I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 124

Yuanzi chuckled and said, "Let me introduce, this is Mao Lilan, my classmate and my best girlfriend~"

Xiao Lan showed a dumbfounded expression.﹤Look♂The most ♂New﹥

﹤Chapter♂ Festival﹥

﹤ one hundred degrees ﹥





In front of so many people, he actually used such a serious introduction.

Yuanzi ran to Ryazan again: "This is Mr. Ryazan, and also my friend~"

Ryazan praised the corner of his mouth.

This garden is quite sensible, and he didn't take out his identity as a police officer casually.

After introducing the two, Sonoko Suzuki glanced at Conan.

"Well, this is an oil bottle, so I won't introduce it."

Conan: "???"

What is going on with this group of people today?!

While playing treasures in the garden, a woman who looked somewhat similar to her stood up.

Different from Yuanzi, her gestures all show the self-cultivation of the rich and famous lady, and she knows that she is from an extraordinary background.

She smiled and leaned slightly towards Ryazan.

"Hello, I am Yuanzi Ayako, the sister of Yuanzi, and I am thankful for your care in Yuanzi."

Suzuki Soonko approached Ryazan and whispered: "My old sister is now looking for a suitable husband, Ryazan, you can think about it~"

Ryazan was taken aback for a moment, and the dangerous smiles of Belmode and Shirley appeared in his mind subconsciously.

He tore a sigh: "Go go, I have a girlfriend."

Yuanzi curled his lips: "You can't save face at this time. There is no such shop after passing this village."

Ryazan sneered. Is he such a superficial person?

And Conan didn't know when he got close to him: "If you can marry Ayako's sister, you can inherit the Suzuki consortium and become a super rich man?"

Hearing this, Ryazan couldn't help but shake.

Fortunately, Suzuki Yuanzi had already started introducing others at this time, and did not notice his reaction.

When she introduced, Ryazan silently cast his eyes on a fat man.

It's you, Xiao Hei!

It’s a new month, and it’s time to repay QAQ.

Eight more chapters are added to the gold treasure chest that is as big as no fire.

Millions of fans, the leader of King Arthur, plus five chapters.

Five chapters are added to the leader of the proletarian fighter Meow.

A total of 18 chapters, one chapter is added every day, and the added chapters will be marked in the chapter name.

Chapter 83: Like my mother

In the gaze of the few people in Ryazan, Yuanzi introduced them with gusto.

"Xiaolan, Ryazan, these are my sister's social friends in the photography agency when she was in college."

"This is Mr. Kakutani, in charge of photography."

A simple-looking man grinned, "Hello."

He held a DV in his hand, and when he greeted him, he shot a few people in Ryazan.

Conan frowned slightly.

This guy, how could he just record videos without permission?

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at Ryazan, wondering how Ryazan reacted.

It turned out that Ryazan had no reaction at all, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Conan curled his lips. If Ryazan didn't mind, he could do nothing for a child.

Yuanzi continued to introduce a well-dressed woman xìng.

"This is Ms. Ikeda Chikako, who is the script and director of the photography agency. She is still working on scripting."

Upon hearing this, Xiaolan was slightly taken aback: "Chikako Ikeda? Is it the author of the recently hit movie "Blue Kingdom"?"

Chikako Ikeda licked her hair and hummed, "It's just a work that's not worth mentioning."

Hearing what she said, the fat man standing nearby turned dark.

Yuanzi also introduced him: "This is Mr. Takahashi, the props manager of the photo agency~"

Takahashi touched his belly and nodded with an embarrassed smile.

Chikako Ikeda glanced at him and sneered, "Takahashi, your belly is getting bigger and bigger."

The college smiled awkwardly: "Yes, I should have more than two hundred catties now..."

Yuanzi finally stretched out his hands to a man with long hair and a hint of arrogance: "This is Mr. Masaru Ota, who is in charge of the main work of the crew~"

When introducing Ota, her face was reddened, obviously she was very optimistic about a handsome guy like Ota.

Ota snorted and stretched out his long hair.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Ryazan with a slightly downward gaze.

"This... Mr. Ryazan? Sorry, your name is a bit

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