I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 203

In such a silent a few seconds, the body of the two sides went at the same time. The transparent blood flows out of the waist of Nikes, "Haha, the emperor, how? Is it very cool, you must suffer from Laozi."

The emperor looked at the wound on the waist. "The hateful people, even for my old injury, ah ..." The emperor's appearance was more painful, and the blood on the waist was a bit exaggerated. At 30,000 years ago, the emperor once invaded the country. Of course, the final result was a failure, and left a scar on the waist. Now this scar is once again opened again by Nazith. .

"Okay, shameless way is such a handsome, I like it, Li Wei added another strength, exploding this black charcoal." Mumei's small hand refers to.

All the human beings are cheering, they don't think so much, in their view, the scars on the waist of the emperor are cut out, Nikith is hanging than the emperor.

Nikas slowly stood up, "Labor and capital have not said that it is fair to make a fair, and it is cheap, not occupying the bastard.

"I am evil, don't want to attack me." The emperor's cloak waved in front and blocked the pressed light.

"Your cloak is very hanging, you can absorb light skills, but everything has a degree, see how labor has exploded your cloak today, ha!" Nikseas concluded the output of energy.


The cloak exploded in the rolling light, the emperor sent a roar, and the body was hit.

The emperor is completely angry, in addition to fried chicken, no one can let him like a wolf, a black storm out of his body, out of this goods, under the power of this force, the field over the field A small crack of a channel.

Chapter 114 is wearing an emperor [ask for a monthly ticket, seeking flowers] 434

Boom, smoke diffuse, space shaving!

Here is the roar of explosion, two huge figure constantly fight, fighted, energy, light, expressive, hard to help.

"Ha, go to death, emperor, super boxing!" Nikseus fell into the ground.

"Hahaha, useless, this level of attack can't hurt my." The emperor was smirking.

Nikesh shook his head, "I haven't intended to take you, but I really have to solve you."

It is indeed possible to waste, and a huge crack of a road is clearly visible. The outer casing of the field is constantly flashing. It seems to see the outer human beings.

"Haha, solve me? Do you think you can do it with your ability?" The emperor's body happened to the air.

"Maybe it is probably possible, the strength between us is not big, labor is better than you, but this is enough." Nikes faint.

"It's really laughing at me, Rezolim rays!" The emperor suddenly went to Nikes.

"Press the light!"

The space is broken again, the air flashes the beautiful fireworks, the bangs of the two different nature, see if they are not dead.


In the end, the two power of the two battles rebounded back, and the powerful impact wave has an impact on the field, and the area is already in a state of being disintegrated.

Naixas stopped behind himself, "The Emperor, why do you think that labor is always exhausted and fighting now to now."

The emperor's pain is a lot of Nike, and the injuries brought about by the wounds between the waist have affected his actions. " I am. "

"Hahaha! Labor is aware of your confidence." Nike raised his thumbs up to the emperor.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't you see it? I really feel anxious for your IQ. The purpose of labor is just to give you the final gun, no, one hit." Niksse was crazy, "now , Is the last moment of the last hit, is black forced to prepare for death? "

"The guy of the big words, do you think you can do? If you can, you have already done it, but also use it now." The emperor disdain. "

"That is to consume your strength. Do you still can't see it now? Tell you a small detail, in the previous labor, you can hide the monster in the empty space in memory, I will have this ability It is absorbed, and it seems that it is really a very correct thing. "Niksse's body disappeared.

The emperor is looking for, and then began to bombard, "You gave it out, I know that you are here, avoiding it, see how I break this field."

" - - -!" The roar of a word a meal sounded throughout the field.

Colorful light is filled throughout the field. In the place where people can see, Naixas's bodybuilding is for a colorful ray, and the rays have evolved, and a colorful sharp arrow has been formed. This is The skill of attacking methods, once the launch, no death.

"The emperor, let you die in the strongest hit of labor, wear your body." The sound came from the high altitude.

The emperor lifted his head, and a colorful bare arrow came to himself. The first reaction of the emperor was escaped, but it was already late, the arrow was suddenly from above, and the speed can be said to be instant.

Since I can't open, then I can only defense, the emperor's hands suddenly lift, and a black energy rushed. But the miracle is generally in the bold bamboo, and the black energy is smashed.

"How can I ..." The emperor made a painful scream, and the miracle is already in contact with his head, but she has to admire the Emperor's herb shell is hard, and it has hindered the further deepening of the radillast.

Outside the big screen all the human beings are cheering, "Come on, Nikas burst the brain, penetrating this stupid body."

"Niksse, we give you a bit, praise, explode his body, do him."

"Continue to drill, drill into it, you can do it, you are so hanging!"

In the GUYS work, all the people are not blind, and all the feelings are very nervous.

"The victory is in the last one, it seems that we need to give Li Wei more power." Mumei suddenly laughed.

"How to give it?" Asked the beauty of Wood.

"Actually, the secondary explorer can put our voice into the area inside the field." Mumei operates a few buttons. "Now, the sisters, you can say it to Li Wei, but must make his chicken Words. I will come first, Li Wei, must fight this black charcoal, as long as you do, we can study the body's construction. "

Truth, I've been busy: "Now I will change me, Li Wei, you must win, or you don't come back, I will never give fork with you." Good words.

Xiao Xiang went up, "My brother, I have to fight him, otherwise Xiaoquan will not let you help Xiaoquan to promote the body."


The voices of the vocal sounds in the field of the Tower field. "Since the wife, the wife must explode this black for you, ha!" The roaring came out from the miracle.

The emperor sent a painful snoring, "It is impossible, you can't beat me."

"Call you paralyzed, labor and capital exploding you this black force." Endless colorful light broke out, the radillatte suddenly passed through the emperor's body, giving the emperor.

"Okay!" At this moment, every corner on the earth is cheering, a wave of waves have erupted, people have never felt such excitement, the emperor was exploded.

"Our old cow is not a cow." Mumei shouted.


It took a little bit to nod, "Li Wei did, he was really worth it."

The miracle is running in the ground after penetrating the emperor, and the outer shell in the US field is completely broken. A burst of shaking in the field, slowly crushed, and eventually disappeared.

Outside, a layer of water appears out, the miracle is from a bang, and the water grain is in an instant. Without the field of Mei Tower, the emperor's body appeared, slowly squatted, and the colorful light in the body was emitted from it. "How can I lose ..."

In the air, the miracle is constantly dispersed, and the rays are solid into Nikes, they accept people's cheers.

However, there is still no longer a few seconds, Naixas's body is a soft, almost falling, and the timer on the chest is constantly flashing, so it is better than the emperor, but this is enough.

There are two chapters in the evening, but it will be a bit late!

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