I am Ultraman

I am Chapter 195, Altman.

Cardi, the beauty of the wood, the beauty of the wood, the beauty of the wood, the snow is in the heart, cursing Li Wei, damn the animals.

Colors also felt that those killed eyes were released, and Li Wei was released. Shengong Temple has some relationships of those women and Li Wei, it seems to be a good question who needs to be found.

"That person is before the boss to save?" Aron asked.

"Yes, Li Wei said this, but I really didn't expect that the world famous marine natural scholar Shengong Temple is actually granddaughter in bamboo." Zhe Pei is very unexpected.

"She is actually famous." "Shimi is stupid."

The truth is not angry: "You have to care about this, she published a few doctors who have a good marine paper in Nobel grades. These are not the most important, evil, Li Wei." The front of Li Wei, the truth of the truth is kneaded.

Li Wei asked this dress: "I am very happy to meet you, how can you come here."

"I am here for the seminar, and then look at the grandfather, because Grandpa is usually in New York." Lucky smiles, there is still a very important reason, see Li Wei, but this godseng temple is Will n't say it.

"Li Wei, please send a lady to the seminar." Forced water to Li Wei.

The rush to stand in front of forced water, "I will wait for it, let you take Li Wei to me." The color of Li Wei caught this goods in front of Li Wei.

"Color, can't be called small forced, very polite." Bamboo is reprimanded with a trace.

"But I am infected by Grandpa, because Grandpa has been secretly called, what do I have? Right." Yes. "The naughty of the color.

There is no talk in bamboo, and then I say "Sorry!"

"Do you have anything today?" Asked with a smile.

Li Wei smiled, "No, even if there is, I will make it no." What is more important than beauty.

"You said, I like to listen, grandfather, is it?" The color of the bamboo is very naughty.

The bamboo is silent for a while, "I can't play too crazy."

The color is very happy, "Li Wei, we don't waste time, hurry." Color launched the arm of Li Wei, quickly walked forward.

Li Wei looked at the other five women showed a helpless look, meaning is obvious, this can't blame me, people are too beautiful.

Okay, Li Wei, you have this farm, there is a matter, you don't return it. If you come back, you will be bullied, and the five women secretly vowed in my heart.

Chapter 104 Zhang Yabo's tracking [four more self-reservations] 424

On the street, Li Wei was so lively. "Is the high household?"

"Very good, I have been trying to join Guys for growing up." Said smile and said, "In fact, I am not coming to see my grandfather."

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil in the mouth of the car, "Is it difficult to see me?"

"Li Wei, can you not be such a smart, this will make me there is no mystery. But you are right, because I want to confirm a thing." The color is very cute.

"Confirm one thing? Do you want to confirm from my body? If you need it, I can sneak tell you." Li Wei smiled.

The ribbon is a trace, "You are too bad, although you confirm from you, but you mean obviously different from me. Do you have any people like it?" The color came to Li Wei. Next to Li Wei.

"Do you like it?" Li Wei revealed a difficult look, "I like this beauty like this."

"I am not a joke, you answer me seriously, do you have any attention to it." The expression of the color is very cute, and a pair of nervous look.

Li Wei smiled, "Color, you are the person I value."

Smirked, "Li Wei, you are very good, your answer I am very satisfied, go!" The arm is holding the arm of Li Wei.

When Li Wei walked far, a man in black coats, a man holding a balloon, looking at Li Wei, the back of this goods, is not right or the Asa-foot, "If you take away our Yabo Energy, we don't have to give the emperor as a dog, Nike, I want you to die. "

Guys headquarters. It is surprised to surprise: "Is the source of time and space have been found?"

On the screen, Miyazaki nodded, "Yes, in the southern end of the island, the sea area near Okinawa, please discuss the annihilation plan."

The forced water said to the bamboo: "The annihilation of time and space can only use the phoenix miracle of the Phoenix giant gun, we have to launch the flight model of the Phoenix nest."

I nodded in bamboo, "I am in trouble."

"Well, the time and space waves are moving." Zhe Pei called loudly.

The forced water immediately said: "Start the flight mode of the Phoenix Nest immediately."

On the street, Li Wei is strolling around the goods. If the plot has not changed, he will encounter an Asa. At this time, the future and dreamy were seriously injured, the garbage continued to insult the future. But now Liuguan has been hit by himself, I don't know if I will encounter him today. If I encounter, I am, I will have a good time.

"Come, give you, let's find a place to eat together." The color of a bucket came over.

"Okay, good, color buy things must be delicious." Li Wei smiled and said.

Colorful white Li Wei, "The mouth is tongue, must defraud a lot of girls, now I still want to lie to me."

"Please believe me, this is my lungs, how can I lie to you?" Li Wei was sincere, two people walked around.

On a pillar, a man holding a newspaper standing there, "The man seems to have seen, I think it is, it is the guys of Li Wei." Yes this person is Lukuan, now Also did the old bank, most of the memories were restored, and the reason why he said, because of the part of going to Guys, he can't think of it. The most painful thing is that the following egg is broken, and there is no way to do it.

The sneak towards the two people of Li Wei, Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, I thought that there was no more fun with this stupid, now I don't have to worry.

The big screen on the square. "The program is over half, now insert a message. Just received the news, the Phoenix Nest Flight mode went to the southern end, the purpose is not announced, it seems to fight in Okinawa."

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, suddenly opened his hands and made a look in a stretch.


One person fell on the ground, Li Wei came back, "What is going on? Someone just behind me? It turns out that there is really a woman, is you the following eggs below?"

"Do you know me?" The pain of Sagawa has stood up, and Liuguan has no remember that the memory is called.

"Of course, I know, are you not a stupid garbage?" Li Wei disdain this.

"You, very good, please ask when you are so nervous, you can also have a dating as Guys?" Luyugawa took out the tunner.


The recorder suddenly flew, and the pain of Sichuan is screaming, and the hands are constantly moving.

"You are a lot of you, where is it going, the special thing is to report to you, stupid, you don't know how you die." Li Wei's eyes flashed in the eyes of this goods. .

"Ah, guys beats people, beat people." Sikugawa suddenly squatted on the ground, constantly shouted, and quickly attracted a group of people to come on.

"Guys beat people, hit people, you will see my hand, look." Swimming is like a treasure with his own hands.

The color is indignant. "Obviously is your voicemark you frotted? It turned out to be trapped."

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, it is indeed that he is playing, the recorder will not explode, how about this? See how labor is playing, "Dear friends, you can see who he is telling the statement? He is a slut, you look at it, this kind of person said, what do you believe?"

"I remembered, it is a garmer that I want to fall into guys. Now I want to fall into Guys. This kind of person is really shameless. You are Li Wei, we believe you, thank you for guys. Dedication. "A middle-aged person is grateful to look at Li Wei.

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