I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 150

Ryazan squatted on the wall and said cheerfully: "I received a notice from Kidd, the strange thief. He is coming to my house this weekend to steal things. You can make a wave of preparations in advance, then grab a headline and give yourself up

Point performance."

Shui Wu Lina widened his eyes and stared at Ryazan for a long time.

After confirming that Ryazan really did not follow, she couldn't help but said: "...that's all?"

Ryazan tilted his head: "Isn't that enough? Guess Kidd, if you can grab first-hand news, it will definitely be a big achievement."

Water without mercy: "..."

She didn't know what to say.Subconsciously pinched her leg, she nodded and said: "I understand..."

However, Ryazan did not intend to leave.

Shui Wu Reina forced a smile: "That... is there anything else to order?"

Ryazan sighed: "I have brought you such an important news, but you are thankful. Come on, say thank you to Ryazan."

Shui Wu Renai almost gritted her teeth and smiled: "Thank you, Mescal."

Ryazan nodded in dissatisfaction, turned back and disappeared on the other side of the wall.

Shui Wu Reina hung up the phone and stood there quietly, waiting for several minutes.

Just now, her behavior was too suspicious, even if Ryazan gave her a qiāng from the dark at any time, she would not be surprised at all.

However, after waiting for a long time, nothing came.

Shui Wu Renai felt deeply puzzled.

In the end, she can only think that Ryazan has not noticed her strange behavior.

After frightening Shui Wu Ren Nai, Ryazan drove the car and went straight back to his villa.

It was already past eight at this time, and it was time for normal primary school students to go to bed, but considering the routine of his wife's work and rest, Ryazan still sent a text message.

[Fucking kid, I'm home] After sending the text message, he easily turned the light at the entrance of the courtyard to white.

In less than a minute, Shirley wrote back.

[(, -v)]

Ryazan couldn't help being happy seeing the emoji sent by Shirley.

After a while, Shirley opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, he gave Ryazan a vain look:'

"Don't give others names

Who the hell is the star child?

Ryazan was taken aback for a moment: "Are you DINKism? It's not impossible, anyway, let's

I'm still young, I can't even want it later."



Seeing Ryazan's serious look, she wanted to laugh a little, but if this time

When she laughed, Ryazan would definitely push her nose to her face, so she forced her face and turned

Change the topic.

The ninety-ninth chapter of the main text I have a picture of you growing up (below)

"Didn’t you say you’re going to a hot spring hotel? Why come back so soon?


Ryazan exclaimed, "Don't mention it, that kid Conan happened to be nearby. Someone died. I was forced to do business this night."

"After dealing with the case, I was not in the mood to continue playing, so I just came back.,,

After hearing this, Shirley was a little bit dumbfounded.

Before, she had heard Ryazan complain about Conan’s power of death, but she always thought that Ryazan might be a bit exaggerated.

Now, she slowly became convinced.

Sitting on the sofa with a small body, Shirley narrowed her eyes and showed a comfortable expression.

Ryazan stretched out his hand to touch his head, but Shirley stretched out a small hand and patted it.

"When you talk about that kid, I remember...this afternoon, that kid's reaction was really interesting."

Mentioning this, Ryazan also became interested: "Why do you suddenly remember your identity?"

Shirley sighed, "Because of...not that little

The ghost is too arrogant. After school in the afternoon, he actually took the key directly to open the gate of the Kudo's yard."

"I happened to be out shopping at the time, and when I saw his stupid behavior, I just frightened him."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Shirley hummed: "Unfortunately, there was no qiāng at hand, otherwise, it would definitely give him a deeper memory."

"But now the result is almost the same. After I reminded him, he has obviously converged more than before. At least within a few months, he should not jump like that again."

Ryazan was silent.


Maiden, you are still too naive.

After thinking about it, he stood up and walked upstairs.

After a while, he walked downstairs again.

Under Shirley’s strange gaze, he took out a small box and handed it over: "When you say it, I remember, come, give you a gift.,,

Shirley was taken aback for a moment and reached out to take it.

Opening the box, she gave Ryazan a dubious look.

Inside the box is a pocket hand qiāng.

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