I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 188

Xiao Xiang nodded, "I know, he is not only a color or a metamorphosis."

"Then why do you want to live with him?" Wooden beauty asked.

Xiao Xiang's blush, the support didn't say it, "I, I, because he is my brother, I am his sister."

Truth briefly committed a white eye, "Are you a reason? Forget it, you will be deep, Li Wei, if you do anything I am ambitious, I will, I will." Truth made a shear action .

Li Wei, this goods only felt that his little brother is shrinking. "Don't be so scary, I can guarantee you, a little incense is passive, you come to me."

In fact, Li Wei is also very unexpected. Xiaoshan actually active, how can labor for her heart, you must take care of her in bed, think of this car's mouth is open. The evil laugh.

"Always, don't think that I said, I will let you touch me." A shy voice rang in the heart of Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled, "I just help you check the body. You are developing, your brother must always look at you, haha!" The sensual sound rang in the heart of the fragrance.

Chapter 94, the fate of Otte, [seeking full order, seeking self] 414

"The father of Ort is coming to the day!" "Asked in the future.

Zhe Pei looked at the virtual screen: "The father of Ort is visiting the earth at this time, then showing its miracle."

Li Wei smiled without a smile, "Nima, isn't it forced, I am very disdainful to this."

"Yes, this habit of showing off his greatness is to start from the monster." Truth laughed,

"I heard that everyone will eat cakes, and then doing the exchange of gifts." Woody beauty took a pen.

"It's okay, and Ottman who hasn't appeared for a long time is already in the earth, so everyone is a warm discussion. This year, the father of Ott will not appear." Zhiguan said in the future.

Li Wei revealed a sneer of the mouth of the car, no matter when, if the labor capital is the most hanging, the father of Ott gave you a task of soy sauce.

"It's better to come to the party to hold a party? No, time and space has not found it." A Long's face is now a worry. Time and space waves tell everyone that many monsters and aliens come to the earth is attracted by time and space waves, only thoroughly find and destroy the device that makes time and space waves can end the monsters and aliens frequent frequent The appearance.

Li Wei smiled, "A Long, you said this is not right, rare there is Altman here, we don't get anything, I will hurt the future, forced the captain, you said, is it? "

I nodded forced the water, "Li Wei said yes, in order to respond to the sudden situation, the party is in the studio."

"The captain, you are really too powerful." A Long excited.

"It's great, everyone will come together." Li Wei called.

"So what to buy things will be given to me." The future is self-evident, and then goes to the street.

I am happy to buy something on the street, I have encountered a bear child with a launch of Dad.

Guys work room, the philosophy, "The universe fell from the air, which is a monster that is in the universe, it has the bodies of the opponents that are knocked down."

"Good metamorphosis monster." Truth neveraches his face.

"So, this gamma Rhine is also attracted by time and space." Mikasaki snow and Ka Tila came in from outside.

Philosophy is nod, "It should be the case, we must now contact the future, the location of the gamma Rhine is very close."

Li Wei came to the side of Ka Tmila. "It's a day without seeing, like three autumn, once again, I just let me feel a heart, I can't sleep."

Ka Tmie looked at Li Wei this goods. "Is there so happy? How do I feel a little bit?" Of course, this is a falsehood, Kam Tmiel saw Li Wei, this goods, all feel My mentality has a variety of changes. It turned out to be a bit looking forward to meeting this guy.

Li Wei doesn't care if it is boophful, "I don't care."

"Don't take it as great, there are monsters waiting for us to play." Truth stood that Li Wei was dragged with the ear of this goods, so that you play a woman in front of me.

At the location of the gamma Rhine, people flee their wild cattle as the wilderness in the prairie. Li Wei and others driving the fighter.

"There are several stupids who want to challenge the universe." The top magic is talking. "

"Then let them see our power." The magic of the middle.

"Let me come." The most below the magic is said, then the gamma Rhine's hand holds up, Li Wei and others flying the fighters to be controlled by a unusual force.

"Go to death, little ."

Three fighters were invisible to control the impact toward the ground, and the fighters were still very nice, at least few people were not injured.

In the future, I found a place to change to the little dream, then started to fight with the gamma Rhein, but very tragedy, it was made into a small, there is no power, unilateral abuse.

"Give me into a gold." Gamadec Rhine's body made a golden light playing on the little dream, the body of the little dream was turned into gold, the dazzling.

"Haha, we have a collection of collections." Gama Rhine began to dance around the little dream, and he continued to kill the song.

All people are stupid, dreaming is turned into gold, Nima, is this a joke?

Truth is anxious to look at Li Wei this goods, why not change it. Of course, Li Wei has his own intention, and it is still not forced.

Looking at Along and others raised the gun, Li Wei said in this car: "Do not impulsive, it can manipulate the direction of strength, don't you see it? I have been reflected in the direction of the direction."

"What should we do? Just look at the future to change for gold." Along called.

Li Wei smiled and laughed. "You wait, soon, it is a good play. I went to the toilet." Li Wei ran in the moment of Thunder.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Along called.

Suddenly shooting a light in the sky, hitting the darts of Gamma Rhine, the body of the gamma Rhine flew out. The sky is sprinkled with endless light. A giant's body is displayed, and the two huge horn special hangs. The father of Ott is very unforgettable.

"That will not be wrong, it is the father of Ott." Guys work room, Zhe Pei cheered loudly.

Wooden beauty and Miyazaki have a few women are not very happy. At this time, Nasikes should accept people's cheers, what Ott is going to go.

The father of Ott is hands, accepting people's membrane, this is a good job.

"It's actually the father of Ott. If the captain of the universe guard team is defeated, is our reputation?" Gazer Rhein is smiling, just wants to attack.

The rolling silver gray is rossed from the sky, although it is a silver-gray ray, still can't open your eyes. The Truth Nai's mouth revealed a smile, "this disgusting guy, not to grab the limelight at this time."

"Super Boxing!"

Then it is a huge bang sound and the three screams, because it is a dramatic silver gray, people can't see what happened.

Silver gray rays slowly scattered, people looked at the scenes of the eyes, this is too big, this is too burning and put it.

The ninety-fifth chapter of the father of Otte [seek full order, seeking the self] 415

Nikese is standing, but this is not the most important. It is important that his right hand is string on a huge object. It's not wrong to get through the right hand of Nikese.


The body of the gamma Rhein suddenly fell, and it was a fragmentation of one by one. Nikesh is like this, accepting people's incredible eyes, no way, labor is such a hang.

The father of Ott looked at the silver gray Otamman in front of him, "You are ..."

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