I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 160

"It's okay, I'm not tired." Ryazan said.

Shirley was unable to complain.

Dr. A Li looked at them nervously.

Hui Yuanai's identity... is too sensitive, if Ryazan notices something, I am afraid he will get into trouble!

But... Then, he thought again, Shinichi seemed to have trusted this police officer all along.

Xiao Ai is also a clear-thinking and smart child.

Both of these people believe in Ryazan, and if they are willing to be close to him, it is actually very telling.

While Dr. A Li was thinking, Ryazan took out a key from his pocket: "Sorrow, this is my house key. My house is next door. You can come and play whenever you have time. There are so many good things in my house. ,

Shirley took the key with a loud voice.

Thinking with my knees, I know that this key is absolutely fake.

Gin and Belmode may appear at Ryazan's house at any time. It is impossible for him to give the key to someone else. If someone enters his house with the key and encounters the gin, there is no need to say more about the end.

After successfully establishing a connection with Hui Yuanai, Ryazan proposed to see Dr. A Li's new invention.

When it comes to this, A Li is not sleepy.

He quickly took Ryazan to the laboratory and showed Ryazan his new invention.

"Look, Ryazan, this is the solar skateboard I invented!

"Its weight is similar to that of a normal skateboard, but underneath the skateboard is actually a high-power engine!"

"As long as in a sunny environment, the skateboard can generate electricity by itself, and drive people forward at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour!"

Looking at the skateboard in A Li's hand, Ryazan blinked.

Solar skateboard...Isn't this Conan's magical tool on the road? I didn't expect it to be invented so early.

With curiosity, Ryazan took a skateboard: "I will go to the yard

Try it here.,

Dr. A Li hurriedly said: "Be careful, this is different from ordinary skateboarding. In case of a fall, it is easy to get injured!"

The reason why he dared to use it for Conan was because he knew Conan’s skateboarding skills were very good, and Ryazan would not be sure.

Shirley thought for a while, and followed to the yard.♂Chasing♂Book♂Help♂First♂Send♂


In case Ryazan really falls, she can treat the wound.Under the gaze of the two, Ryazan stepped on the skateboard and directly opened the pass.

With the hum of the engine, the skateboard wheels squeaked on the ground, and Ryazan rushed forward!

Dr. Aka looked nervous.

However, Ryazan's figure did not shake at all, and he stood steadily on the skateboard.

Not only that, but he can also do a few tricks on a skateboard!

Just when the skateboard was about to rush to the courtyard wall, Ryazan gently stepped on the back of the skateboard, and the whole person fell directly on the ground, and the skateboard jumped into the air and was grabbed by him.

Dr. Aka was surprised and couldn't help applauding.

Shirley was a little surprised at first, then a little speechless.

Did this guy really be a killer when he was in the United States?

Why does a killer have so many strange skills?

The first and seventh chapters of the text, real men never look back... (Part 1)

Ryazan returned the skateboard to Dr. A Li, and then gave Shirley a mean smile.

Although he didn't say a word, Shirley could still see what he meant—how, is it handsome?

Shirley rolled her eyes back without hesitation.

Ryazan smiled.

Actually, he doesn't know how to skateboard... It's just that he is proficient in the tools drawn in the previous lottery, and skateboarding is also included, so the moment he steps on the skateboard, he automatically knows how to play.

Dr. A Li is a bit xìngfèn: "How is it, how is the experience?"

Ryazan thought for a while: "The sun is about to set, so I experience

The effect should be incomplete...so I won’t comment on the speed for the time being.”

"The balance of the board and the materials are good, and it is very comfortable to use

Yes, but this thing is too dependent on solar energy, I wonder if it is

A battery should be added so that it can continue to be used after the sun goes down."

Hearing that, Dr. A Li nodded: "Indeed, if it can only be used in the daytime, the restriction is a bit big, I will study it carefully!"

After having an idea, A Li hurriedly returned to the laboratory.

Seeing A Li's back, Shirley gave Ryazan a sideways look: "Help

Benefactor, becoming a brother and sister, your imagination is getting richer and richer."

Ryazan chuckled: "I can't help it, is it possible that I have to tell Dr. A Li that we two are lovers? Then he is afraid that he will call the police right away."

Shirley snorted: "What are you afraid of, you know everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department, and then there will be a wave of officials protecting each other..."

Having said that, she suddenly frowned slightly: "Mai...Ryazan, you joined the Metropolitan Police Department, isn't it for this, right?"

In the future life, the two will inevitably have a lot of contact, Shirley decided to change her habit of calling Ryazan from now on.

Otherwise, if one day, she calls out the name Mescal in front of others, it will be fun...

Ryazan shook his head quickly: "Oh, my dear sister, why do you think of me that way? I swear in the name of God, this is absolutely impossible~"

Shirley chuckled.

Having known Ryazan for so long, she has never seen this guy have any respect for God.

Back home, Ryazan cooked himself a meal.

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