I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 152

Ryazan retracted his hand and looked at her with a smile.Your kind of crazy thinking style is actually my cuteness, I like it very much."

The 100th chapter of the main body of the person who walks together (below)

"But, do you look down on me a little too much, and you too


He squatted in front of the sofa and put his face in front of Shirley's little face: "I have the ability to rescue you from the research institute and give you the current life. Of course, I have the ability to protect you."

"One thing you are right is that the world is really cold and cruel."

"Because of this, talents need to move forward together."

"We are lovers, I will protect you, and relatively, you will protect me, right?"

Ryazan raised the corners of his mouth, showing a gentle smile.

Shirley subconsciously said: "But I don't have the ability to protect you. Although I am a little better than ordinary people, compared to the professional killers in the organization, I can only hold you back."

Ryazan shook his head.

"People need protection, not only the body and life^"

He stretched out his right hand and pointed to his own xiōng mouth: "What needs to be protected is the human heart."

Under Shirley’s gaze, Ryazan gave a frantic smile

Rong: "Actually... with my xìng style, it was impossible to be a killer

Hand, because I am a person who cherishes life and respects life."

"Why can I kill those mission targets without hesitation, do you know?"

"The reason is simple, in my eyes, they are not actually human."

In Ryazan's eyes, there was a look of nostalgia: "One thing I never told you is that in this world, I don't have the memory of before the age of eighteen^"

"From the beginning of my memory, I was a guy who had no identity, no relatives, and died on the side of the road without anyone paying attention."

"If Belmode hadn’t picked me up and let me join the Black Organization, I wouldn’t be what I am now. Either I would find a place to fend for myself, or I would just become an anti-humanist. Something earth-shattering..."

"I can live the life I live today and have the heart to look at everything optimistically. It all depends on you^"

"You, Belmode, Gin...There are other people. With you, I can spend every day silly and happy like I am now."

"No matter who is missing, I can't accept it, so your life is not only meaningful, but also vital!"

After listening to Ryazan's words, Shirley was stunned for a while.♂Chasing♂Book♂Help♂First♂Send♂


She pursed her mouth, a little bit dumbfounded: "You guy... must be crazy, and you will actually pin your emotions on the members of our organization... This is really crazy ^ "

Ryazan smiled.

Why didn't he know this?

Crazy and normal, sometimes, not just in one thought?

Seeing Ryazan's smile, Shirley took a deep breath.

She stretched out her hand and placed it on Ryazan's face.

The smile on Ryazan's face receded, showing a somewhat surprised expression.

The next second, Shirley leaned over and kissed his forehead lightly.

The small lips of róuruǎn are separated at the touch of a touch.

Shirley's face was a little red.

She reached out and touched Ryazan's hair: "Unexpectedly, you are usually heartless, and you are still a child who is afraid of loneliness."

"There is really no way, who made me owe you so much favor... Although I can't understand you, but if you feel confused in the future, you can come and tell me at any time."

Seeing the girl who suddenly came out of grief in front of him, Ryazan was taken aback.

Then he smiled.

Women are really amazing creatures.

Although weak, once you have a goal you want to protect, you will become very strong...

[Picture: People traveling together]

Main text Chapter 101 Miyano Akemi's wishes (part 1)

After sharing their true ideas with each other, Ryazan and Shirley both felt that there seemed to be an invisible barrier between them.

Looking at the exquisite and lovely Shirley in front of him, Ryazan began to quickly calculate his small abacus, wondering if he could take this opportunity and go directly to A.

Of course, it wasn't about doing strange things...he didn't want to commit a crime.

The A he wanted to go up, just rubbing, sticking and so on.

Hmm... Rub your face, not anything else.

However, before he could take action, Shirley had already looked at him for half a month: "By the way, the photo you took with the card machine just now, delete it quickly."

Ryazan was shocked: "That won't work, this is my camera, you are violating my human rights!"

Shirley was amused by him: "That is my photo, you take my photo without my consent, this is an infringement of my right to portrait!"

Ryazan shook his head without hesitation: "The premise of infringement of portrait rights is that I use this photo to make a profit, and I am only going to use the photo to make a profit at the moment, so this is at best an act of idiots, not an infringement of portrait rights."

Shirley blinked, shocked by the thickness of Ryazan’s terrifying face


A few seconds later, she found a terrifying key word: "Wait, what do you mean by wine and food?!"

Ryazan tilted his head: "Literally, looking at his girlfriend's photos when drinking alcohol can increase the atmosphere^"

"I have serious doubts about the truth of what you said." Shirley's face was heavy.

She made up her mind that if Ryazan really used her current photo as a "drinking meal", she would call the police without hesitation.

People can't, at least they shouldn't!

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