I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 133

Ryazan glanced at him lightly.

"Go ahead."

He waved his hand, signaled that Bourbon didn't care about himself, and turned directly to the villa.

Before entering the villa, he suddenly remembered something, and then turned around and said: "By the way, there is a corpse of a woman who was divided in the woods. You remember to take it away, don't leave a clue."

After speaking, he went straight into the villa.

Looking at Ryazan's back, Bourbon felt a little complicated.

Mescal is definitely not a person who trusts others easily...

Why does he believe that he is not hostile to him so simply?

Did this guy really notice something?

Bourbon felt a little nervous.

Mescal is exactly the same as ordinary people. He can hardly feel any pressure to get along with him.

But... once you get serious, that terrifying pressure is not under the gin!

The eighty-eighth chapter of the main text says you may not believe it (part 2)

After successfully calling the police, he hurried back.

Although Ryazan is skilled, there are so many people on the opposite side... After so long, I am afraid that Ryazan has...

Thinking of this, Conan gritted his teeth tightly, his face pale.

Running to the front of the villa, he looked around suspiciously.

Nothing at all……

There are no people who are fighting, and no bodies.

Had it not been for the rain mixed with blood on the ground, he would have suspected that he was dreaming just now.

Where is Ryazan?

Where is the kidnapper?

He frowned and ran to the back door of the villa cautiously.

Seeing the scene at the back door, he almost didn't scream!

Here at the back door of the villa, I don’t know what’s going on. The floor is full of broken pieces and blood.

Although the body has been removed, it can be seen what a bloody massacre has been experienced here!

Conan looked around and found a small steel ball deeply embedded in the branch of a tree.

He was a little puzzled, and put the steel ball into his pocket.

Then, Conan slowly opened the back door of the villa and slipped in.

He was cautious all the way, not daring to get out of the air. After searching a few rooms, he still found no signs of anyone.

When he reached the second floor, he suddenly heard the sound of water.♂Chasing♂Book♂Help♂First♂Send♂


He ran to the source of the sound in surprise and found that the sound came from the bathroom.

Conan padd his feet, walked carefully to the bathroom door, and slammed his hand!

However, at the moment he pushed hard, the door was suddenly opened from inside.

Conan lay directly on the ground.

He clutched his flushed nose and quickly got up.

I saw Ryazan wrapped in a bath towel and a towel on his head, looking at him happily.

"It's a coincidence, I didn't expect you to just open the door."

Conan ran over 10,000 grass and mud horses in his heart.

When replaced by someone else, he could still believe that it was a coincidence. Ryazan, this guy, had definitely discovered him a long time ago and made him fall on purpose!

So angry!

After being angry for a few seconds, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He was surprised: "Where are those people? Where are the kidnappers?!"

Ryazan wiped his hair and lazily said, "It's all gone... I confronted them for a while, and after two of them died, they withdrew.,,

"I saw they withdrew, so they went back to the house to take a bath."

Conan: "???"

A bunch of robbers who are armed with a murder weapon and beat people without hesitation are nearby. You actually want to take a bath?

Isn't this too daring to describe it?

He was choked for a long time and could not speak.

"What about the corpse? Why are all the corpses gone?" He couldn't help asking.

Ryazan shrugged and hung aside the towel for wiping his hair: "Who knows? They sent someone to drag me away when I took a shower.

Come on... After all, if the body is found, it will be very troublesome."

He walked to the bathroom door: "Borrowed."

Conan stepped aside subconsciously, and Ryazan walked slowly to his bedroom.

Conan felt that he had too many grooves to vomit, but he didn't know where to vomit...

Text Chapter 89 I want to treat him to a meal (part one)

Under Conan's gaze, Ryazan returned to his bedroom and closed the door.

The bandage weird murder in the villa...He had known the identity of the murderer a long time ago.

Takahashi Ryoichi, the fat guy in charge of props in the photography agency.

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