I am Ultraman

I am Ottman Chapter 176

"Li Wei, forgive me, forgive me, is my fault, I actually put you forgotten, my fault, I am not good ..." Meisha raised the double eyes that were full of tears, Poor looked at Li .

"Nothing, I have never had your gas, you can think of it, how can I blame you." Li Wei took out a paper towel gentle ashame.

"Do you really don't give birth to me?" Meisha did not dare to believe in Li Wei,

"This is not your fault, I know that you lose your memory, as long as you can think of it, everything is beautiful." Li Wei said with a laugh.

"Li Wei, you are really great, I am really sorry that day, I thought you won't forgive me anymore." Mei Sassard's eyes showed a lot of tears, of course, this time is a tear.

The high tree is angry, how can it become like this, Mingming Mei Sha is his talented, how can I pounce into another man's arms, "I am evil, how can you like this, why?" Gao Shu angry Calling.

Mei Salie wiped the tears of the eyes, very apologized to look at high trees, "Gao Shu sorry, I really can't be with you, my disappeared memory is restored, I just want to stay in Li Wei. There must be more suitable for your girl. "

"I don't understand what we have met so long. If you don't know if you have more than a long time, this is why?" The high tree looks like a feeling of death, accuse The poor man hurts.

Li Wei is silent for three seconds for high trees, you can go with peace of mind, Mei Sand labor will take care of you.

"Yes, we have a long time, I can now tell you, I have a good impression on you before, if there is no Li Wei, maybe we will be together." Meisha is very calm, though Very cruel, but some things must be understood, otherwise it will only cause more harm.

"Then why you have to change." The high tree paind.

"Because I have encountered Li Wei, he made me very peaceful, although only a few days of acquaintance, but I wanted to stay around him forever, once a woman would not change again? The high tree is really sorry. "Meisha said when these words were very uncomfortable. If you can, she doesn't want to hurt, but now I have said that I have to say, Meisha feels easy, everything will be fine. , This is what Li Wei has said to her.

"Haha, haha ​​..." The high tree suddenly laughed, "You are sorry, is this useful? Is it useful?" The high tree is crazy.

Li Wei smiled disdainful. "I said that you can't stand it as a woman, this is not able to fight? It's really fragile."

"It's all you, you are all you, if you are not you, Meisha will not leave me, I want to kill you." The high tree is crazy to rushing to Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled disdainful smile, put the beauty of the United States to the body, gently grabbed the fist of the high tree.

The body of the high tree slowly bent, the big pain came in the hand, let him feel the feeling of feeling the bones, "Ah, let go, let go ..."

"Li Wei, you will let him let him ..." Meisha pulled the clothes of Li Li.

Li Wei nodded, release his hand, the high tree is completely lying on the ground, constantly gasping the atmosphere.

"You also look at yourself, I understand that you can't help you, see yourself, I hope you can have a little self-knowledge, you can't protect Meisha, you can't give her happiness. You want Mei Sand If you have happiness, only one thing to do, you will be able to look at Mei Sand from Mei Sha, and you can say this. "Li Wei said faintly.

The high trees climbed from the ground, full of resentment, "Li Wei, you remember it, one day I will let you lose the fame, Mei Sa you, you will wait, I will let you Pay ... "


A heavy slap, the body of the high tree is rotated from the sprinkle a few turns, and Li Wei has walked over the back of the high tree in the past.


A blood sprayed out from the mouth of the high tree, and there was three teeth that sprayed out.

"Can you manage your own mouth? Otherwise, I don't know how to die. It is not a beautiful sand today. After the labor is finished, I will pinch it, because I will die." Li Wei is cold and cold .

Meisha took the hand of Li Wei, "Li Wei, after all, is my friend I have been, you will let him."

"Okay, everything listens to you." Li Wei immediately changed a face, so it is very good, you can let Meisha feel that labor is paying attention to her, haha!

"Thank you, Li Wei, you are so good to me." Beautiful and happy.

"That is natural, I am not good to you, who is good to you, let's go." Li Wei pulled no Mei Sand to leave.

"But ..." Meisha looked at the high tree on the ground.

"Nothing, there will be someone to deal with, Mei Sha is too kind."

Looking at the figure of Li Wei, the high tree resentment, "Li Wei, I don't share it with you." Li Wei joy, you successfully pulled hatred. If you hate, you hate it.

Chapter 79 Chapter Ka Tmiera's wedding [ask for the first order, ask for reward] 399

On the streets of the vast street, Li Wei is going to stop, and then it seems that it seems to be perceived. That's right, Li Wei is looking for Ka Tmila. Now you must quickly find Ka Tmiel, let all everything else, Li Wei, I don't want to see Ka Tia, she is already someone else. Woman.

If the card is not lost, it should be easily found, because there is a strong energy in the body, the breath is different, but I am afraid that the card is lost, and the strength is generally. No two.

Li Wei's continuous walking stopped to repeat boring things, special, Cardi, where are you? Do you have to let the labor look at you and other men? This kind of thing, labor, labor, will never let it happen.

Li Wei sat down on a bench, took a shot of his head, Nima, exhausted labor, find someone like this, "It seems to have a weak energy, right, this is this I feel, from which direction is coming, the card is sure you, otherwise it will be crazy. "

In a church, this moment is holding a marriage ceremony, a beautiful woman wearing a Y-shaped ornament wearing a white wedding dress, next to her is a mature and stable man.

The priest is to the bride: "Ka Tmie, are you willing to be your husband to marry him? No matter what the disease is still healthy, no matter whether the blessing is still expensive, or any other reasons, love him, take care of him, respect him, Accepted him, always loyal to him until life? "

The woman hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded. "I, willing." The man also relieved, as long as this is ok, I finally got this woman.

The father asked the groom again: "Panasonic Renke, you are willing ..."

"I am willing."

The father asked the people sitting again: "Are you willing to do this vow?"


"I oppose!" A domineering voice came from the gate of the church.

Everyone is shocked, this is a young man, must admit that it is very handsome, but it is a bit a little unexpected, how to have such a young guy is not normal. ?

The father said loudly: "Why don't you want? They have agreed to each other, unless they are God's will, otherwise no one can separate them."

"Because she is a woman who is labor, no one can take him from my hand, so do you ask you a stupid god?" Li Wei said faintly, "Kammiela is you?" If there is no proper reason, labor will open the killing. "

"Who are you? Do you know me? But one thing to explain, I am not your woman" Ka Tmiel looks at Li Wei, I always feel very familiar, what is this man relationship?

Li Wei smiled in the laugh, "I did the same as I thought, you lost memory. How did you get a lot of memories recently?"

"I have lost my previous memory. I should know me like you. Can you tell me who is it?" Ka Tmila looked at Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled, "This is a must, because you are a woman who is labor, if you can't think of this, it is not a big loss." Li Wei walked step by step by step to Ka Tiala. Arck, "Let's go with me, I will find a place to tell you everything."

The man next to Kam Tmieli is also a man who is preparing to get married by Ka Tmie. "Who are you? Do you want to open this joke? Cairira wants to complete the marriage with me, to At that time, she would really become a woman, please leave here, otherwise I will call the police. "

"Haha, stupid you really scare labor and capital, I really don't understand who gives you the courage to say this. After the labor, she is a woman who is labor, how far is you? "Li Wei's mood feels very uncomfortable. If you come back later, Ka Tmie is getting married with other men, it is not forgiveness.

"Who do you think you are, people I want to roll are you." Panasonic Renke did not have a slightest.

Li Wei's eyes flashed in the eyes of a silk, and the Panasonic Renke didn't know what happened. He only felt a pain in the neck, and his body was slowly raised.

Li Wei is constantly struggling to struggle, "Do you really want to die? Labor, don't mind, send you."

Everyone began to panic, how did things become this, it is clearly married. Many people start running towards the outside, and things are not hung up.

Several men came over with Li Wei, "put down the Renke, or we call you to see."

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