I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 213

Just when Noah tangled, a majestic voice came in from outside. "Mary is still busy? If you are not busy, let's go go, you are tired."

Mary's look is a bit happy. Noah has a bed in the heart, and it will not be the young Ort's father, Cairn, now is labor-owned.

Chapter 4 Keen 448

Noah looked at Ottman, the bright horn has exposed his identity, which is the future of the Father of Ott, now is a member of the universe guard team, not the big captain, of course He is now a very spring breeze, because the next big captain will be launched between him and Belia.

Mary looked in Cairn, "Cairn, I am not telling you? Don't come here when I work, or you will affect you."

Keyne laughed, "Mary is fine, I just passed here, I just sent my injured two players."

Noah's dark contempt in his heart, Nima, players were injured, your expression should be very serious, how is it is still laughing, see Mary, I am excited, I have forgotten you. The brother of the wind, the brothers, for you, the labor, the labor, the labor, you will make friends with you, you will cry, what is powerful.

"But I am really busy now, many patients need me to take care." Mary is difficult.

"People work can be very busy. Do you want to disturb people at this time? Is it important to walk away, or Ottman's life is important, if Ottman is dead, Mary is mood? Silk you know? I said how you are selfish? Outman's justifier is lost? "Noah is impassioned.

Kane's sight looked at Noah lying in bed, "Who are you?" Since become a member of the universe guard team, there is no talk to him and his words.

"Keyne, you don't want to talk to a patient." Mary's tone was rebuked.

Noah's temper is coming, and you are now in the universe guard team. Your hang is big. If you are so low, you can't learn the modest morality of labor and capital? I really don't know how to be a big captain in the future, it is estimated that Ottman's eyes are ignorant.

"Labor, no, I am just an ordinary Altman, unlike you so hang, but I don't think I don't think, I have to be responsible for my conscience." Conscience hang, you still have this Will.

Kane also wants to say something, but it is stopped by Mary. "Keyne, you don't say anything, let's go back, I will continue to work, time will always have, what is eager to this? This Ottoman is very right. "

Kane glanced at the Noah, Noah understood that is uncomfortable, not cool, I am so scared.

Keyn left, Mary looked at Nova on the bed, "You are a just altamman, I believe you will be big in the future."

"Thank you, I will not live up to your expectations." "Labor is already the greatest, definitely will not live up, you will definitely make you feel proud."

Mary took a nod to go outside, Noah came, "That angel, will we still see again?"

Mary turned over the head. "Mary is okay. If you have the opportunity, you will definitely see you again, I hope you can be good."

"If there is a chance, huh, huh, you must create opportunities, if you wait, it is estimated that it is already dead." Noah is not seen in the light of self-calling.

Shortly after Noah disappeared, Mary came in, "Have you already gone? I still want to ask where he lives."

Noah has once again appeared on the street, lying in the trough, really a love, extraordinar, a big red, good death and Kane encountered. Of course, Noah is a person who pays attention to peace. Kane is not a bad person, no need to bully him because some feelings are going to bully him.

Just when Nova is ready to walk around Kane, Keyn said, "What is your name?"

"What is your name?" Noah is very hanging to continue.

Kane, "You wait, see your hang like you, strength must be very good, I don't know if you are interested in participating in the national competition of the light held next week.

The National Athletics, this name is related to the battle, it seems that Kane wants to play with labor here, after all, the country is prohibited from private. Noah laughed, "I know, I have this interest in this area, I can't see it."

Looking at Noah's far away, Kane disdain: "Kid, I am a two master in the young life, when you look forward to me, otherwise play you."

Noah is walking on the road. The last time I didn't pay attention. This time, I've been careful, everywhere is about the national competition of the light, and the location is in the Ott Arena.

"Specifically, how to give labor decoration opportunities, really don't want to make it, in fact, I just want to be quiet to be a beautiful man, how do you not do this?" Noah? "Noah?" Noah? "Noah The dress is sigh, and the face is underneadous.

"The bear child in front is Es, chasing it." Noah quietly followed the little time, seeing this, it should be adopted by Mary, just follow Es to find Mary's home. .

In the end, Es walked into a small house, it was a huge room for human beings.

"I finally found a place where I was, I only need to have an occasion in the future, and then it was a fate." Noah's self-call.

The country of light is there, there is no night, so Noah is like this, and time is like this. Noah has drawn thousands of circles, "appears, appears, appear ... "

"The trough is finally coming, but how can I be next to it, I can't let two people go to this momentum." Noah decided to save Mary.

Noa is low, suddenly wipes from Kane's body. Keyne only felt a lot of efforts from the shoulders, although desperately wants to stop his body, but eventually fell, put the ground a big pit.

"Keyne is nothing to do." Mary hurriedly squatted.

"You are fine, I am really accidental, please don't blame me." Noah squared.

"It is you." Mary looked at Ottman in front of him.

Noah is full of face, "It's you, I really didn't think I would encounter you here, it is really great, this is a kind of fate."

Mary nodded. "Let's put Kane in my home, his shoulders seem to be hurt, my home is here."

Noah nodded, it is this result. Kane is depressed, the shoulder feels breaking, and there is no chance to get along with Mary, and you can only describe the mood with your sleep.

Chapter 5 destroys harmony between 449

"Don't help me, I can go." Kane is standing up, the shoulders of the Shoulder Mima hurt, it seems that I am too unhappy, I didn't protect my shoulder before, Kay Well, it is absolutely not to believe that his shoulder is Noah's injury. This seems to be so weak, how can Altman, which might be so big.

"It is not a universe guard team, it is the cow." Noah has a sentence, cut, you will continue to put it.

Mary laughed, "He is such a person, the death, it is actually very painful."

Noah nodded, "It turned out to be like this. If I do, I will never do this, the man can't get yourself, I have to love myself."

Mary nodded, "You are right, everyone must love yourself, only this can avoid more sacrifices."

Nova is a little bit, "Mary, you are right, listen to you, I feel a lot in instantly."

"You said too exaggerated, I just said a few words." Mary smiled softly.

Cairn is very unforced in front of it, listening to the laughter came back, the heart is getting depressed, can be evil, it is the kid, the labor will never let you have a good, you will wait. .

After walking, I went to Mary's home, and I was coming out. "Sister, you are coming, you have come." I look like Es, I like Kane.

For a small child, it will not affect your own bubble, Noah directly ignores the Bear child.

After entering Mary's home, Kane has many things that I want to say, but there is noa's big light bulb, I really don't know what to say, I can only put it, Keyn pointed to her brother , "Mary, you see, this is the medal gave me before the captain, the whole police preparation team only got alone."

Mary has not said yet, Noah has already said, "Wow, you will hang, it is worth Cairn, it seems that the next captain is not you."

Kane pointed at Noa, pigs, can hear the irony, "You, don't you talk?"

"Why can't I talk, the country is a place in democracy, do you want to limit my freedom? And say, I am admiring you, isn't this?" Noah's voice is full Desperate.

Mary also followed: "Kane, I also think you are too much, people really don't have other meaning, just talk, how do you blame others?"

Noah nodded, "or Mary, you understand me, of course, even if Kane you misunderstand me, I am still willing to be friends with you." Noah is very large.

Kane is depressed, "Not, Mary, this guy said the tone, it is very unsatisfactory ..."

"Don't say anything again, this matter has passed, even if there is a problem with others, you should be a big difference, you are a team member of the universe guard team, this little thing can't bear, how can you go? What is the peace of the universe? "

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