I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 119

Shirley makes a small pot of nǎi oil stew. In the white soup, there are vegetables of various colors and some chicken ròu.

Although there are not many kinds of dishes, because of the variety, the overall quantity is still quite sufficient.

Ryazan was a little surprised: "You're doing a good job, and your progress is a bit amazing!"

Shirley raised the corner of her mouth: "I don't need every day anyway.

After doing research, I just spent some time studying the cooking."

Ryazan praised from the bottom of his heart: "As expected of my dear, it's amazing."

"I have said not to use that weird name." Shirley half-moon eyes, holding a bowl of stew and placing it in front of him.

After eating, Ryazan took the initiative to wash the dishes, and Shirley looked at his notebook: "Maxcal, how's your script written?"

"Almost finished." Ryazan replied from a distance.

"If you are interested, just open it and read it directly. The password is XXX XXX.,,

Shirley nodded, sat on the sofa holding Ryazan's laptop, and began to look at it seriously.

Screenplay name-"Kill Bill"

Very strange name...

Shirley murmured in her heart and continued to look down.

Looking around, her expression began to become more subtle.

Ryazan finished washing the bowl, wiped his hands and walked over.

Seeing Shirley was still reading the script, he sat down next to Shirley and rubbed his chin against Shirley's hair.

Shirley didn't even look at him, stretched out a little hand and patted him.After a while, she finished reading the script and turned to look at Ryazan.



.The fastest.





"How is it?" Ryazan asked.

Shirley Half Moon Eyes: "This script is for Belmode... I really found the right person."

"From beginning to end, the heroine has almost always been acting. If you switch to an ordinary actor, you will definitely not perform the best effect, but if Belmode is different, she is more professional than the female killer in the script. What ^ "

"You really bother to write a script suitable for her


Hearing Shirley’s last sentence with a subtle tone, Ryazan chuckled: "I'm jealous? If you like it, I will write one for you too."

After speaking, Ryazan subconsciously popped up a movie, "This Killer Is Not So Cold".

If Xiao Ai came to play this movie, it would be pleasing to the eye even thinking about it.

But this can only be thought about, who makes Shirley too sensitive?

Shirley rolled her eyes: "Sorry, I won't eat you if I am jealous."

After thinking about it, she said again: "If this film is really made according to your script, then it should be a B-rated film... I remember you said before that Belmode is a first-line superstar of Hollywood, let her Is it really okay to make this kind of film?"

Ryazan shrugged: "Sister Bei only asked me to write a book that interests her, and I will write it. I can't control anything else. If she doesn't like it, I'll give her another one."

Shirley tilted her head when she heard Ryazan's indifferent tone.

This guy wrote such a book with a perfect plot at hand, and listening to this, can he write anything else at any time?

Could it be that this guy is really a very good script writer?

[Picture: There is no problem with my XP]

Text Chapter 80

After a while, Ryazan perfected the manuscript and sent it directly to Belmode.

Belmode was still in the morning, and it was estimated that he would not reply at one and a half, so he didn't wait, so he closed the notebook.

He returned to the living room, took a bag out of the cabinet, and began to put some daily necessities in it.

Seeing Ryazan's actions, Shirley tilted her head: "Are you going out?"

"Yeah.," Ryazan nodded, "Tomorrow I will go out with Kudo Shinichi, his girlfriend, and his girlfriend's best friend, and go to a villa for a vacation."

"Oh... it sounds very lifelike." Shirley raised her eyebrows and said.

Ryazan raised his head and gave her a smile.

"If you can say this, it means that you don't know enough about Kudo Shinichi.,,

Shirley: "?,,

What does this mean?

Ryazan walked to the door and picked up a folding umbrella from the table

, Walked back and put it in the bag.

Then, he suddenly remembered something and knocked the palm of his left hand with his right fist.

"Yes, I forgot to tell you... I met Bourbon today


After speaking, Ryazan looked at Shirley looking forwardly, waiting for her reaction


Sure enough, when she heard this word, Shirley's pupils shrank and she looked over in horror.

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