I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 181

The Rresslet person turned, several missiles were smashed into slag, "a group of small , dare to let go."

"Forget it, when you can take your life like you, I will let you go." The Grande of the Rresslet recovered the iron sword, and slowly disappeared in front of everyone.

The little dream is angry, the fist has grown a heavy hammer.

"Good guys, today if Nikas is here, a punch explosion you a dog-like mother." Zhiguan was a sound.

The little dream recovered the human form, squatting on the ground, and the feelings were somewhat frustrated.

A Long gone, "Nothing, you must defeat the guy, let's go back."

Several people driving a phoenix number going back to the route, "Someone calls me, who?" The future suddenly called.

According to future instructions, several people came to a small island. After the Phoenix number, everyone saw a person who walked with a fight to pay homage to a tombstone, the top of the tombstone, four big words .

"That person should not be a passionate." Asked in the future.

"I am in the initial battle, because you can't protect this island, so many people will sacrifice this." The low voice is issued from the mouth of the fight.

"The initial battle?" The foggy of everyone.

"This is a place where I can't forget my life." The male standing.

"It turned out to be you call me?" Asked in the future.

"Dream is the last time I meet in the country." The fight is a fight, it is a full of vicissitudes.

The future body is broken, "is you, why are you coming to the earth?"

Li Wei suddenly laughed, "Fengyuan, don't be so deep, you will be frightened, I feel very admired about your heroic deeds, please allow me to express tribute to the planet." Li Wei It became a representative of the emperor, representing the entire earth.

Fengyuan's surprise was flashing in the eyes of Fengyuan. "I didn't expect someone to know me."

"Fengyuan? Does he are Leo Altman." The excitement of philosophy.

Li Wei nodded, Leo is a strong hero worth admire.

"Dream is coming to fight with me, you lost to Rayfletian star, naturally it will be lost to me." Fengyuan played a few laps in front, the lion sent a dazzling light, after the light, the light The huge figure of Europe appeared.

"How can I fight with you?" I don't understand in the future.

Li Wei took a few times on the future of the future, "Go, Lei Ou has his intentions, you have to believe him."

I nodded in the future for the little dream, but telling the truth and Leo is worse. So, unilateral, occasionally a coming.

Leo made a stunt Lei Ofi kicked, the future followed up, and both parties came a big collision.


A beautiful flame is out of the air, the ground is constantly being treated, the body of the little dream is from the air, and it is not possible to stand again.

"Dream is not able to protect the earth at all, I can't protect the earth, I can't hand over the earth." Leo said loudly.

"Hey, you see Li Wei." Zhe Pei looked at the strange way, how did it not see it?

"Don't you still have a boss, let's take a look at the future." Along called.

A shareholded gray rays have a storm to rose over the island, and the rays gradually dissipate, the silver gray giant has appeared.

"You and Zofi brothers saved their Nike, but you are silver gray, the body is full of silver and gray lines, are you Naixas?" Leo looked at him. giant.

Niken nodded, "Leo, come, let me see if your Leo Fei kicks is really so powerful."

"Don't look at me!" Lei Oh, the big scream.

"Beat me, I will not look at you, even though the horse is coming." Only Leo will be defeated, otherwise Leis will not listen to people.

"Available guys." The big scream of Lei Oi rushed to Nike.

Chapter 86, Roasters Head [Subscribe Subscription] 406

"Ha, Ha, ah!" Lei Ou continued to attack Nikez, plus fighters.

Nikesh is just a relaxed hand, and the attack of Leo is relaxed, and continues to be at the attack of Leio.

"Oh, it's evil ..." Leo leap, put a series of movements in the air, "Lei Oi faiki!" The giant foot of the flame came to Nikith.

Nikes raised a hand, just right, in front of the flying kick, the flame constant four splashes, the ground continues to flute, the roar continues.

Lei Oi simply can't believe that his flying kicks did not have a slightest effect, "Ah!" A roar, the power of the flying kick continued to increase.

"Okay, enough, it is really very powerful, but I can't do it." Nikas gently waved, Leo only felt a strong force from the foot, body Uncontrolled fly out.


Leo fell into the sea and splashed a piece of water.

"Through the Fang and the future battle, I think Leio is very powerful. Now I look at the battle of Leio and Nike, and suddenly I feel that they are a slag. Although there are some hearts of the future, Nikser What exactly I have to be strong. "Shimi is stupid.

"Unable to be estimated!" Zhe Pei silently said.

Leo drilled out of the sea, it looks like a wolf. Nikes said very much: "Leo, give a chance, even if you have a failure, who can guarantee that you don't lose? Don't do it now, but I believe he will definitely, Just like you are the same. "

Leo landed to the ground for a long time, did not speak, "I finally nodd," If you are right, if you have a strong heart, you will become a strong, Dream is proved to show me, defeat Rafa Letter, I will give you my hometown. "Leo flew away.

"My hometown?" Aron repeatedly, "said Leo to do the earth?"

In the GUYS work, Mikizi Snow came in with a card, and now Kamirra has adapted to the assistant's role.

"According to the previous document, Lei Oi has lost several times several times, but he will never lose the second time again." Cardira looked at the file in his hand.

"That is to say, Leo has also experienced a lot of life and death." Shiji said.

"But I remember the defense team at the time ..." Zhe Pei did not say.

"Yes, it is all destroyed by the enemy's attack." The face of Mikasi snow flashed a sadness.

"Leo is a dedicated Altman, a man with no hometown, his hometown L77 Nebula has been destroyed, he treats the earth as his hometown, if you don't know this, you can't experience his Earth The deep love, you can't understand why he can't hand it over to the future. "Li Wei faintly said.

I nodded in the future. "I will definitely defend the Rresslets, prove to see the Lei Oi brother."

Aron is confused: "Boss, your understanding of Leio is clear."

"Oh, don't care about these details. Some people are getting a genius, and some people will be mentally wisdom." Li Wei took this goods in the shoulders of Aron.

"What does you mean by boss?" Alan did not understand.

"You are really mentally wisdom." Truth disadded.

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