I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 126

Everyone walked to the window in surprise and looked out the window.

I saw the fine rain, which had fallen down.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderous sound that sounded like zhà in my ears rang out--

Chapter 84 of the main text, why are there a lot of people?

The loud thunder made several girls in the room scream subconsciously.

Although it was daytime, the room looked a little dark because of the rain, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi got together subconsciously.

Conan chā with both hands in his trouser pockets, standing by the window and looking out: "It's raining so suddenly."

"A lonely villa, with you, this kind of thing will definitely happen, I am not surprised at all." Ryazan said cheerfully.

Conan rolled his eyes: "Are you playing the "Blizzard Mountain Villa" stalk? According to you, people will die here in a while?

Ryazan gave him a subtle look.

"This is what you said, it has nothing to do with me..."

Suzuki Soonko leaned against Xiaolan and looked out the window.

At this moment, the long-haired young man Ota Masaru walked over with a smile.

Seeing Ota Masaru coming over, the garden's eyes lit up.

Is it possible that this handsome guy with long hair came to strike up a conversation with himself?

She smiled, and as soon as she was about to speak, she saw Ota directly pass her and walked to Xiaolan.

"Miss Xiaolan, do you want to go for a walk together?" Ota Katsuya smiled and asked Q

Xiao Lan was taken aback: "Now? But it's raining outside."

Ota chuckled, "Would it not be more flavorful to walk in the rain?"

With that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly to Xiaolan's wrist.


In Ota's surprised gaze, his wrist was grabbed by a hand that stretched out beside him.

He turned his head and saw Ryazan's smiling face.

"What are you doing! Let go of me!"

Ota frowned and tried to pull his hand out, only to find that Ryazan's hand was like a pair of iron tongs. He tried his best, but he couldn't pull it at all!

He looked at Ryazan angrily: "Are you sick? You just said that you are not Miss Xiao Lan's boyfriend. I am dating Miss Xiao Lan. What is your business?! Let me go!"

With that, he pulled it several times, but still no results.

Everyone else was attracted by the movement here.

Suzuki Ayako hurried over, trying to dissuade it.

Ryazan held Ota's wrist and slowly lifted it up.

Because Ota Masaru's height is lower than Ryazan, he can't help but stand on his toes.

The sharp pain from his wrist made him scream.

"Bastard! Let go! Let me go!"

He was anxious to gain wisdom and kicked Ryazan with one leg up.

Ryazan also raised a leg, stepped directly on the knee he was about to raise, and stepped back on him.

Ota screamed again.

As everyone watched, Ryazan slapped his hand and threw Ota Masaru directly to the ground.

Ota got up angrily, looking at Ryazan with fire in his eyes.

Ryazan smiled and said: "Although I am not Xiaolan's boyfriend, I have a good relationship with his boyfriend."

"If it is unbearable, there are trees outside. If it is not possible, I will help you solve it physically."

Ayako Suzuki couldn't laugh or cry after hearing Ryazan's sturdy speech.

Xiaolan looked at Ryazan in surprise.

"Brother Ryazan, do you know Shinichi?"

Conan on the side was lost, why didn't he know this?

Rya Zan hummed: "I rode on the roller coaster with him...it was the time someone had his head cut in the car by a necklace."

"His reasoning ability is still fresh in my memory."

Conan and Xiaolan showed a stunned look at the same time: "It was actually that time?"

Xiao Lan turned to look at Conan: "Conan, do you also know?"

Conan blinked, and hurriedly smiled: "Well, Brother Xinyi told me before..."

At the side, Ota Sheng saw Ryazan and the others not only ignored him, but also started chatting on their own, and suddenly became even more angry.

However, thinking of the terrifying power that Ryazan had just shown, he could only take a sip and turned and walked towards the door.

Hiroki Kakutani with the DV in his hand hurriedly said, "Ota, where are you going?"

Ota Sheng said coldly: "Can't you go for a walk alone?


After speaking, he slammed the door and walked straight out of the villa.

Chikako Ikeda also stood up: "I also went for a walk, the room is too boring."

After speaking, she also walked out the door.

Kakutani Hiroki quickly followed: "Chikako, it's raining outside, it's dangerous!"

After the three people left, the fat man Takahashi thought for a while and stood up: "I went to look at the roof. It was raining outside. If the roof leaks, it will be troublesome."

With that said, he drove upstairs.

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