I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 159

"Do you want to give you a kiss, I am so tangled, do you want it?" The eyes of Mumei are full of charm.

"You are really hook, forget it, leave me interest, I will give me two kisses, now go to Dragin." Li Wei smiled and walked outside.

"You know how to deal with it?" As asked, "I have asked more, you don't seem to know, I naturally understand that I will give you the real regional limiter, let's go."

Ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for support

The fifty-ninth chapter è è 379

Dragrally destroyed, the little dream appeared, and the battle in Dragi, was hit, and there was no way to change in the heroic form.

Dragi is watching, it is ready to escape, and the sky has split a gap, and a mouth appears.

"Regional limiter!" Li Wei, this goods played in the crack, in the light, the crack disappeared.

"Dream, I will give it the last blow to it now." Li Wei called.

Ma Yimei took a photo on Li Wei, "Don't do it."

"That is of course, don't look at who I am." Li Wei is the same as the second five hundred thousand.

Xiandong gave Dragli, and everyone joked joy to the phoenix. Guys Working room, Ma Yimei looked at Li Wei, "Li Wei, after I finished the work, I will leave, then we go to Hawaiian vacation."

"Of course, this is my honor." Li Wei covered this carcation.

"Bet, you give me a separation, Li Wei is not allowed to allow you to go." Truth is called very much.

"Little sister should not be excited, I will not grab what you will grab, when we go to Hawaii, then bring the bunny that has been born," Mumei smiled. "

The beautiful face of the wood is immediately red, "people, people are not angry ..."

The meaning of Tricken is flashing in the eyes of Tricken, go to Xiawei? It seems that it is very good, can't, can't be bought as simple, "I, I don't want to be Hawaii ..."

"If you have a girl, please take me, I am willing to go with you." The mouth of the mouth of the mouth is constantly moving, and it seems to think of the beach, beauty, bikini ...

"Is there anyone talking about?" Mumei surprised.

Li Wei shook his head, "No, Are you heard Aron?"

"I don't have yeah." A Long smiled.

The loud noise of Chastity, "I said you, don't ignore me, I am also swept the meteor shot of the European."

"Do you have to say it?" Truth is despised.

"In short, Li Wei got some goodbye, I still have an important job to be busy." Mumei threw a kiss to Li Wei, walked to the outside.

"Fox!" Truth didn't have a good way, "" A person was still fascinated. "

Li Wei coughed, "Trickenina, I just did it on the surface, you don't want to be true, in fact, my heart is always yours."

"Hey, ghosts believe you, I will never care about you with the little rabbit." Truth Nara is going to the side of the wood.

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil in the mouth of this car, the woman is like this, labor and capital do not believe in you.

After the next few days, Li Wei did not see Mumei, I heard that it was going to study the new meteor technology, once the success of success, it can be completely blocked.

All players are watching virtual screens, and the beauty of the wood is: "It is too powerful, and the phoenix nest actually has flight mode."

"So how is a big guy flying, I really can't imagine." A Long called.

"How to be scared." The birds and mountains smiled.

"But the old bird, how is this important thing tell us now?" Truth never asked.

The old bird is proud: "This top secret thing is only a few people who have headquarters, so they have to make you in the drummer."

The pill secretary came, "So the assistant is also known today." The old bird's face is green, it is hard to pack it, and it is dismantled.

"It is really good to be completely blocked by the phoenix giant gun, it is really good." Zhe Pei called.

"This way, the Asah will come back again." Wooden beauty jumps on the foot.

The Popular Technology Institute, forced to look at the things in front: "This is the sub-decompix."

Mumei smiled: "Yes, there is no matter what I have, you can completely seal the time through the Phoenix giant gun, I have to go to Hawaii."

"I wish you a pleasant, Gong Gong, Dr. Fuji." The face of the forced foot of the face showed a relaxed smile, finally gone.

"Hey, you just loosened it, is it going to go, you can drink coffee, is it? Say, you said." Mumei walked forward, forced backwards "No, how can it be?"

"Mumei!" A voice passed.

"Miki! I haven't seen you for a long time." Mumei yelled to run into the snow of Mikizi, and two people held hands and be happy. The relationship is very good.

Outside, forced water, look at the positive beauty and Miyazaki snow, "You will talk, I will leave."

"Hey ..." said a sound, the sky cracks a mouth, a super beast's figure is constantly shaking.

"You are going, I am, the regional limiter." Forced water ran forward, and ran a shot in the past, the crack was slowly sealed, but there was a small missile when it was completely closed.


The body of the forced body fly out, "forced the captain ..." "Small forced ..."

Guys' studio, the atmosphere is quiet, Li Wei is the car, "What happened? The captain has been out of life is dangerous, I know that you are very angry, but I hope that you will be angry to power, Revenge for the captain. "

Mei said: "I already know the guy's true face, you see."

"It is the missile super beast." Zhe Pei called.

"It's evil, that is the captain of this guy, I must do it." Alan took a look at the table.

"There are four hours from the next time the next time." Mei said.

"Four hours, time is very urgent, we must hurry to make the Phoenix nest to soar blue sky." Chastity was loud.

The door opened, Miyazaki walked in, "No, Phoenix nest can't start."

"Is this why?" Along asked very much.

"There is only the forced captain of the Phoenix Nest Flight Mode." "Miyazaki faintly.

"But the captain is hospitalized." A Long called.

"Headquarters has been studying new programs, we can't be unauthorized, this is the headquarters of the headquarters." The expression of Meikui still.

"Oh, it's evil ..." Alan took a table.

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