I am Ultraman

I am Ottman, Chapter 171

Li Wei nodded, "Yes, the senior, you don't catch chickens, what's the matter, I have seen your sister and say."

"Okay, good, really thank you very much." The seniors were excited, and then took Li Wei to go to a building's rooftop.

Li Wei reveals a mysterious smile, beauty, labor.

"This person is a member of Guys, which looks very ordinary." A soy sauce gave the goods to Li Wei.

The seniors said: "She is a certain friend."

Li Wei put his hand, "Don't say more about it, is that person is your sister?" Li Wei looked at a woman in a blue dress sitting on a bench.

"Yes, she is my sister Mei Sha, this year, I will study at this university." The seniors introduced it.

Meisha stood up and smiled at Li Wei. Li Wei, this product felt his heart and jumped with a moment of acceleration, a warm woman, a woman should be colorful.

"Can you help me?" Mei Sa's eyes fell over, "Help me to drive away my unknown things in my body?"

Li Wei smiled slightly, "as long as you believe me, there is nothing impossible, and talk to me,"

I nodded. "That is a night before, we went to the beach, suddenly flying from the sky, a blue fireball, the fireball rushed to us, then we all became unconscious, then we wake up At the time, Meisha continued to call it, so hot, it seems that it is very panic. We can't get careful. She holds her own hair and shouting, and then burned around the flame. Later Mei Sassard often Follow the panic, then there must be fire burning around. "

"I am very afraid, I feel that I am not myself." Mei Sha is full of panic.

How can she panic like this, the responsibility of labor is to bring everyone happiness, Li Wei's full face, "Messa is not tight, I will definitely help you."

"Meisha! I took a master." A man's voice came over, Li Wei looked at the people, it is a handsome man, of course, Li Wei is just a human gaze, Li Wei. This goods believe that their handsome has exceeded the scope of human beings. It seems that this guy finally and Meisha were together. He seriously hurts the fragile heart of Zhe Ping. You will be relieved now, you will not experience that pain, all things are made by labor. Bear.

A very vocabular master walked toward Meija, "Wow, what is evil atmosphere, the Tianling spirit is spiritual, it is a raccoon cat."

"The raccoon cat ?!" The senior is called.

"But there is no relationship, as long as there is my spell, everything can be done, as long as 500,000, can be divided into the division." The so-called master took out a straw paper.

"Is it funny? Do you want to roll back? I will send you, or you can roll it yourself?" Li Wei went to the "master".

"What do you say, don't laugh, let you see the power of this master." "Master" took a spell to the Meisha, "Go out, come out, the raccoon."

Masha looked at the "master" panic, "Ah ..." After a scream, the grass paper in the "master" was ignited.

"Ah, so hot ..." "Master" fell into his hand on the ground.

Li Wei was directly in the body of "Master", "Master" is a scream, Li Wei came to the beautiful sand of panic, one hand on the shoulders of Meisha.

Meisha only felt a feeling of comfort, the feeling of panic slowly dissipated, "Thank you!" Mei Sassard smiled slightly.

"Secretary I want to bring Meisha to us Guys. You have no opinion." Li Wei faintly.

The seniors hurriedly, "as long as you can treat good Mei Sha, everything will listen to your arrangement." The seniors really don't want to see their sister.

The handsome guy invited to Master immediately said: "Why must we want to pleasegys, we can also have it, Meisha will find a way to treat your method."

Li Wei smiled disdain, "When is you planning to find it, don't you know that guys represents the highest level of technology? If you want to have a stupid thing, don't say this kind of stupid, you will look at you very naive "

Handsome guy, I still want to say something, Mei Sha first said, "High tree, I believe in Guys, you also want me to get better early."

The high tree nodded. "I know, go."

Li Wei felt a bit uncomfortable in the hearts of the goods, and the two people got to be part of life and death. I have not delayed. "

Meisha nodded, "My brother, I am gone."

"Go, we are waiting for your good news." The schoolmaster smiled and squeezed out a smile.

Chapter 74, a good person 393

On the road, Mei Sha has not spoken silently. Li Wei reveals a smile, "Meisha, what is your relationship with that high tree, I don't understand how he will make you like this?" First, I have to explore the enemy. Of course, it is a stable relationship. If the labor will help you open, don't there a word, although the famous flowers have the Lord, but also loose soil.

"You said high trees, he is my best altered friend. His reasonable, the master also wants to help me clear things, I don't blame him." Meisha said with high trees, With a silk joy.

Li Wei revealed a smile in the mouth of the car, seeing the beauty of Merca, she and the high-tree relationship is still above, the lovers are not full, since this is good, the high tree is Go it while going.

"It turned out to be like this, Mei Sha can be fully assured, we can definitely solve your problem."

Mercure Mercure Looking at Li Wei, "I believe you, you make me feel very peaceful."

In the work room of Guys, the philosophy is surprised to look at Li Wei, "Li Wei, you bring the seniors' sister to Guys, what is the problem?"

Li Wei nodded, "Yes, once she is in panic, there will be flames around her, this is my own eyes." Li Wei's seriousness.

Truth I thought about it, "Is she beautiful?"

"What are you talking about? Her beauty does not care at all, I just can't help a person in suffering." Li Wei's greatness.

"Pack, you will be loaded." Truth never disdain.

Li Wei coughed, "According to the Meisha, it will be like this, and what we have to do is to find this kind of thing, but what is found through medical equipment Can't. "

"Little rabbit we will take a look at this patient, care about it is our responsibility." Truth Narah took the beautiful wood.

Li Wei revealed a trail of the mouth of the car, you can't interfere with labor, although you are optimistic.

Early the next morning, Li Wei took a vase in this car, and it was installed in some small flowers. "Meisha morning, can you still sleep last night?"

"Well, I have slept very much, beautiful flowers." Meisha was happy to look at Li Wei.

"He is more cool here, so I want to decorate something, you can also feel comfortable." Li Wei smiled softly.

In addition to the window, three big men are voyeur, "Li Wei said." "Surprised in the future.

"Yes, rarely see the situation, but Mei Saha is really cute." Aron's voice has a trace of strange, seeing beautiful chickens.

"If I want to send a rose, a good opportunity to waste it." Zhiguan sorry.

Li Wei, the mouth of this car, walked to the glass window, "I said that you do three here? If you are, labor can send you one entrail."

Aron's cold sweat came down, "Boss, I think I still have something, I will go."

"A Long and so on, I will do it with you." The future ran.

"You still don't go, I will send you a good time." Li Wei grabbed the chastity of the wanted to escape to the outside.

"Oh, huh ..." Matsha smirked.

Li Wei, this product smiles: "Mei Sa you laugh, it is really not easy?"

"I have always thought that you guys is very serious, so there is a panic for you, but now you seem to be the same as ordinary people." Meisha smiled.

"Yes? It seems that you need to deepen our understanding." It is mainly to deepen your understanding of my understanding.

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