I am Ultraman

I am Altman Chapter 178

"Cardi is what you are doing?" An anger voice came over, and I saw that Panasonic Renke came over with dozens of mammograms, a pair of gestures and Li Wei.

Li Wei stood up, "Hey, labor is going to be scared, many people, but useful? Waste is always garbage, top more is some strong rubbish, but the essence will not change." Li This product took the ear, and the face was disdain.

"Oh, Card, you gave me." Panasonic Renke has lost rational, he is urgently wanting to kill the guy of Li Wei.

Kardi wrinkled, "Panasonic Renke does not order me, how do I do is my business, you have no right to ask."

"Well, very good, you are stinking, the people, today I have to pack together." Song Xia Renke is angry.

"Panasonic Renke is not because I have saved me, I have given me a lot of help, you are dead when you say this," Cacra is cold, although the power has changed from the darkness, But Cardians' character is still that personality.

Panasonic is no longer able to stand, "You give me, give me ..."

After this goods, the car was launched behind. "You look at it, there is a fire in the heart of labor." Li Wei was a foot before the goods, a strong man hiped out, Heavy falling on the ground.

"Stupid, still need to say thank you, no you, the uncomfortable labor is nowhere to vent, haha!" Li Wei smiled crazy, constantly swaying and kicking legs.

A piece of scream, Songzhe Renke is stupid, how did he think of Li Wei in this kind of goods, more than 30 strong men, like the chicken in front of Li Wei, and constantly flying. Panasonic Renke Fiber took out the mobile phone, and he took the way: "If you give me more people, the money is not a problem ..."

Li Wei, this kind of goods will be a strong man who will attack. When you make a football, I just prepared to put down the mobile phone to run away, and I only felt that I was black, and my body was hit by a huge sample.

There are no people standing around around, and I am crying on the ground.

"Stupid is given to me, don't press me, get up!" Panasonic Renke angry screaming, but at all pushing the big man in the body.

Li Wei walked over, "I am eager to go." Then I stepped on the strongman.

The Pattern of Songzhe, which was pressed, sent a roar, I feel that my internal organs were quickly squeezed out, "You are a dog, you are waiting, I will let you pay a heavy cost."

"It's really scared, I really don't understand why you are confident? You haven't seen your situation? Forget it, my person is also a person who is very well, no matter how much, thank you for saving card secrets. Pull, as Xie Li, I will let you go today, don't come back to me again next time, otherwise it doesn't know what kind of thing will happen. "Li Wei shrugged the shoulders and took thedy foot.

Kam Tmie came to Panasonic Renke, "We have a summary between us, you only look at my beauty, you can go find a better."

"Don't go, Kam Tmiel, I only love you." Panasonic Renke shouted.

Li Wei waved in Panasonic Renke, "Never see again, I have to go to your day, otherwise it will be difficult to guarantee what happens next time."

Matsushita Renke hit the ground, "I am grass mud horse, ah ..." It is a lot of hate, once again pulled the incomparable hatred.

On the road, Li Wei was aimed at the goods and Cardira. "Do you think of Camida? It should be okay." If you have any words, it will not be this reaction.

Cardira shake his head, "I am very familiar with you, but I am only equivalent to a familiar story."

"It seems that you belong to the deep memory, this will not be like this, this way, go to Guys to find a job, only we will help you think of more things." Li This is a laughter.

Ka Tmia was stopped and looked straight into this goods. I have a hand, because Li Wei is really like this, she can't resist it.

Li Wei revealed a smile of justice on the face of the goods, "He said, what do you think? Is it a color? I just occasionally out of control, please don't have a bad impression on me. "

Ka Tmi took the mouth and disdain. "Who did you not need to explain." I thought about Caimira said, "If you are true for what I said, thank you. Thank you for your remarkable woman who has helped this woman. "

Looking at the back of Ka Tiala, Li Wei smiled, "I don't regret it!"

Ka Tmia's body broke, why is it moving in my heart? It is true that he is really uncertain.

Chapter 82 Caimula as an assistant [seek first, ask for reward] 402

Mikizi Snow frowning looked at Li Wei and a beautiful woman who gave people a feminine woman, this alive guy, even brought other women to her face, babard, when I bullied it Bar.

"Li Wei team members do you have anything?" Miki asked faintly.

"That Miki, there is still such a disadvantage between us, come to the husband." Li Wei did not resist the snow against Mikasaki. The opportunity to keep the snow, the pig's mouth is directly in the face of the Snow of Mikaki I got a bite.

"I hate it, some people look ..." Miki is shy, hurriedly earned Li Wei, the embrace of Li Wei, no longer showing calm look, can this bastard you can't give yourself a face? Although the heart is still a little joyful.

"You said Ka Tmie, don't care, she is not outsiders." Li Wei did not care about the full face, and it was a family in the future.

Miyazaki has a white, Li Wei, this product, "Don't think that I don't know your intention, color, boy, forget it, I don't want to manage so much, anyway, it is useless."

Li Wei smiled this car, "Don't say this, everyone is going to be happy together."

"Don't say it, can you listen to it? You come to me if you have something, then let's talk, I am not as you, I'm going to be happy." Mikizi's snow is not good.

Kamirra has not spoken silently. Looking at Li Wei, the lover of the goods and Mikasaki, I always feel a very uncomfortable in my heart, as if I have a valuable thing that is taken away, of course Kakira What will not be expressed in the appearance.

"Yes, she is my previous Qingmei bamboo horse, because she can't stand it, I will come to me." Li Wei said with this car, not in the angry eyes of the Casterla, when he became His blueme bamboo horses, I can't stand it? Is there this?

Miyazaki is somewhat uncomfortable: "said the focus."

"This is the case, she needs a job, Miyazaki, you are also a proxy director, give it convenient." Li Wei smiled at this.

Miyazaki is getting a face, "Even if you are, you can't leave the back door, I am a straight person."

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil, "Mikasaki, how do you like this? If you are so unhappy, I will let you understand what is punishment." Li Wei once again approached Mei Siki. .

The body of Mikasury snow, "Okay, okay, I know to bully me, I just talk about it, you look like this." "Mei Shi is full of face.

"Come, wife should not be wronged, is the husband is not good, I will reward you a good, it is a magical effect, I don't want to miss it." Li Wei's pig's mouth was again near Mikaki.

"Don't, walk away." One hand of Miki snow blocked Li Wei's pig's mouth, but immediately received a general collection, "You are really evil ..." It turned out that Li Wei found this animal in her. The palm is added.

Li Wei has restored the color, "Okay, you don't have trouble, just right."

Meiqi's snow wants to beat people, who is in trouble, after a deep breath, "Not as good as this, I am missing an assistant, it is better to let Ka Tmie as my assistant, how do you see kind?"

"How do you see Ka Tia?" Li Wei asked this.

"I don't care." Ka Tmie, who has not spoke, finally talk.

Li Wei nodded, "Since there is no opinion, then do this, Kam Tmiel, you will be the assistant of Miyazaki, so I am very relieved."

Guys' studio, everyone is watching Li Wei, who is coming in. "The boss heard that you brought back a super beautiful woman, is it?" A Long hurriedly asked.

"I heard that there is a lot of people on all the way, when will I know it knows." A pair of hungry is very thirsty.

Truth Ni and Wooden America are angry looking at Li Wei, this is how long, Mei Sa will take a beautiful woman, and there is still their existence in their eyes.

"Well ..." A voice came over, Mikizi Snow came in with a card.

Everyone looked at the Ka Tmie next to Mikaki, it is really beautiful, so people have a feeling. Truth Nai and Woody America are surprised to watch Ka Tmiel, "It's you ..."

"It's me, I am very happy to see you again." Ka Tmia came over to the beautiful nice and the beautiful wood.

"Do you know?" Aron asked.

"There have been a feet, no, you should be married." Truth is puzzled to watch Kardira, the last time she is clearly preparing to get married, how can I appear here?

Kardira shake his head, "did not make it, was brought here." Ka Tmila's sight looked at Li Wei.

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