I am Ultraman

I am Ottman Chapter 201

"This voice talks to everyone on the earth." Zhe Pei called.

"El the earth people listen to our orders, expel the Nikters and Mendier, I can spare you not to die."

Li Wei didn't have a good way: "It's a good one, just don't know if it is a good one."

Thirteen English Plezza landed in the front of the Phoenix nest, but this time people's panic is not so deep, there is so the hanging Nike, see how he explodes you.

The sky flashed a light, the little dream came out, but in the face of the 13th English Plezza, it is really looking for the rhythm of death.

"Ka Tmie, let us, knead them." The rolling silver gray flashed, Nikith and Kamira debuted.

"Big Brother, thank you!" The little dream that was bombarded was carried out by Nike.

"Look, it is Naixs and beauty Altman, haha! What hang's emperor is going to eat."

"Go eat Xiang, go eat Xiang, go to eat ..."

Nikesese suddenly burst out of the sky, "Let's make labor to completely explode you, the field of Tower!" One hand of Nikes went to the air, one layer of water tattoo The three English-deprecated were surrounded.

After the water tattoo, the thirteen British Plezza and Naixs, Kam Tmiel, only left a daze, the big brother, where did they go, why didn't you see? Dream, you are eligible for your eligibility, so it's still good soy sauce.

"Hey, weird things, why don't you see, I still want to see Nikese show a big hang, how is this?"

"It's regrettable, why can't we see it, I am so painful, I want to see my idol, I'm giving me a confidence of men."

Numerous human beings have been very painful for can't see this wonderful big drama.

In the GUYS work, the mouth of Mikasaki has revealed a smile, "Meteor Technology is lifted, and the secondary explorer is launched. Let us enjoy this beautiful battle together."

"Understand!" Aron and others called.

The phoenix number played a light, wrapped in a small instrument in the light, a layer of illusory substance passed in the air, and the small instrument was gone.

Mumei proud: "The secondary explorer is my proud of my privilege, the Nikas's beauty tower is also a different space, according to the Nikters who stayed before, when the Nikseus is playing Baggu The information left, I made this, I finally sent it in today. "

Philosoping is amazed: "It is too powerful to study the super practist of the same period."

"So, the live broadcast of the scene, the radio station around the world, I want all the people to see my Nike, shocking their dog eyes." Mei is very prostinal.

I was now depressed. I couldn't see the Dafa Dawei, I saw the contents of the screens that were being shown. "This is ... so very strange place, what is this?"

"Look, you look at Nikris and the female Ottman, and the opposite is the 13th English-Depolaz. Are they going to this place? It's so powerful!"

"No, you all understand the wrong, this is Naixas's goodwill of our humanity, and the words of the thirteen British-Leza battle will cause great losses and casualties, but go to this place to human beings. There is no impact, I am proud of the Altman who wants us to think about human beings. "Think more, just purely loaded.

"Good, Nike Cafe, explode them, explode them ..."

Inside the field of the United States, Nikes and Ka Tmie looked opposite the opposite British, "Ka Tmia, gave you three, the remaining ten are given to me."

"I listen to you." Ka Tmira's voice with a thick love.

The 13th British Plezza is looking at, how come this place, always feel that the body is inexplicably suppressed.

"Breaking the straw copper, your nightmare is coming, it is dominated here." Nikseus said.

Thirty-three British Dazang no longer looked around, but launched an attack, countless energy balls attacked the two.

"Ka Tmie, we, ah ..." Nikisse's yell, the armed Nikseus on his wrist extends two light swords.


The two British Paleza was built for two halves, but the English Plezza was able to recover, so the Ka Tmiela's Pelici light is then arrived, and the two English Pleazaki scored Slag. There is no longer.

"Next, I will look at labor, press the light, and turn into a molecule." Nassess jumped, came to the air, the silver-gray light was bombarded underground to crush everything.

Boom, bang, bomb ...

After the six-sounded explosion, six British Plezza explosions exploded in the fireworks for molecules.

There are still five of the five British Paleza, "Ka Tmia, you will have one of them, all other people give me, I don't have a good fight, I can't show the strong muscles of labor."

A British rushed to Nikith rushed over, and both parties came to a rush.


A shock wave is exuded out of the outside, keeping a while, then squatting, the sound of the sound, the British Body is quickly tile, slowly, for a pile of broken transes.

"Okay!" Numerous people burst out in the crowd of watching, so powerful, "The emperor can go to eat, Nikseus must defeat you."

"What is going on? You watch the sky!"

"this is……"

I saw the darkness of the rolling from the sky, the sun's light was gone, the darkness was constantly swept the earth.

"You dare to dismatched our orders, and destruction will be your end!"

Chapter 112 is eating Xiang [Search Moon Tickets, seeking flowers] 432

"The sun is completely annihilated, how can it be?" Zhe Ping looked at the photos from the satellite.

"How can this be? The sun doesn't have a life expectancy? How can I burn it." The sound of the forced water with a horror, if the wood is in the sun, the earth can not get energy, will be all Extinction.

"I am the emperor, everything on the earth, you are slowly destroying in this desperate darkness." The voice of the emperor was very confident, and finally retrieved the confidence in this place.

A black flame in the sky slowly fell from the air, and the emperor wore cloaks, and the unpacking was fell from the air.

"Is this the emperor? I feel that there is a little meaning, but I must be my best." Mummy confident.

"Li Wei ?!" Forced Shuo Alone and others stunned.

Ma Yumei smiled, "Li Wei is Nike, do you still know? But it doesn't matter, it is already over."

"Is the boss to Nikters?" Along himself.

"Indecent of Li Wei has far more than ordinary people, if he is Nassess big brother, is the most reasonable explanation." The future thought about it.

Philosoping called, "I am so shocked. It has always been by our side. I should think about it here."

"What Li Wei is Nikith?" The birds and mountains called, and a pair was scared.

"That's this, if you are old bird, you should be careful, I am afraid that he will come to you, you will be miserable." Mei smiled.

"You don't scare me, I am usually very good and Li Wei's relationship can be very good." The bird is rushing.

"But I don't understand, where is Li Wei come from? There is no existence of his existence in the country of light, even if they don't know the brigade." Some doubts in the future.

"Well, you don't need to know this, you only need to know that he is the strongest, this black and autumn, just waiting to be exploded." Mumei looked at the black lacquered emperor.

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