I am Ultraman

I am Ottman Chapter 193

"Specification, labor is not sent to force, I am a kitten." Li Wei suddenly jumped up, grabbed a woman in one hand, a flip putting the mother and daughter and then put the sofa, "Today, let's play Point interesting things. "

"What do you want to do?" Yamasaki lily a mouth of saliva.

"Is this still talking? Nature is doing you, hahaha!" Li Wei used the sleeve of the car to wipe the water, think about the chicken.

"It's hard to listen to you, you are a bastard." Yamasaki lily is very dissatisfied with Li Wei.

"Baby, let my understanding of people to help you." Li Wei smiled in the goods, and his hands were flying, between the clothes, the screams continued.

"Bleins, ..."

After ten seconds, Yamashi Lily and the straight kids only have a cover and a small intra, and the mother and daughter are shy, and they are angry with Li Wei.

"Yes, it's really good, the snow flower, my eyes, my eyes should be shaken."

Chapter 101 destroys a good thing [one more self-reserve] 421

Li Wei keeps the pants' posture, look at your front, Nima's pants must take off, you give me this set, "Ka Tmie, how do you appear here?"

The mother and daughter screamed, and then began to wear clothes, "Tri, that is a mother's pants, give me!"

"Mom, you are wrong, that is mine."

Kakiraokes smiled, "Li Wei, you are really powerful, I haven't come, you are blessed today."

"Then why are you coming, you let me really want to die at this moment, do you know?" Li Wei was crying, and he couldn't come to a mother and female swallow. Why?

Ka Tmirahong loudly said: "I just want to destroy your good things, you have the ability to hit me, anyway, you don't like me."

Li Wei took a smile, "" The woman who is jealous is terrible, what are you eating a few big cylinders, so that you are not cool to this extent. "

"Hey, I didn't jeally jeally, you think who you are." Ka Tmila was red, she won't admit her true thoughts.

"Okay, there is no, say your strength has been restored, you can feel that I am in this place, have you recovered?" The problem of memory is the most concerned about Li Wei.

"The power is much stronger than before. It has reached the extent that you can transform, but the memory recovery is only some of the incomplete fragments. It is not completely running. The impression is the most impressive thing that you protect my fragment." Camidra I got a brow, and my face was painful and grabbed my head.

"Don't think about it, anyway, what you are a woman who is labor-owned, this is not changed." Li Wei came to the side of Ka Tia.

"I am not your woman, you are a heart, I hate it." Ka Tmila angry.

Li Wei smiled without a smile, "Some things can be changed, you are mine, I will give you time."

The mother and daughter have dressed clothes, which are surprised to watch Ka Tmiel, this woman has seen it in the wedding shop, isn't it to get married? How to do this with Li Wei seems to be very close, it is better to say that the US and Truth never give her a vaccination, but the mountains are not understood, how have they have two people? Is it not satisfied?

"Li Wei, can you tell me what is going on?" Yamashi lily frowned.

Li Wei, this goods, I have hit it. "If you explain, it is very simple, that is, you are my baby, I want you to be happy together, I am such a fan of this love."

"Can you still have a little longer?" Yamazaki lily was shocked. How did this guy do it? " However, I heard this answer, Yamashi lily is not very surprised, forget, the mother and daughter can, what else cannot be accepted?

Ka Tmie said: "I am not your baby, you this color."

Li Wei smiled in this car, "Oh, no matter how you must have a role of labor, it is dare to break the good things of labor, you say how I will repay you."

"You dare ..." Ka Tmila has not finished, the mouth is blocked, Li Wei has been tightly put the Ka Tmie, the pig's mouth is constantly in Ka Tmia Undersistened.

"Breast, let go ..." Ka Tmiel wants to make it.

"You don't listen to women, you need to tune it." Li Wei smiled and kissed Kakira again, and started a big battle.

Over time, Kamira slowly cooperates with Li Wei, although she is constantly imposing herself in his heart, it is tempting by this man, but can there be a way? With the appearance of the memory fragments, the feelings of this man are increasing, and there will always be falling one day.

Die and Yansaki louder looked at everything happened in front of him, and the drama was staged in front of his own eyes. Li Wei didn't make trouble this farm.

"No ..." Ka Tmia's hand pressed the big hand of Li Wei, originally in the clothes that hoped in the clothes of the card to carry out in-depth research.

"Yes, come, take your hand." Li Wei took a trace of temptation in this goods.

Kam Tmiel, the eyes of the water reflected the mouth of Li Wei, and finally slowly released his hand, even she didn't understand why she had to compromise this man, should be smoked The monk can be paired.

, this is tender, this is cool, I can't believe it, Li Wei began to make it softly, and the big guys under the following were.

"Ah ..." Ka Tmi was called, and the heat in the big hand passed to the Holy Peak. The strange and comfortable feeling made her uncemortical, and there seems to be something out.

Looking at the cheeks of the Cardians, Li Wei is proud of this goods, haha, big ancient you are stupid, Ka Tmiera is not good, of course, it is necessary, labor will also cross In the past, you will open you.

Yamasaki lounged, "I said that when you have two things you have to become? Don't I ignore our two big activities?"

Ka Tmie was pushed away from Li Wei. He went down to the head and did not dare to see people. He actually as someone else's face and this guy.

"Cool and shy, holy and shy, simple and shy is the three summary of different temperament when you are intimate with me, hahaha!" Li Wei smiled.

Three women played a look, then went to Li Wei in front of Li Wei, one person stretched out a hand and smashed Li Wei's waist, so that Li Wei was so cool. "Do you want to start like this?"

"Oh, ..." The laughter of the three women continued.

Li Wei is great, "If you let you have a laugh, I am willing to be bullied by you."

"Oh, is it? Can you not put the greatness yourself, what kind of person you are, do you think we don't know? , metamorphosis, color, live mouth ..." Cardira is cold and said. A big pile.

Li Wei, this stall, "Even if this is the case, how come it? With these, the labor is very happy, haha! You are all labor, don't want to escape one by one."

Looking at Li Wei, this kind of heart, a few women are silent. Li Wei is secretly appreciated, and it must be the Queen of the Labor.

Chapter 102, the total length of the bamboo [two more demand] 422

Since there is a monster in the island of the South Pacific, all the players in Guys are discussing well. Li Wei, this goods hoped, if there is no mistake, it is today's highest total length of bamboo in the highest total bamboo. Hey, this bamboo is also a grandfather, because the world famous ocean scholar Shengong Temple is a granddaughter in bamboo, and this chronicle has not seen it for a long time. Labor is waiting for her to send it from the network.

It is a friend who is in the bamboo and forced water, although the age gap between the two people is forty, but the two are indeed the same era. When it was forced to be young, he used the universe ship to fly in the universe. When the speed is close to the speed, the time will stop, which means that for forced water, the time is basically not lapse, but it has been four decades for the bamboo.

The reason why Guys can be established and forced to have a lot of relationships, and forced water to encounter a strong alien army in the process of travel. It can only die with the attack power of forced cosmic boat. At this time, Zapofeng appeared, saved Forced water. Forced water, there is therefore known, even if it is also a peaceful period because there is a silent protection of Altman, the earth can be safe.

I know that all this, I can't help but feel free to travel in the universe, I returned to the earth, with those records and evidence, Guys have also been established.

Suddenly a ringtone sounded, the beautiful wood is busy, "Here is the command center, what, what do you say?"

"A pill, have a visit to visitors today?" Birds and Mountains asked.


The beautiful road of wood: "You are waiting,, the priority is the highest total of the highest total length of the headquarters of the special A, Guys."

"What ?!" In addition to Li Wei, all people were very surprised.

"Is the length of the long? You, you have a clean and clean, and you will be clean, fast!" Birds hit.

Li Wei smiled disdain, "I said that old birds, how do you not calm? The length is, we have to see a true us, rather than illusion, how everyone is usually Still, this is us. As long as our respect is from the heart, the form is not important. "

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