Mumei smiled.

The bird mountain is angry, "Now the young people, I really don't know politeness."

Mei walked to the direction of the door, "The next is the cold girl and the enthusiasm."

When the door opened, the truth nylus and the chastity came in. When I saw Mei, I saw that Mumei, I can't speed up, "I am in love, my true life, my God!" Hui got to Mei In the past.

The corner of the beautiful mouth revealed that behind Li Wei, "How to do Li Wei? There are colorful lang, people are too afraid."

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, in the original plot, in the original plot, is not this, but very enthusiastic to chastity, is it because the existence of labor has changed this, and the labor is the most Strong, "Mumei, you don't want to be afraid, I will help you there." You are the biggest color.

"Don't go, my true life ..."

Li Wei's hand puts the chastity to block the chastity, "Zhiguan, Shi Zhiguan awake, don't see the beautiful woman, don't walk. How is it? Do you want to use violence? Let's give the goods directly two slaps.


The chastity was awake, and looked at the beauty behind Li Wei. "True women, I must let you fall in love with me, my heart will never fall in love with others."

"The old way to teeth the teeth, don't take it out," Li Wei disdain this car. "

Truth brightens this goods, "You mean that you are very advanced, you are very good, just hook a short while, I have to give you a good time? "

Li Wei smiled in this car, "I don't need it, I have always comparable to low-key."

Mumei looked at the beauty of Truth, "Hey, he said that the rabbit did not eat the grass, how did you give a woven grass? It is very powerful, I am optimistic, in order to repay you The glamorous claws went out, I would like to send you a gift. "Mumei handed a box of Li Wei.

"Thank you, this is not your photo shot, when you give me so many people, I will be embarrassed." Li Wei is full of faces.

The charm of Mei Yimei smiled, "It's almost something, there is not my permission, don't be opened, otherwise it will be angry."

"I am relieved, how can I make you angry, I am a good man." Li Wei smiled gently.

Truth, I pulled Li Yu, I called: "What extent you want to get?"

Forced to ran over and smiled and smiled in Mumei: "I look at you first to our room to prepare."

"So let me take a way for you, the true life." Yan Zhi walked towards Mimei.

"Aolong went to the chastity." Li Wei sent a command against Alone.

Aron smiled at the embarrassment of chastity, "I have no way, this is a boss's order, I am very helpless." A Long took the chastity, two people twisted it. together.

Truth nerves bow on the beauty, "I still let me take the way for you."

Li Wei smiled and walked to the truth, "Truth nerna looked at this." Li Wei took out a spider and of course fake.

"Ah ..." A scream, Truth Nai was scared to stand. Aron ran to the front of Li Wei, took a fake spider, "I didn't expect this to your man's wife, hahaha ..." Alan smiled.

Li Wei, this car, "Mumei let us go!"

"Oh, Li Wei, you remember this bastard, I want you to pay a hundred times." Truth brings a look at the back of the two people.

"Hahaha ..." A Long looked at the big smile.

"Laugh your sister!" Truth gave Aron's fart.

"Ah ..." The scream of a sound was lost.

Chapter 58 gives me a shot 378

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