I am Ultraman

I am Altman Chapter 174

Meisha took a pendant. "I know, I will always take it around, can you treat your half as me? I also hope that I have been by your side ..." Meisha's blush, always feel This kind is very embarrassed.

"Of course, I will always take it around." Li Wei smiled and worn the pendant in his own neck. "You see, just like this."

Meisha is happy, and also put the pendant in the neck. "Thank you, I really can't go."

"These words, wait for me to completely solve your body's problem, let me talk, now I am going to be busy, Mei Sa, you will take a good rest." Li Wei snapped up the hair of Meisha.

Looking at the back of Li Wei, Meisha called, "Li Wei, don't go, this is given to you."

Li Wei looked at the small scarf that Meisha was taken from the bed. "Is this you do?"

Mei Sassard nodded some shy, "Yes, I will make materials to the nurse, you don't like it?"

"No, I like it very much, thank you Mei Sha." Li Wei took the scarf, haha, good, labor-owned.

"You can like it is too good, I, I will help you in the future." Mei Sha low seems to be very shy.

Li Wei smiled, "Meisha, you are really a good girl, whoever marries you will be very happy." Although the words said that Li Wei has automatically defined the only one The elegant is chosen.

If you don't give Messa talking, Li Wei is then said: "Don't worry, everything will be fine." Do not know how to perform this gentle performance of labor? It looks very effective, good, make persistent efforts, completely occupying the heart of Meisha chick.

Guys work room, "Boss you mean is what we can't attack Fosgger?" Alang asked very much.

"Yes, Fom and Meisha is high, attacking Fominger is attacking Meisha, you have left a wound on the shoulders of Meisha." Li Wei faintly said.

"It's really a thing, there is no way?" Tricken is a helpless look.

"We must not hurt the beauty, the beautiful sand is pitiful." Wood's beauty said.

Philosophy continued to operate the computer. "In the previous record, there have been similar things, and the Foms attached to the human body, but after being defeated by Ottman, naturally, it has been separated, and there is no harm. But this time the beauty of Mei Sand is different, and the attack on the Fom GG is directly reflected in the Meisha. "

"So I knocked down Fomiggger, the descendant of Meisha was dead, this kind of thing is absolutely unable to happen." Li Wei is full of face.

"What do you plan to do?" Aron asked.

"This can only come again, and the Fom GG has once again appeared again, and the other is temporarily difficult to think of a way."

"Worse, Meisha disappeared from the ward." Wood is so happy to run.

"Foms appeared in the first production plant." Zhe Pei looked at the computer.

Li Wei smiled this goods, "Let's go, this time I will definitely save Mei Sand."

"The boss is very confident, isn't it difficult to solve it?" Aron was confused.

"Otherwise, do you think he rely on your boss, pig!" Truth disadpent.

Aron's gas, "You have a kind of man, you have a kind, see that I don't make your mouth."

"Pig, what happened? Have a matter, you will come, don't be ignorant, no men." Truth gone.

Aron screamed, although I wanted to violent the truth, but I thought of Li Wei's terrible, or I was still calculated.

Chapter 76 Unfinished Embrace [Seeking First, Beginning] 396

The Fommy has appeared again, constantly destroying the oil apparatus, absorbing the flame after the oil burning, and growing its own strength.

Li Wei drove the flying wings, sitting behind the truth, "I said Li Wei, you have to save Meisha soon, otherwise we are very passive, don't play, but you can't Look at the destruction of Foms here. "

Li Wei smiled this goods. "Okay, let's take a look at the Shenqi of the labor."

, ...

The silver-gray light flashed, Li Wei lost his trace, and his endless silver gray rays slowly turned to the entity, and the silver-gray Nike appeared.

"Look, Naikesez, or the first time I saw the changed Nikes came out to fight." Qi Ping is excited to operate the computer.

"If Nai Kese will save Mei Sand." The beautiful road is firm.

Fomg has collided with Nikters, and Nassez grasped the head of Fom. It couldn't go forward. The flames of a row were sprayed from its mouth. Out of the body of Nikes.

The flame is slowly dissipated, Nikas does not have a little thing, and the strength of the strength makes Nike's experience in an invincible. "Now, it is to trigger the light energy in your body, put Meisha with you. Thoroughly separated, died, stupid. "The other hand of Nikes placed on the chest of Fom.

"Boom ..." Foms sent a shocking snoring, from its chest position, a bright light.

All the players look at this all, how can I have a bright power on the body of Fomgger? It is really too much.

Nikes now has to do it in the fans inside and outside. The light energy in the Fomg body is derived from the pendant of Meisha, which is Li Wei, which contains a lot of light energy, there is this Light energy can protect the Mei Sand from harm when it is separated.

The hands of Nikses also played a light and hit it in the body of the Fom. Nikeshi's hands slowly separated, Fomg made a shocking snoring, a blue flame slowly touched from Fomg's body.

As the intensity of involvement, the blue fireball has been pulled out half, and the body of Fomger is slowly blocked, and it will disappear at any time.

"Ha!" Niksse's yell, his hands were suddenly separated, and a blue fireball and a light ball appeared. In the light ball, you can see a shadow, it is Mei Sha.

Nikesez puts the light ball wrapped in Meisha in the ground, and the light ball slowly dispersed, and the body of Meisha appeared. "Meisha." I have already got Mei Salie, but Meisha is already in a coma.

Nikes looked at the flames that constantly struggled, it was also energy, or absorbed, the beam traged to fly to the core of Nikes.


The blue fireball is violently shaking, but it is still helpless to be swallowed into the core, a silver gray ray, the blue fireball has disappeared.

"Good yeah, win, and saved the success of Meisha, it is my Nikseus." Wooden beauty jumps on the foot.

"Your Nikes ?!" Philosoping and forced water were surprised to look at the beauty of wood.

"Amount, that, that ..." Wood's beauty support, "I just like Nikese, this is what I want, he is my Nike." Mu's beauty said final Refractive.

The birds and mountains have joined, "How is it all like Li Wei, and the nerves are ignorant.

"What did you say? I heard it, I will tell Li Wei, I will not use it." Wooden snort.

"The beautiful player of the wood, don't do this, everyone is working together, do you take a little ok?" Birds didn't have a luggage, and the goods of Li Wei have formed a fear of fear. .

"Hey, I will tell Li Wei, you don't ask me." I dare to say that my Li Wei, I don't forgive you. "

Li Wei and others have come back, as for the coma Mei Sand has been sent to the hospital, I want to completely restore the body is not difficult.

Today is a sunny day, Li Wei is in the mandate of Wood's Beauty and Triana, put on the suit and hits the tie.

"Not bad, it is really a human model dog." Truth has walked two laps around Li Wei, although this is said, it is deeply satisfied, this is his own man, the woman Don't want your own man to be perfect.

"This is a rose, come to take it, give it to Meisha." The beautiful smile and handed a tiered rose to Li Wei, "Let's go, Mei Sha is almost discharged."

Li Wei got in a hospital, and the top of the hospital, Mei Sha and his brother are constantly wishing to doctors, and did not pay attention to the arrival of the three.

"Li Wei, good performance, don't lose our face." Truth laughed on the shoulders of Li Wei.

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