I am Ultraman

I am Ottman 773

"Hey?" The poetry was shocked.

"The reason for the Temples plans to be terminated is that one of the manufactured samples, there is a fatal mistake in the genetic factor operation stage."

"Deadly mistake?"

"When the child's paper arrived at the age of 17, all the cells under full have suddenly occurred apoptosis, and will not stop."

The poetry is called, "that is, it will die."

"There is no way to treat? For example, the special effects is asked." Rui asked.

"Yes, but is terminated, and those who end the special medicine is the water in the Shuimo." Stone looks continues to look at the information in the computer.

"Don't you save? Is the Shura Saure?" Ruiyi said.

The poetry smiled, "Li Wei, the monument may meet her, I don't know why, there is a feeling."

Ruixi nodded, "Yes, Sao Sara Rooseo is so beautiful, Li, the monument has also been in North America."

Stone looks at the two people, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, there is nothing." The poetry hurriedly shook his head, she dared to definitely relatively between Li Wei and this water in the Shura.

The lonely door and the western strip are very intimate from the front of the door, and the poetry looks at the two, "the lonely team member, you are very happy now."

I am embarrassed to touch my head with my hand, "this, this ..."

The western strip glanced at the door, and the lonely door was immediately scared: "Very happiness, very happy."

Looking at the orphan of the orphan, Ruixi and poetry are a look, but it is like this, and some will not give face.

"Lonely, we found great things, do you want to know?" The poetry laughed.

"What is important thing." The lonely door said, so excused.

The poetry is simply in the case. Lonely to listen to the eye, there is an ominous premonition, "Who is the child with a wrong Prometheus?"

Stone rose shook his head, "I don't know, I only know that the endless special medicine is called Raphael."

The face of the lonely door changed, "Raphael is pity, the child with mistakes is pity."

"Is it a thousand trees in the son of Promethus? Do you know?" Asked the west strip.

Lonely I know that I can't fight, "I know, he works in a play park." Pity, why don't you tell me like this? No wonder you in the battle, never cherish your body, original you ...

In the secret meeting room of the Freedom, Li Wei walked into the meeting room, he heard an exciting shout, "Li Wei."

"Sharo, I haven't seen it for a long time." Li Wei walked through excited water in the past.

Song Yong looks at the side, these two people's sexual feelings look very uncommon, is it a lover?

In the eyes of Sausso, there is a secret resentment, forcibly restrained your emotions, after all, here is not private, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Li Yu smiled, "Waiting for things, we slowly say ha." It is best to say slowly in chuang, and it is very good.

"Hello, Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, it should be very busy recently." Li Wei looked at the man standing next to the Shuimo Salone, half of the black half of the yellow.

This is called the native of Li Wei, and there is no saying.

Soon, and the warehouse gate came in, Song Yong was talking to the warehouse: "And the soldiers, this is the prosecutor, Sauro, the TLT North American Headquarters."

"Then enter the topic." Li Wei faintly said.

"About Dark Altman, there are also internal spy accidents in TLT-J, North American headquarters believes that all of them are related to the secret of the forget." Shuiman has dim.

"Forget Chuan?" And the warehouse doubts.

Li Yu smiled, "Let me explain it to you, forget the sea from the visitors."

"What is the visitors?"

"Sure enough, these are going to involve a lot of things. 20 years ago, in the desert area of ​​the United States, the universe refugees." Li Wei explained some.

Strong SAROL has added. "Through visitors, we have obtained a lot of knowledge and intelligence, such as the optical camouflage of TLT fighters, memory of memory in the hands of the memory."

"But for the use of these super technology, the visitors have put forward the requirements and can only be for a purpose."

And the warehouse is a shocking secret, but still keeps calm, "What is the purpose?"

"Simply said that in order to prevent the destruction of the earth. Five years ago, Ottman launched the first battle in Shinjuku, which was this battle, scattered the cells of the beast beothed into the world. "

"What do you say? Five years ago, the battle of Altman and the beast beasts? Five years ago, is it not a falling fall in Shinjuku? Is it, our memory?" And the warehouse with a trace of excitement.

Li Yu nodded, "Yes, visitors use their abilities, and the memory of people around the world will be sealed in someone."

"Why, why do you do this?" And there is some angry way.

"Harmony, calm, this is of course reason. Human memories of human beasts will only cause more fear, and this fear is needed to grow, promote their growth. If fifth Before the year, there is no seal this memory, the earth can now be a heaven. "

On one hand of the warehouse, "Is this, sorry, I am excited."

Chapter 111

In the Comfortable Fortress, Stone Rose is running quickly, showing a series of data on a large screen.

"Arrival at the door of North America, successfully invading the back door, breaking through the firewall." Stone rose side said.

"Is this really ok? Invading the network of North America." Some uneasy roads are like.

"If you don't investigate the internal inside of the TLT, I don't know the true face of Unknown * Hand. You continue." The Western Strip is faint.

Shi Le's continued operation, then the face changed, "Not good, found. Can be evil, the other party uses the patch to put the back door, only downloaded it."

A video appears on the big screen, the video starts show, the picture appears at the beginning is an explosion of a building, followed by an explosion of a building, as well as burning shock flames.

Lonely waiting for people are shocked, "this is ..."

"This is Ottman." The poetry woven the giants that appeared in the picture.

"This city is Shinjuku." Stone looks.

The face of the lonely waiting person is a change, and Altman is the scene of Altman is a scene.

As the video continues to play, Ottman will give a different beast. Looking at this, the lonely door and others are silent, only Ruhi doesn't understand a few people.

"What is the problem with this video?" Rui asked.

The poetry is a little excited: "Of course there is a problem, the new big disaster we know is caused by the meteorite, but it is caused by Altman and the Heavy Beast Wars."

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