I am Ultraman

I am Ottman Chapter 230

Aliang, who was prepared to collect, stopped, "I said that I can't see me like this."

"Oh, I just want to say that you are not in line with your image." Li Wei faintly said.

"What do you mean?" Aliang angry turned his head, then a punch gave a fist, "let you ironically, there is no woman." The fist is very easy to pick up Li Wei.

"Blea let go of your pig's trotters, I am very angry." Aliang called, actually said that there is no woman in this bastard, "I just don't have a woman, how to find those who have a woman Woman, what is my side? "

Li Yusong opened the hands of Aliang. "When you calmly, I like you, you look like it, I like it."

Aliang looked at Li Wei, and then his face was red. "You, you don't like to manage me, I don't care about you." Aliang quickly walked forward, I always feel happy. .

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, haha, Aliang is shy, good feeling.

Just when Ajiang hurried forward, an object made a lovely called the past, and the Aiang took a few steps to the back and hit the back of Li Wei.

Li Wei, this carousel, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is me."

"Let me go, take the opportunity to take me cheap," "Aliang broke the embrace of Li Wei.

"Don't say this, I just worry about you." Li Wei smiled in this goods.

"Hey, anyway, you just account for my cheap, you are a monk." Aliang didn't have a good way.

"I think we are still concerned about what the creature just now is better." Li Wei hurriedly transferred the topic. "I think we need to investigate." After that, Li Wei quickly walked forward. .

Aliang waved a little fist behind Li Wei, let's die.

Two people walked in front of it, Aliang took a fragment from the ground, "What is this? I can see this everywhere."

"It's like something wreck."

The cute call came again, and a small organism flew from the past. Li Yuyi has a smile, it is a cute little guy, Ha Nai Lang, hahaha, this guy is used to pick up the girl is a good thing, and the general woman is more loved.

"It's so cute, it seems to be a kitten, and you can fly." Aliang is amazing.

Li Yu smiled, "Since this kind of cute, we are still waiting for, catch up and see, maybe you can bring back the earth."

Aliang nodded, two people hurriedly chased it, came to a cave entrance. Aliang stopped and took out the communication equipment. "I want to report, I want to report, I have a lot of time, and I have no reaction."

"Don't shout, useless." Li Wei stared in this stall.

"Do you know what?" Asked happily.

"Go in with me, I will know anything." Li Wei walked towards the cave.

"Wait for me."

In the cave, Li Wei and Aliang walked forward, and Aliang saw a stone pillar. "This seems to be not natural, but it is manually manufactured, say this planet has a wisdom creature, but if there is, how Didn't you see it? "

"Don't worry, continue." Li Wei continued to go forward, be sure to grab Huanlian Lang, go back to bring women to play.

"Available bastard, you must know what, don't tell me." Aliang took the mouth.

"Good things are fine, follow the brothers, you will feel the incredibleness of everything." Li Wei was started again.

"Cut, no you, I can feel incredible, ah ..." Aliang's scream jumped to Li Wei, "that, that, you see that."

Li Wei is secretly enjoying the body of Aliang, cool, "What, what do you say? What did you say, I didn't listen clearly."

"Breast, hate." Ajiang angry was shining in the ear of Li Wei, "You see that, look."

"Oh, you said that, isn't it a bunch of bones? Don't be afraid, there is what I am, I can't hurt you."

"I hurt your sister, let me down, don't touch me." Aliang struggled.

"It's yourself, how can I blame me? I don't pick up you?" Li Wei is full of innocent.

"In short, I don't care, you just want to put me down." Aliang's woman's sex is coming, and there is no reason for the woman, then it is only necessary to go to the government with powerful strength.

"Ah, ah." The cute voice suddenly passed out from the bones.

Chapter 28 Trap Planet 472

"This is the cute creature, wow, it is really cute." Aliang broke away from Li Wei, walked toward Ha Nai Lang, couldn't help but want to touch this cute Small organism.

But the little wings of Ha Nai Lang fanned, flew in front. "Don't go, I am not malicious." Aliang couldn't help.

Ha Nai Lang flew forward, flew behind, the center of gravity was unstable, and it was touched by the ground.

"What happened to you?" Aliang did not ran the past.

"Don't touch it, let me come." Li Wei was in front of Aliang, "it should be hurt."

Li Wei took his body, looked at Ha Nai Lang, "Little guy, you see my look, I know that I am a good person, please see my face is not a faint about about about it. I can see it. word."

"Don't face it." Aliang's whisper said.

Ha Nai Lang looked at Li Wei's face, then shook his head and sent a cute called.

Aliang smiled, "It's a smart creature, you can understand our language."

Li Wei, I touched my nose. "Can you see it? It doesn't matter, I will not mind, you only have to understand that I am a good person. I know that you have been hurt, let me come You have treated it. "Li Wei sent a silk ray in the hands of the goods.

Ha Nai Lang feeled slowly, gave it comfortable, and sent out the sound of enjoyment, and the light flashed in the body of Ha Nai Lang.

Ha Nai Lang found his little body is completely good, happy to add a few times in Li Wei's hand, send out the voice of relatives.

Li Wei hugged Hai Siling, "Little guy, this beautiful sister likes you very much, come to give her a hug."

Ha Nai Lang looked at Li Wei and then waved his wings to fly on the shoulders of Aliang. Aliang delighted Ha Nai Lang in his hand. "You are really cute, it is really too smart."

Hai Nai Lang flew again, flew in one direction, and then looked back to two people.

"Do you let us go with you?" Ayi asked.

Ha Nai Lang nodded, Aliang and Li Wei got past, walking, a flashing iron door appeared in front of the two.

"Sure enough, there is a secret here." Aliang opposite the iron gateway.

"I will know." Li Wei kicked on the door, and the door exploded.

"Can you be gentle?" Aliang looked at Li Wei.

Li Yu stalls, "" The world, I only work soft to my woman, others still count, I like to use violence. "

The little eyes of Ha Nai Lang took a slice, this person is so powerful.

Outside, the three big men bored the birds. "How to be a bit here, I can listen to birds, but a bird is useless, even an ant is not seen, how to say it is not scientific." China island is very strange .

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