I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 166

"Since you know this, how can you let the beauty of the wood and the Tsuasaki." Truth asked.

"Because I want them to pay a heavy price, I want to take advantage of my little rabbit." Li Wei flashed in the eyes of this goods. "

Zhe Pei thought about it: "You mean that the beauty of the wood is not accidental, but don't have the heart."

Li Wei nodded this stock, "You can search for the information of the Kazaki."

"I found it, it is an actor, but I have played a movie. I have been grabbed by playing people, and I have a lot of breath." Zhe Pei called loudly.

"What will you say?" Li Wei asked in this car.

"If my words will be very unhappy, I only played a movie because the fight against the front, naturally it will be very unhappy." Along said.

"A Long, I didn't expect. I have always thought that you are a two gang, I didn't expect you to be a bit of mind." Li Wei took a few shots on the shoulders of Along.

"Thank you, the big praise, no, boss, what do you mean?" Along called.

"It can't you see it? Meet is that you are a stupid." Truth is disdainful.

"I am evil, you are a stinky woman." Along angrry raised his fist, but saw Li Wei's brutal look, only with tears, took the fist back, mom, this bitter day is a day Head?

"It is because I am not willing, so alone, no matter what kind of good, now it's awkward, in order to play again, but anyone can use it." Li Wei is cold and cold.

"But I don't understand, how do you use the beauty of Muqi?" Asked Chastity.

"You don't need to know this, look at it slowly, see how I played them." Li Wei flashed a murder in the eyes of this goods.

Aron's body shook, "It seems that someone will be able to suffer."

The door opened the beautiful side of the wooden, and everyone looked at her with a weird eye. Wood of the wood stunned. "How do you look at me like this?"

"Nothing, just feel that someone is going to be embarrassed, haha, haha ​​..." Everyone is constantly playing haha.

Chapter 67, Garbage, Tuan 387

"Wooden beauty, that Ji Saki is a friend when you are young, what is the relationship between you?" Truth never asked.

"Friends, Yosaki is the most best friend when I am childhood. When I am small, because myopia is wearing glasses, my students are laughing at me, calling my glasses, always following my surroundings."

Li Wei took this goods on the shoulders of the wood, "I feel good, my beauty, I will love you very much."

Wooden beauty nodded, "You listen to me and then say it! At that time, I was coming over, and I rushed into those people. I said to me: You are very suitable for glasses, you have to take courage, no one You can not look at you. This thing gave me a lot of courage, never care about how others say. "

"If you listen to it, this is not a bad person. The opposite is a bit touching." Zhe Pei touched the next Baudao.

"Bad people? What are you talking about?" Wooden asked the beauty.

"Oh, there is nothing, there is nothing ..." Zhe Pingli shakes.

"People always change, the previous things are not what we are familiar with." Li Wei faintly said.

What does the beauty of the wood don't think of what, "Li Wei, I want to please you."

"What is something, you said."

"That Musaki wants to ask me to eat meals, talk about childhood, can you let me go?" Wooden beauty said.

Li Wei, the eyes of this goods, "Oh, it is really touched, but there is not that necessary, just refused."

"Why?" Wood's beauty does not understand Li Wei this goods.

"You are not the one you know, I will tell you with him tomorrow." Li Wei is not refused.

"Oh ..." Woody beauty is unhappy with his mouth, but does not want to violate Li Wei.

"Well, the bunny should not be unhappy. You will understand, I do this for you." Li Wei pinched a small nose of wood.

"I hate it, the nose is brighter, I know, Li Wei will not lie to me." The beautiful face of the wood is renewed.

The next day, Li Wei came to a restaurant in the beautiful beauty. He was sitting inside. When I saw that Li Wei's favorite of the Yumi's eyes changed, there is a kind of thing called uncomfortable. Shake.

"You can go back, the beauty of the wood is uncomfortable today, can't eat, no other things we have to go." Li Wei faintly said.

He was standing up at once, and the two people loudly said: "What do you think of wood?" Is there any freedom? "

"Note how you talk, how to do your bird? Can you take your own business? If you don't have the ability to go to you." Li Wei quickly pushed the Yivali, pulling the woods outside Go.

Yosaki also ran out, on the grass, Li Wei, the goods and wood, "Hey, I said what you want?"

Zigashi looks at the beautiful road: "I just want to say something to the woods."

"So if I don't agree?" Li Wei faintly.

"Li Wei ..." Wooden beauty shakes the hand of this goods.

Li Wei revealed a helpless expression, "I know, what do you have to say, give you five minutes, our time is very precious."

Hexagi looks at the beautiful road: "Wood beauty, can I trouble you? I have a friend is a guys fan. He said that he has a lot of questions to ask you, want to meet you."

The beauty of wood is looking for Li Wei, "Can you? You have helped me before, Li Wei ..."

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, "Okay, so you will be there, you will go this afternoon." It's been can't wait to go. " How to kill you.

Looking at the two people who walked away, I flash a sinister in the eyes of Yaki. "See how I let you take a fame." I took out the mobile phone, "Hello, Luku? I have all done, you promise me thousands Wan want to do it. "

In the Guys's restaurant, all the members of Guys are all sitting, waiting for the Guys super fans who have a lot of questions.

Yosi came in with a young man who had a thief, after doing it on a table, "first introduced it, my name is a guys fan, I am very happy to know you." The hand of the slurry is a beautiful go with.

Li Wei, this car first reached out, "If there is any problem, I will answer you well." Li Wei's smile hides the murder, and the slim is this man, and she has been suffering from serious injury. Going on his body, I also split his future real identity, the most important thing, now I want to take advantage of the cheap bunny.

"Ah ..." The dramatic screams, the hand seems to be broken, "Let go, you guys actually hit people, do you want to be right with ordinary people?"

Li Wei smiled disdainful smile, "Do you have evidence? Do you have a person's certificate and a tax certificate? If you don't have a yarn."

Liuguan took back his hand, "My hand is the best evidence, you see, you are dead."

"What is your relationship with your hands and labor? If you don't have a problem, can you roll out if you don't ask?" Li Wei took the ear.

Others have a little stunned, and rarely see Li Wei. When Victorizes looked at the thrill, this guy didn't seem to see it.

Surge is constantly reminding yourself in your heart, enduring, the purpose is not reached, waiting for the matter, what should I do?

"I remembered, that person is a slut." Chastity suddenly said.

"You know him?"

"Yes, a journalist of a gossip weekly, in order to get a dog with dirty means to get gossip." The way of angry in anger, he added a lot of gyus in the beginning, it is from this person.

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