I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 147

From this point of view alone, Anxi's death is considered a good thing, lest he would do it himself.

The only pity is that he will be forced to open business again, and it is obviously already time for get off work...

He walked slowly to the corpse, stopped others from approaching, and called the Metropolitan Police Department.

The one who answered the phone happened to be in the dark.

After receiving a call from Ryazan, Mumu was surprised at Liang this night

Why did praise suddenly call Q

After listening to Ryazan, Mu Teng stood up: "What?! A life case happened? Okay, I'll take someone there right away!"

After a while, a few police cars rushed to the scene, and a tall lighting platform was also set up to shine the corpse.

Just as Mumu wanted to ask Ryazan about the specific situation, he saw another car approaching and stopped by the police car.

The door opened and three people got out of the car.

Seeing these three people, Mumu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

It was Kogoro Mori, Ran, and Conan who got out of the car!

As soon as Mouri Kogoro got out, he said loudly: "Megome Police Department! What happened? We were eating in a nearby restaurant, and saw the police car rushing here..."

Conan, on the other hand, seemed to be worried, and even the murder scene could hardly attract his attention.

He subconsciously walked to the side of Ryazan without asking about the case, just stood there with such a solemn expression.

Ryazan wanted to laugh a little when he saw Conan's appearance.

It seemed that this kid was terribly scared by Shirley, and he hasn't recovered yet.

At this time, the forensics class just turned the body over.

Seeing the front of the corpse, everyone in the crew was taken aback, then

The expression became weird.

Seeing everyone's reaction, she looked around strangely: "Well, what's wrong with you?"

Almost everyone looked at Ryazan and Yoko Okino subconsciously.

Yoko Okino was stunned for a few seconds and panicked.

Ryazan was a dumbfounding expression.

On Anxi's left xiōng, there was a piercing wound horizontally.

The location is exactly the same as when he taught Yoko Okino to kill during the day... Switching to any person in the drama, it is estimated that the first reaction will feel that this person is him

Or Yoko Okino killed it.

In the suspicious gaze of Mugure, the director told Mugure the process of shooting the location in the evening

For a moment.

After listening to the director's explanation, Mumu was a little bit dumbfounded.

This murderer is interesting. I just learned how to kill in the afternoon, so I use it at night.


Is this afraid that people don’t know, the people in your own star crew?

He thought for a while: "In this way, the murderer should be among the people in the drama?"

Ryazan smiled:

And if you don’t consider other factors,

Me and Yoko's

The suspicion should be the biggest."

The ninety-seventh chapter of the main body can still be fun?(under)

Is this guy a little nervous? This is the scene of the murder.

Shui Wu Rina hurriedly said, "It's definitely not Police Officer Ryazan. I can testify that he has always been in the hotel and never went out!"

Okino Yoko: "..."

Although what Shui Wu Rina said is true, it still feels very tired to see her girlfriend choose to sell herself without hesitation.

This world is really different, no one is different.Mumu nodded, basically not paying attention to Shui Wu's words.

Whether Ryazan has an alibi or not, it is unlikely to kill anyone.

Conan finally recovered his thinking ability at this moment.

He looked at the wound of the deceased: "This method of killing is on duty.

Karma kills are still quite common, so it's not necessarily a member of the crew, it may be a professional killer."

Hearing that, Mumu couldn't help but smile: "Professional killer? How can this kind of people come to Mihua? Conan-kun, you watch too many movies."

Conan had just said casually. Hearing Mumu say this, he quickly followed Mai Meng and laughed a few times.

Water without mercy: "..."

She wanted to tell these two people that there was really a professional killer at the scene, and he was still a professional career...

Conan leaned over to Ryazan and said, "Brother Ryazan, this time you seem to be the god of death."

Ryazan tilted his head: "What are you talking about? When this man died, I was at the Mihua Hotel and you were eating at the restaurant next to it. From a distance point of view, you were obviously closer."

Conan: "???"

He thought about the distance between the two places and the shrine, then silently changed the subject: "Ahem, Brother Ryazan, have you found any clues?"

Ryazan said: "The murderer is Taeko Dougaki."

"Huh?" Conan was taken aback, he just asked Ryazan if he had any clues, but Ryazan already knew who the murderer was?

In Conan’s surprised gaze, Ryazan slowly said: “When Taeko Dougaki left the hotel before, the clothes she wore were similar to the current one, but not the same.”

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