I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 224

Granrene and Dai Tay began, of course Gran Rayne is not a powerful monster, and wear it in the bright red light, and finally kill Granrene.

The explosion of Granrene woke Aliang in the contemplation, "Is it over? Time is too long, and Dijia is a magnitude, I really feel unfair."

Take a jump to the air, in the corner of one, the birds look at the flash sword in the hand. "I am the giant of the light? I have the power to change everything? Hahaha!" Flying birds Laugh.

"Li Wei, I will default to you, you can't afford me, I will let you know that I am so powerful." The bird suddenly felt that he had been forced.

"Young man, don't think too much." A man's voice passed into the ear of flying birds, and flying birds looked at the back of the front. How did this person appear? It's no one here.

"Who are you?" The bird asked loudly.

"Please call me a high person." Li Wei faintly.

"High people? Who are you, turn your body, don't blame me, you are welcome." The bird pulled out the gun.


The flying bird only felt that the light was flashing, and the face was a great pain, the body fell on the ground.

"Specification, labor-owned people said that the labor is called a high person, you still ask your brother-in-law, you have to work with you, you are cool, you still have to take a gun, you will take a gun, you are so angry."

The birds stand up with their faces. "You, how did you do it." This person is still, but your face is indeed really smoked. The pain tells the birds. This is true.

"Special, if you can't do it, how is the labor, how to call a high person. Rookie, do it, do it, the opportunity to make it will still have it." Li Wei said that this freighter is completed in order to be a light.

Flying birds cover their faces, "Snake is sick, I am doing for no reason." Who is it. "I just felt that the mood of the burdock disappeared.

Aliang is still there, always feeling that he is saved is a very worthwhile thing, and suddenly the light flashed in Aliang.

"I just didn't have eye flowers, there is a light flashing in my eyes, rays, rays!" Aliang's mouth revealed a smile, is him?

During the TPC headquarters, the smauna is going to the toilet, and the listener is bored to look at the photos in the computer. "If you can see it with Li Wei, the new giant is really hard."

Suddenly there is a flash of light from the eyes of the horses. "How can there be light? Is it a illusion?" Square self-prodigal.

Ask for a monthly ticket, the brothers have the words, please give me a two sheet, I am grateful.

Chapter 20 and Mason Communication [Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket] 464

"Illusion God is not existed." A voice rang from behind the horses.

Mason was shocked, hurriedly turned to the body, then stunned, the eyes were full of surprises, "Li Li Li ... I am not dreaming." Mason with hand Your own little face, then send a pain, "Not a dream, you are Li Wei, do you really Li Wei?"

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, "Because I heard a pure girl who wants to see my urgent mood, I will come." Pack, you can then put it, just purely want to bubble People are already.

"Is this this, it's really great, I am really excited, I, I ..." Mason has been excited to say.

Li Wei's eyes turned, it seems that Mason's worship has arrived in the extent, it is too big, and it is too big, and it can't be blamed.

"You have always been my wish." Shan is still excited.

Li Wei smiled and laughed. "At a point, I am very ordinary, the next thing you have to do is to treat me as an ordinary person."

"Square? You call me Mai." The face of the face with a charming faint.

"What's wrong? Do you call you like this? So I still use a full name to call you." Li Wei put a look at it.

"No, no, I am very happy, you can call me like this, call me Saih." Maski low-headed, the next person is better than the person who is better, Li Wei is called her, is it like she What is the relationship? The heartbeat of the horses is accelerated.

"What happened to you?" Li Wei asked softly.

The body of Mason, raised his head and hurriedly said: "Nothing, nothing, I, I am just too happy. I can see you once again, people are waiting for you. You finally came back. "Mason suddenly felt his inner sour, tears flowed down with his eyes.

"It's not a place where you are talking, come, with me to go outside." Li Wei is very thick, the hand holds the hand, this little hand is good. Mason has not yet come and shy, and a light flashed, the two people disappeared.

The TPC headquarters is not far away, Li Wei appeared in Saijie, "The environment here is very good."

"Yes, yes, here is in the mountains." The face of Mashi is getting more and more red, because the little hands are still holding this animals.

"That, that, that ..." Mason is very uneasy.

Li Wei smiled at this time, "Mason, what's wrong? Is there anything you say, if you can solve it, I will do it."

Mason feels the hot hot, I feel that my heart is also ignited. "That, Li Wei can let go." Sure enough, it is too hot, and hemp is afraid that he can't stand it. "

Li Wei recovered his hand, and he was still going to say it. He has been holding it. "It's really embarrassing, because the hand feeling is very good because of the horses." You also dare to say.

Mason is low, "Yes, is it?" Although it feels shy, but feels that it is praised, it is very happy. Girls have not saved.

Li Wei lying down and looked at the sadness of the sky. "It is really good to come again. I thought I didn't come back." I started to put it.

"You must have experienced a lot of hardships." Mason has automated brain tonic Li Wei experienced the painful scene of the hardship.

Li Wei is faintly said: "For the sake of being able to come back, everything is worth it." What did you experience? "

"I, I am really hard." Mason suddenly wanted to grasp Li Wei, Li Wei, the pain of this goods. Simple woman.

"Nothing, everything has passed, as long as it is for human beings, everything is worth it." Li Wei is very great. But do you really have such a great sentiment?

Mason's touched again, "Li Wei, you are the greatest person, no one can go beyond you."

Li Wei took out a paper paper, stood up, and wiped it gentle, "Don't cry, everything has passed, let all the pain let me take a boring." You What is painful?

Mason looked at gentle Li Wei, Li Wei got her wiping tears, how gentle a man, I feel that everything is like a dream.

"Li Wei, all the human beings will thank you, without you, everything is over."

"I don't care, I just do what I think is correct. People hate me, I am still grateful, that is what people's ideas, I have never thought about it." You have got a lot, beauty and clothing Forcing you is not the same.

Mason has been shocked by the great quality of Li Wei, "Li Wei, I only have deep respect for you, if a person can have one percent, no, one is one It is also very good. "

"Ha ha ha, in fact, I don't have you said so, don't praise this, I will be embarrassed, hahaha!" Li Wei smiled and smiled, the nature is finally unable to cover up. .

Mason is a little horror looks at Li Wei, and the image before and after is somewhat inconsistent. I flew a few fighters in the sky, and Aliang and others came back.

"They come back, I have to go."

"Wait." Mason looked at Li Wei's back, "Do you have to go? Will we meet again?"

"As long as you think, we will meet." How do you completely bubble you? "

I nodded, "I will think." Please don't talk about it.

Li Wei is in order to disappear, and Mason has also returned to the workplace. Aliang is strange to look at the linen, "Mason, you seem to be very happy.

"Hey, yes, I am very happy." The smile of Mason is not close.

"Do you have money?" The birds are somewhat depressed.

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