I am Ultraman

I am Ottman 707

"I have sinned before," Song Yong stood up, "Where did the captain heard, Mr. Lonely, from today you will be transferred to a organization, this is a command book."

The lonely door has taken the order of the loose hand, "TLT?"

"TLT is a special organization that transcends national level maintenance, and you are selected as a member of the implementation of the troops." Song Yong faintly.


"The talents who are superior to all aspects are concentrated, which is very good for you." Song Yong walked toward the table, opened the brings that brought it, and took out a instrument.

"What is this?" Asked lonely.

"Pulse smashing gun, it will take you to new position." Song Yong will put the pulse shredded gun on the table, and there is a map on the display on the display.

Song Yong walked outside and stopped his footsteps, turning back seriously: "Remember, this transfer is absolutely confidential."

The lonely door looked at Song Yong, picked up the pulse gun on the table, "Absolutely confidential, what will I work?"

On the way outside the wild *, a bus is driving, the people in the car are crazy, the car is filled with a strong wine, "" Drink, brothers to drink ... "

These people don't know, there is a kind of heteromed beast to the taste of alcohol, but the sensitivity is the sense of Physical, that is, the body is a hundred percent ninety-five is water, like ethanol.

"Driver, you also have a drink." A man swayed his body and took a bottle of canned beer walked toward the driver.

"That, I am still driving ... What is it?" The driver's expression is frightened, watching the fast flying in front.

The sound of the burst, a black thing sprayed on the glass, and the glass of glass became black. The driver stepping on the brakes on the road, and stopped on the roadside danger, almost hit the fence.

Only five meters a little Pedlon stopped in front of the car, his body continued his body, it seems to be unusual. A person ran from the car, and the fear ran in front.

Pedellon stretched out red tentacles, giving the people who escaped, pulling it to the ugly body, the body cracks, and the person who caught the captured.

People on the car don't dare to get off, one is huddled together, and Surse is shaking, screaming.

The body of Pedon and the soft surface of the soft surface, laying a layer on the ground, moving quickly toward the door, entered the car.

Soon, a scream and screams came from the car. Soon, the name was calm.

In the jungle, a man is running quickly, the man stopped, and the upper body wears a leather, the brow is deeply wrinkled, giving a sense of suffering from pain.

The man took out a touch of things that jumped with rays from the arms, "" You, what do I hope to do? "

Really let me drunk, "ethanol" The word is actually sensitive *, and it is really drunk, and it is drunk by ethanol.

Chapter 37 Nice Development

On the same road, a car is driving. Our original protagonist is driving a car, looking at the electronic map on the pulse shredded gun: "Is it true that this is really useful?"

The look of the lonely door saw a bus, "strange, this car stops this strange? It seems that there is no people." The heart of the lonely door makes it to explore.

The lonely door stopped the car, walked from the car, walked toward the bus, opened the bus of the bus, entered the bus, looked at the car in the car, "It's a strange, where is people going?"

A volatile can rolls to the foot of the lonely door, lonely, and suddenly disgusting liquids come out of the easy pull can. The lonely door is shocked, throwing the easy pull can, hurriedly looking at your hand.

The sound of the sound came from the back of the lonely door, and the lonely door saw the window. The face changed, "That, what is it?" I saw a disgusting creature was twisting, lonely. I feel my own. The heart must jump out.

I hurriedly took the car, started to run fast, "how, how can there be such a monster, what happened?"

Pedlon quickly twisted his body behind the lonely door, chasing lonely, don't say the speed is still very fast. Pedellon stretched a disgusting tentacle, holding the waist of the lonely door, pulling the lonely.

The lonely struggle struggle, slide on the ground, and see where to be pulled to Pedon. The hands of the lonely door suddenly pulled a railings of a way, and the death of death, once the words were dead.

Pedon, struggling to pull the lonely door, the ugly giant mouth has been split, waiting for the lonely door to eat.

The lonely door feels that your hands have to be broken, but it is still insisting, can't give up this.


A impactful voice passed, the lonely door only felt a loose body, flew out, fell on the ground. The lonely door supports the body, looks backwards, revealing the shocking look in the eyes.

He saw a pillar, on the ground, the ground was pulled out of a pit. The lonely door took a few steps in front, lifted his head, "that, that, giant."

Lonely door understands, the column is a giant's arm, only one silver giant is on the road.

The silver giant recovered the arm, stand upright, and lonely.

"I am not dreaming." Lonely.

The boss of the silver giant disappeared in the air. Lonely, I've been stunned again. "I got it, this is not a real real thing."

A pace of foot came over, the lonely door turned the body, four with a helmet, wearing a uniform, holding a gun in his hand ran over.

"The vibration wave level is lowered, and the target has disappeared." This is the sound of stone.

"In short, protect the survivor first." The voice of the warehouse.

One person stopped in front of the lonely door, "What happened here?" The sound of the Western Wheel.

"Hey?" Lonely look at the people in front of him.

The western strip has moved the glass shroud to the upper side, it is very paralyzed: "What do you have?"

"That." The lonely door is still like it.

Western strips look at the lonely door, press several numbers on the electronic communication device on the wrist, and the above small display will show the information of the lonely door.

"It turns out, it is you." The wind looks at the touch of lonely.

"What?" The lonely door is in the face.

The tilt of the western strip is looking at the back of the lonely door, and the face change, "give you an advice." Western strip has raised the large separation guns in his hand, and he played a shot.

The body of the lonely door is trembled, looking back in the back, there is something that has been humming in the rock mass, and it seems to have anything being eliminated.

"Next time, please ask yourself." The western strip is unique, and it will go.

Lonely look at the western strip, there is a feeling, this woman, there must be any problem. Of course, this personality in the lonely door is not to fight with the west strip.

Li Wei looked at everything happened here, and his mouth revealed a trace of evil, "Nice development, lonely, I am optimized, put the Western wind this woman to it, ."

Li Wei's sight looked in a direction. A man is watching the situation of lonely. This is naturally the second powerful man Ji Come, a man carrying pain.

Ji Ji is quiz to the right side, but I haven't seen anything. "Nothing? Does it feel wrong?"

On the highway, the lonely look at a few people are busy with a few people. "What is going on? What did I encounter?"

A black car opened, stopped next to the lonely door, "Lonely Mono, get on the bus." Song Yong opened the window.

"It is you." I got on the car.

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