I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 168

Zhe Pei thought about it: "I understand, that is the same principle, and the principle of artificial Micro."

"But we didn't have it to make Nobes." Pills secretary doubt.

"It is manufactured by Nobei Ben, which has been turned around around our base, capturing the high energy molecules of Little Ire, this is the reason for the disappearance of Little Ire, Nobei uses high energy The molecular produces artificial Nobes. "Zhe Pei said loudly.

"It's a sly guy, I actually gave us a design." Forced the water to take a look.

The sound of the alarm suddenly remembered that the whole Phoenix nest was a tremble, the virtual screen opened, the red huge ghost is in the place where the Phoenix nest is less than one hundred meters.

"It seems that the purpose of the present is to destroy our Phoenix nest, which is evil, agron, they will not come back for a while." Zhe Pei worried.

A silver-gray rays flashed from the sky, the silver-gray Nichasse rapid extensive entity, swallowing the Yabo people, the basic form of Nikes is the chaotic form

"Great, it is great, Nikese is coming." Zhe Pei called loudly.

Birds and Pills secretary took together, "Great, great, don't die."

Nobei sent a roar, red tentacle walked in Nike, Nikeshi's relaxed holding the tentacle, and his hands were torn, and the tentacle was pulled in a fire.

Nobei sent a huge, the body fell back, but it was also tenacious, and there was once again stood up, waving the sickle to see Nikes.


The sickle rospel on the body of Nike, splashing a layer of sparks, and Nobes smashed.

"Stupid, can you use some strength?" Nike screamed the sickle, another torn, the sickle was pulled down from the body of Nobei.

"I am not intentionally, I really don't mean, send you to hell." Niksse scaled Nobei, a thrown, Nobei's body was thrown into the sky.

"Press the light!" A powerful silver gray ray was sent from the arm of Nikes.


In a beautiful fire, Nobei's body is in order to molecule. Aron and others knew the cheers after this news, suddenly the future of the face changed, that is the Otte sign, "the call for the country of return." What is going on, is it going to be recall?

"What are you selfless in the future?" Aron asked.

"Nothing, there is nothing ..." The future is hidden in the eyes, is it going back? " Really good.

Chapter 69 Goodbye Angel 389

"In the recent time, Guys playing incident, caught people's widespread concern, for this, our A * V TV invited Mr. Li Wei, member of Guys, now let us come to Mr. Li Wei once. Excuse Mr. Yu, what do you think about this matter? "Asked a male host.

Li Wei shook his head disdain, "Pure inexpected, our guys has been obvious to protect human beings since the monster appearance, how can I play people? I really don't understand why there are people. Such dirty, even our guys is falling, let us have always protecting people's players. "

"But there is a photo of the injured, and also tells another unpacking memory, and you are sure that you are playing." Asked the host.

"Please, do you have a little primer? Listening to people, just find a picture, then say that it is guys, is we too embarrassing? Is there evidence? Does me hit the evidence? Amusement is a crime, the host invites you to pay attention to your words, otherwise we will meet in the court. "Li Wei faintly.

The male host wiped the cold sweat on the forehead. "The one did there is no evidence, you can look at these two people, a misfortune, the person who has no missembling is hit."

"Hey, do you have a mistake? Do you know what you are? Have you investigated? Since the introduction of our guys, we checked the rumors, the one of the gossip reporters, Luochuan I often use the dirty means to get gossip, and the other is an actor, but because the hit is caught, such a person is also believed, it is not too losing to people. "Li Wei The way of expression.

The host smiled, "We don't know the identity of these two people, well, today's interview here, thank you Mr. Li Wei to our TV station."

Li Wei was surrounded by a large group of reporters, "Mr. Li Wei is very concerned about this matter now ..." Mr. Li Wei ... "

Li Wei is also too lazy to say, directly went to the roadside to cross the motorcycle, quickly disappearing in the eyes of everyone in the roar of the engine.

"What do you think about the guys playing incident?"

"That is absolutely impossible, I really don't understand why some people are so bad, have there evidence? There is no evidence to say a JB, I absolutely top Guys."

"Please ask you ..."

"I just want to say not to let me see the spread of rumors, otherwise I will not make them Xiang, there is no evidence to fall, it is what I want to be crazy."

"Please ask you ..."

"A small actor, a gossip dirty reporter, is definitely the retribution of God to them, only to make it, I still want to smear Guys, I want to think about the speculation, can't forgive guy."

"Don't ask me what I do, I am absolutely supporting Guys, they can't make such things."


The public's views on this incident is amazing, believed in and supporting Guys, Yosaki and Liuguan were meat, and have become a mouse shouting.

Of course, these don't care about the goods of Li Wei, where is Li Wei? A hospital, Li Wei, the mouth of Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, "Angel, labor and capital again, and once again harassment, labor and capital do not believe it."

"A certain number!" A gentle voice came out.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil and laughing in the mouth. Yamasaki looked at Li Wei, and the eyes were shocked. She thought that this person has already given up? "What happened, the young man is sick and made?"

Looking at this gentle smile, Li Wei has a weak feeling in this instant, and can I not calm down? "Yes, I can't help it again, I want to see you." Li Wei is full of love.

Yamashi Lily has smiled, "The young man, listen to me, don't waste the time on the people who are not worth it, you are still young."

"What is it is not worth it? In my opinion, you are the most worthwhile! What is it still young? In love, you have never been a problem." Li Wei said loudly.

Yamasaki sighed, "You are Li Wei, how can you not obey?" Yamashi Lily specially read the name left by Li Wei.

obedient? How did this word be used in my body, is there a child? "I am very obedient, but I have my insistence, even if it is wrong, I have to stick to the end, let it become right." Li Wei said that he can't understand himself, to manage it, as long as it is It is possible if you have effect.

The soft smile on the Yamazaki lilies, I touched my forehead. "Li Wei, I will clearly tell you, we are impossible."


"There is no matter why some things don't need reasons, it is impossible, I have my life, I don't want it to be disturbed, do you understand?" Yamazaki louve.

Li Wei nodded this stock, "I understand."

"You understand, if there is nothing, I have to work." Yamashi lily recovered a soft smile.

"I understand, just turn your life into our lives." Li Wei smiled in the goods.

Yansaki looked at Li Wei, "I just said," I have just said something to do? "

Li Wei shook his head, "I will stick to the things I have to do. If you give up because you have a few words, can this be called your feelings? No matter what your answer is, I Will not give up, even if it doesn't make sense. "Said some great words to show your great, hahaha ...

Yamasaki Lilous is really helpless. In fact, there are many people who pursue her. There are a lot of hospitals, but they are all refused, she feels that they have passed the season, there is a daughter, of course, There is nothing to see. This young man in front of you, Yamazaki is not annoying, but as a female doctor, it is difficult to have any truly hate.

"I can only say that I am very sorry, Li Wei, I believe you will encounter truly suitable for you, now I have to work." Yamazaki liabwood.

Li Wei smiled in this goods, "We will meet."

Looking at Li Wei's back, Yamashi Lily is a little unclear, and it is unable to do the last time.

Li Wei came out of the hospital, came to the outside, "Yes, today is a little progress, just step by step, anyway, labor and capital have time."

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