I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 154

Shirley blinked: "Just...just in case! In case I have a situation where I have to grow bigger to survive, but I can't grow bigger, don't I have to wait to die?"

Ryazan touched his chin and smiled without speaking.

Seeing Ryazan's humble expression, Shirley rolled her eyes and walked to the door.

"I won't tell you more, I'm going back!"

Ryazan followed.

In Shirley's strange gaze, he squatted down and was level with Shirley's gaze.

Then, he leaned in and kissed Shirley on the forehead.

"Thank you, Shirley." After the division, he said with a smile.

Shirley blushed and grunted stiffly.

"...I'm just afraid that you will lose your fighting spirit and it will hurt me at that time. Don't think too much."

After speaking, without waiting for Ryazan to speak, she quickly changed her shoes, opened the door and left.

Looking at the direction Shirley was leaving, Ryazan kept a faint smile without any reaction.

When Shirley closed the door and left the yard, Ryazan suddenly uttered a cry, and she couldn't help rolling on the ground.

"So cute, so cute! Damn, how can this stinky girl be so cute! I'm dead!!!"

After rolling on the ground several times, Ryazan coughed and stood up


If nothing had happened, he patted the ashes on his body, he took a bath and went upstairs to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ryazan came to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Unsurprisingly, many people had arrived at the search office before him.

Ryazan has always been fascinated by this.

When he first came to work, he was obviously the first one to come. I don’t know when, more and more people started working earlier than him.

I drank water in the office all morning and had lunch. In the afternoon, Chiba found Ryazan.

"President Ryazan, today is our day to go on patrol!"

Although Chiba is a little fat man, his work enthusiasm is not low.

Hearing what he said, Ryazan was taken aback for a moment and glanced at the calendar:

"Really... Wait for me, I will bring a glass of water."

After taking a glass of water with a thermos cup, Ryazan and Chiba drove into the police car and began to perform patrol tasks.♂Chasing♂Book♂Help♂First♂Send♂


Chiba couldn't help sighing when the car arrived near Ginza.

"Every time I patrol around here, I can't help feeling that the lives of the rich are really different..."

Ryazan nodded, showing a distressed expression: "Indeed, rich people lead a comfortable life, but we hardworking civil servants can only patrol them in a car. It's really unfair!"

Qianye just wanted to sigh with emotion, and suddenly felt something was wrong.After a few seconds, he looked at Ryazan speechlessly.

"I just remembered that, Officer Ryazan, you are also a rich man! Last time the person in charge of the Tokyo area of ​​Baling Company sent you a car specially!"

"Huh? Are you there?" Ryazan tilted his head, with a very innocent expression, causing Qianye to roll his eyes.

Chiba just wanted to say something, suddenly his face changed, and he quickly stepped on the brake.

The first and second chapters of the main text are narrowing your path (part 2)

Not far in the front, a black luxury Mercedes suddenly merged, and a Suzuki car behind could not dodge and hit the side of the Mercedes.

Although the Suzuki slowed down in time, it still bumped the Mercedes-Benz's B-pillar slightly inward, and the rear door was deformed.

Qianye was taken aback for a moment: "This is a Mercedes-Benz S...it's a pity.

Ryazan chuckled: "The Mercedes-Benz S500 is very valuable. It's a messy line and it deserves it."

Hearing this, Qianye was a little bit dumbfounded, but Ryazan was right.

Under the gaze of the two, three people walked down from the Mercedes-Benz and walked towards the small Suzuki together.

One of the bald middle-aged men was full of anger and reached out and smashed the window of the Suzuki car: "Idiot, will you stop the car! Get out of me!"

[Picture: Bald Brother]

Two people next to him hurriedly stopped: "President, President, many people are watching!"

Chiba frowned slightly: "Officer Ryazan, I'll go see it."

Ryazan gave a hum.

Chiba opened the car door, walked over, and took out the police card: "This gentleman, please calm down, I am a policeman!"

Hearing this, the bald middle-aged man frowned and looked over.

His face was a little unnaturally red, and he knew at a glance that he had just drunk.

Qianye couldn't help being speechless. It was still in broad daylight, so he ran out for a drink... It's too tasteless.

Seeing Chiba, the bald man walked over angrily and stretched out his hand

Hold his collar: "Hey, did you see it! That idiot hit my car! Are you not a policeman? Take him away and ask him to compensate me!"

His driver and secretary hurried over: "President! Let go!"

The bald man waved away the two of them, and then grabbed Qianba Yi again


Just then, a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed his hand.

The bald man turned his head in doubt and saw Ryazan's expressionless face


"Mr. Bald, it was your car that got on the line just now and blocked the way of others. It is your sole responsibility for being hit, understand? If you don't need your eyes, you can donate it to people in need.

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