I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 158

It’s just a matter of discussion. Some people start to shout words like "dú" and "no brain".

Civilized society, please use civilized words. I am indeed at an average level and have limited ability. It is not easy to understand and can not be discussed directly. I have to use such insulting words?

Spread your hands.

Main text Chapter 105 Ireland's Request (Part 1)

Suzuki Jiroki picked up the card and looked at Ryazan in surprise.

"Well, isn't this the notice letter from Kaito Kidd?!"

Ryazan was looking at the information displayed on Nokia, and then turned around and took a look.

"Well, he is coming to my house this weekend to steal a treasure from my car

stone.He nodded and turned his gaze back to the Nokia screen.

Suzuki Jiroki was stunned for several seconds, and hurried to Ryazan

Qian: "Wait, wait, what's the matter with you, this is Kai Pi

De's notice letter!Why are you so improper?"

"Where is your car? I immediately sent someone to guard it for you, and I definitely can't let the thief Kidd succeed!"

Ryazan didn't reply, looking at the Nokia screen blankly.

On the screen, there is a name that has not been contacted for a long time.

[Mescal, please contact me if you have time in the near future, wait 24 hours]

The signature is...Ireland!

Ryazan raised his eyebrows in praise.

This person in Ireland has been in contact with him a few times. He has good personality and ability.

If I remember correctly, this guy seems to be killed by Chianti in the theater version.

It's miserable.

After thinking about it, he returned to the past.

Seeing that Ryazan was unresponsive, and even still texting people, Suzuki Jiroki was a little anxious: "Officer Ryazan, you can't be so negative! You are a policeman, how can the police be indifferent to the thief Kidd?"

Ryazan recovered from his contemplation. Hearing Suzuki Jiroki's words, he smiled slightly and said: "Catch the monster kid Kidd is the job of the second class, not in the scope of our first class."

He stood up: "Master Suzuki, you have finished asking the question, so I won't waste your time. I will withdraw first."

With that, he was leaving.

As a result, Suzuki Jiroki hugged his arm and said, "No! You can't go! I swear that you must catch the thief Kidd, you can't leave the old man and I alone!"

Ryazan was surprised.

Is this old man really an adviser to the Suzuki consortium? How come this shamelessness is so similar to himself?

Considering that Suzuki Yuanzi was still nearby, Ryazan Qiang resisted the urge to throw the old man over his shoulder.

He coughed: "Master Suzuki, the thief Kidd is very cunning.

Cunning, I don't let you participate in order to confuse the enemy. When the right time is right, I will definitely ask you for help."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "After all, you are an expert in dealing with Kaito Kidd."

At the last sentence, Suzuki Jiroki, who was a little unhappy at first, smiled.

"Yes, yes, you kid has vision, you are right, I'm an expert in dealing with Kaito Kidd!"

"Don't worry, I am always ready to support you with manpower and material resources. This time, I must take the Kaito Kidd down!"

Ryazan gave a perfunctory hum and was about to leave, but Suzuki Jiroki stopped him again: "Don't hurry. I asked you to come over for dinner today. I haven't eaten this meal yet. How can I leave?"

"Furthermore, we are now comrades-in-arms who deal with Kaito Kidd together. Can't we discuss the strategy in advance?"

With that said, he just pulled Ryazan and sat back./

Ryazan: "..."

He found that this old man was like a personal change when it came to Kaito Kidd.

Combining this with the old man who is still unmarried... he couldn't help but wonder, is this old man looking at Kaito Kidd?

After more than two hours, Ryazan finally got away and left the Peihu Hotel.

He drove the car, stopped on the side of the road with a few people, took out the Nokia mobile phone, and dialed the phone.

Main text Chapter 105 Ireland's Request (Part 2)

After a while, the call is connected.

"Is it Mescal?" There was a thick voice on the phone.

Ryazan hummed, "It's me, Ireland, what are you looking for? If I remember correctly, you should be active in Europe now."

Ireland gave a wry smile: "Sorry, except you, I don't know who I can ask."

"Mescal, you should know that after I joined the organization, Pisk took me?"

"I know." Ryazan nodded.

Sometimes, when the elderly in the organization meet new people with great potential, they will personally take them for a period of time to teach their abilities.

For example, Ryazan was brought out by gin.

And this Ireland was brought out by Pisk...

Ireland sighed: "To me, Pisk is like my father. I respect him very much."

"When I spoke with him yesterday, he told me cryptically that he was going to perform a task. Although the task is not difficult, he had a bad feeling."

"Mescal, you may not understand. Pisk's hunch is very accurate. Under normal circumstances, people he thinks can't provoke must have some cards behind him. If he thinks he can take risks, they are mostly safe..."

"I heard that you are currently active in Japan, so I would like to ask you, Pisk's mission, you can help me out for a while. With you, even if something goes wrong, it will definitely be done!"

Hearing what Ireland said, Ryazan narrowed his eyes.

Pisk's task... isn't it to assassinate Shigehiko Tunguchi?

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