I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 199

"Alara, the bunny is shy, came to my sister's arms, my sister gave you comfort." Mumei smiled and grabbed the beauty of the wood, and then touched the hair of the woods with hands.

"Avilive beauty, bullying me, I don't care about you." Mu Weimo has a mouth.

Smile: "This life is also good, I have been very lively, I have been thinking about how can I accept the heart of this man, but there is such an acceptance."

"We are also like this, haha, isn't it very good now?" Miyazaki smiled.

Li Wei, this car is proud: "You have to thank me, because I have always had a great dream, let everyone happiness together, let's take a look, don't I do it?"

"You really dare to say." The truth is on the waist of Li Wei.

Then two hands, three hands, four hands ...

Li Wei, this carry, "Wife, can you distress me?"

"You don't have to distaze you, you want to beat you, so you can make mistakes, because you are old, saying.

"Yes, I have made a lot of mistakes, we can be the result of this guy here, so how many mistakes have been made, I come to count, Mikizi, Tricken ... count, I have a total of seven people, plus I am not here, I have a total of ten people, Li Wei, you are so powerful, and the men's hometown dreams have been realized by you. "Mumei gave Li Wei. This is a thumbs up.

Li Wei smiled and smiled after his own brain. "Don't love this brother, don't have a few brush, how to bring you with you, hahaha!"

"You don't want to be smelled. In my memory, your form is not Nikith, and Mumei also said to us. Your strength is far from recovering. What do you plan? No super Strong strength, we can't go back. "Ka Tmia took a wonderful doubt.

"Don't care about these details, in fact, I am just waiting for an opportunity." Li Wei's face is high.

Kam Tmiela's brow wrinkled, "Taci, will Zach will appear again? He seems to be horrible."

Ma Yumei smiled, "Li Wei told me those, only Zahi, I didn't tell you. Camida, you actually remembered, it seems that your memory will soon recover all."

"Zaji, what kind of person is Zaji is." Wood's beauty asked.

Li Wei shrugged, "a stupid thing, throwing this, the strength is nothing, is a little problem with the brain."

"Is he also in this parallel universe?" Miki Xue thought about it.

Li Wei's four fifty-five degrees looks up to the sky, low: "Who knows? If you are, he is the opportunity, if you say it, you don't understand, really, the spiritual realm of my brother is too deep. "

"Pack, why don't you dress?" Xiaoxiang's face despise, since these days, every night, you have to accept this guy's sexual harassment, the evening day, but also a false gentle, sleeping on the couch. The next night, I came out, saying that my brother helped her sister to check my body, Mimi's focus on the inspection, I wanted to resist something. It is impossible. Slowly, every night, I have been sleeping together, shameful, I didn't even have this metamorphosis embrace.

Xiaoquan looked at his Mimi, it was already a lot more than the original, a evil words flashed in a small fragrance: Xiaoquan, my brother helped you , purely just to promote your development, Don't think about it, I really don't have other meaning. Ghost believe.

Li Wei looked at Xiaoquan, "Sister, it seems that you are lacking,"

Xiaoxiang hurriedly hiding behind the Tricken, "Truth Niki, metamorphosis, he bullied me."

When the Truth, I wanted to say something, the whole space broke, the sky was shining with the flame, and a huge crack appeared, and it seems to see three huge figure.

The remaining three chapters will be issued before the twelve o'clock this evening. I just returned to Hefei today. I didn't write, please forgive me.

Chapter 109 Memory Recovery 429

Li Wei looked at the three huge bodies that slowly landed in the crack, "Oh, did not think of it, the remaining dark three stupid actually debuted together, giving a bright feeling in front of labor."

"They are the Dark four days of kings? I feel unfair." Truth never took the mouth, Li Wei is here, she is not afraid.

On the street, people will be in general with a wild cattle, sprinkle the hooves.

"Niksse, you quickly gave the labor and capital, and the labor is not dead," Grovezham is crazy, starting the damage. "

Miriras is a lot of calm, just standing there. Dasrem is smiling, holding a single hand, one by one, the energy ball is put down from the air, where it is, the fried a mess.

"Li Wei, I can't stand it, go, explode the guy who is forced." Mumei's little hand refers to.

Aron and others have been driving a Phoenix and the loading number. In the future, the light is in order to be a little dream, but to tell the truth, one is not that he can deal with it, don't say it is three, completely abuse .

"Dream is too weak, and our interest is not on your body, let Nacyz come out." Mifras disdainfully laughed.

"Li Wei, why don't you go, in the future, he is being hanging." Truth did not understand Li Wei this goods.

"Because hero always appears in the final time, give people a feeling of saving people with water, let people worship me, obsessed with me, giving me, this is the experience of labor and capital. Anctimate The little dream is a little strength, can't die, then wait. "Li Wei's experience in the experience of the goods.

Cardi came to watch a few people, memory, memory in constant awakening, I remembered, I am Ka Tiao, I am Noah's legacy, no, I don't have me, how do I put these I have forgotten? Li Wei, I love Li Wei.

Ka Tmie came to the front of Li Wei, grabbed Li Wei's neck, in the eyes of everyone, took the initiative to knew the goods, "Li Wei, thank you, let us fight." Kakira pushed Li Wei, and the vapor took it out.

Lightning and rays are rossed in the air, a ray slowly falls from the air, slowly chemical in order to entity, one is a woman's Altman appeared.

"This is a Ka Tmiera? Good, beautiful female Ottman." The beautiful face of the wood.

"It's really good, the female's Altman, Cardira seems to have recovered the memory." Mumei sighed.

"Cardi, I will give you a good time, go, knock down the fool." Truth shouted.

Ka Timula took a nod to everyone on the rooftop, and a whip extends out of his hand and went to Grovezham.


Under the power of this whip, Groszham was even smashed for two halves.

"It's so powerful." Wood's beauty called.

"Ka Tmie, you're awesome, female Zhonghao." Truth nepered a thumbs up.

Aron and others looked at Ka Tmiella in front of me, "Women's Altman still saw it, in Altman, it should be a big beauty, and it is very powerful."

"I love this female warrior, it is too perfect, I once again encountered the true life." "Chastity is a funny phase."

Guys work indoors, philosoping excited, "women's Altman, I am too touched, according to the document record, female Altman is in addition to Yurian, Emie An, also Otte There is no mother outside the mother. "

It is also a trace of accident in the eyes of forced water. "Really accidental?"

It was originally crazy to sprinkle the hoof, and the people who stopped the hooves, "women's Altman, perfect, and be very powerful."

The man is in the Ka Tmiel, "Female Warrior, Come on, we are your strong back shield."

Ka Tmiel looks like people who are calling, this feeling seems to be very good.

"Li Wei, if you don't play, today's limelight is to be strong by Kamira." Mumei smiled.

Li Wei shook his head, full of face, "Do not see, the real power always broke out in the last second, the labor will prove to you."

"Ha ha ha, do you think you have won this?" Grosham, which was smashed into two and more, "I am not dead, hahaha!"

The little dream has been exhausted by Dissree, and now only Ka Tmie is left. If you are simply one enemy, Kamirira is a victorious coupon, but with a three words, you can only huh.

The bright god whip in the hands of Kamira turns to the bright sword, and go to Grovezham.


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