I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 156

Seeing her reaction, Xiaolan was a little strange: "What's the matter, Yuanzi?"

See Suzuki Jiroki (Part 2) in the first and third chapters of the main text

The garden snorted: "Brother Ryazan is going to have dinner with my uncle.

I asked him to come and pick me up, but he refused, which is really damn!,,

Upon hearing this, Xiaolan smiled helplessly.

Suzuki Yuanzi, who is here with everyone, is really envious sometimes.

Ryazan drove his black Baling car directly to the Peihu Hotel.

When entering the hotel lobby, he glanced at the large chandelier on the ceiling with real eyes.

On the chain of the chandelier, there was indeed a trace of the highlighter.

It seems that Pisk's action is about to begin...

He raised his mouth and, led by the waiter, took the elevator to the top floor.

When I walked into Suzuki Jiro's room, I saw this little old man sitting by the table.

[Photo: Suzuki Jiroki]

Seeing Ryazan coming in, Jiro Suzuki stood up with a smile.

"You are the Ryazan police officer, the old man has admired your name for a long time!"

Although he was very old, Suzuki Jiroki's voice was full of anger.

His physical fitness is very good. Ryazan glanced with the real eye and saw that the old man's muscle data were quite high.

He nodded softly: "Looking up for a long time, I dare not be, I'm just a small policeman, but the name of a consultant Suzuki, but it resounds throughout the world.

He walked up to Suzuki Jiroki, shook hands with the little old man, and sat across the dining table.

After sitting down, Ryazan didn't waste time, and said directly: "I don't know what the Suzuki consultant is asking for me?

Suzuki Jiroki was taken aback for a moment, and then grinned: "You are anxious, but this is better. I don't have to be stance, it's very easy!"

In Ryazan’s gaze, Suzuki Jiroki’s smile showed a hint of aggression: "President Ryazan, the reason I invited you is very simple, that is, there are two things I want to ask in person."

"Actually, Yuanzi mentioned you for the first time. Shiro and I... are the chairman of the Suzuki consortium. We both investigated you specifically."

"The result shocked the two of us. With the ability of the Suzuki consortium, we could not get all your information!"

"We know only a few key points."

"First of all, you have a mysterious background, this background makes Baring Motor's Chairman Kenzo Zayama fear you^"

"That old fellow Zhanshan, I have been playing jiāo with him for many years, right

He knows the old guy a little bit, it's not a simple business

Man, although he has a strong wrist on the bright side, his assassin is hidden in the dark!"

Hearing Suzuki Jiroki's words, Ryazan did not change his face, but nodded in his heart.

As expected of the Suzuki consortium, it is not easy to investigate this step. After all, the most important characteristic of Pisk's old thing is cunning.

Suzuki Jiroki continued: "The problem is, how can I check, I can't find out why you are worthy of being feared by the old fellow Zayama^"

"When you were in the U.S., you created some works, which were appreciated by the superstar Sharon Wynyard, and brought you into the U.S. entertainment circle. You are very talented. You have gained a lot of fame in the U.S. entertainment circle, and you have also earned money. a lot of money."

"But... that little money, it's impossible to be seen by Zan Shan Kenzo."

"So, you can be feared by that guy, the reason is very simple, your true energy is also hidden in the dark!"

"Moreover, your energy is more terrifying than that old guy's energy, even making him feel terrified!"

"Why would a great god like you come to Japan to be a little policeman?"

Text Chapter 104 Are you pursuing the garden?(on)


In the gaze of Suzuki Jiroki, Ryazan revealed a strange


He pondered for a few seconds, then slowly said, "Master, what you checked is very detailed."

"Let me guess, you didn't use ordinary means to check, right? Suzuki Jiroki nodded: "I found a special detective."

Ryazan grinned: "I guess again, that detective should be a mixed race."

Hearing this, Suzuki Jiroki was taken aback for a moment, a hint of surprise flashed under his eyes.

Seeing Suzuki Jiroki's reaction, Ryazan sneered.

This bourbon ignored him for a few days and started to jump 0

Although this guy didn't dared to take all of his own bottoms out, it was not much worse.

It seems that recently I have to take the time to "talk" with Bourbon...

Thinking of this, his smile smelled of danger.

Seeing Ryazan's smile, Suzuki Jiroki felt a bit cold in his back.

He subconsciously wanted to call a bodyguard to come in, but saw that Ryazan had returned to normal in the next second.

He smiled: "I said I came to experience life, do you believe it?"

Suzuki Jiroki shook his head without hesitation.

God TM experience life, experience life is guilty of being a string of false identities, and going to Japan to be an official ape?

Ryazan shrugged: "Well, then I will tell you the truth. The reason why I came to Japan is very simple, because the person who adopted me thinks I am a salted fish, so I won't let me waste time in the United States. I had to come to Japan to find something to do."

"Fortunately, after I came to Japan, I did find something to do. It had something to do with industry. For the sake of convenience, I faked my identity and joined the Metropolitan Police Department^"

"I say that, do you believe it?"

Under Ryazan's gaze, Jiroki Suzuki fell into contemplation.

Related to industry?

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