I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 163

He took out his cell phone, called up the burning photo of the Okida Villa, and shook the time.

Seeing the photos, Shi Ren was shocked.

After confirming the authenticity of the photo, he first showed relief


Then, he couldn't help taking a peek at Ryazan with the look of the monster.

This man is also the enemy of Ogida?

His method is far more terrifying than his own. If he doesn't agree with him, he will just zhà a house?

This is too lawless...

Does the Tokyo police eat dry food?

He swallowed.

Although he did not kill the man, the man in front of him was holding evidence of his murder.

Take 10,000 steps, even if there is no evidence?This kind of murderer wants to kill an individual, but still needs evidence?

In Ryazan's gaze, the then began to talk about his situation.

He used to be a program engineer for Jumu Group. He quit his job two years ago and started his business. His business was thriving. Unexpectedly, his old boss, Jumu Group, was strongly suppressed and forced his company to death.

Because of this incident, a friend who started his business with him hanged himself and committed suicide. He swore an oath to kill Okida, and went back to the Jumu Group to kneel down, begging Okida to take him in, because he was afraid of being a driver.

In order to slaughter other employees, Okida really hired him as a driver, and abused him every day because of various trivial matters.

In order to avenge his plan, Shi Ren had tolerated it.

Finally, tonight, Oki Tian got drunk, he seized the opportunity and used his remote killing plan!

After listening to the explanation from the time, Ryazan's eyes twitched.

It's because of the fact that people who commit suicide by doing something wrong, the Japanese are really very capable of suicide. I admire it.

"I understand the general situation." "Compared to a life of escape, I have a better way to recommend you.

In the gaze of the time, he raised the corners of his mouth: "The organization I belong in

You need a group of powerful program engineers, your ability is good, and it is worth being absorbed by the organization.

Of course, you have the right to refuse, after all, we are a peaceful and friendly organization.

With that, he took out his gun and pointed it at the time:

"Sa, give your answer ӏ




Which peaceful and friendly organization would point a gun when others make choices?

He cried and said, "Join! I join!"

Ryazan nodded with satisfaction.

"Shi Renjun, you should be very clear about your current situation."

"Although from your point of view, you were an attempted murder, but the fact is that Okina is dead, and you can't get rid of the relationship at all."

The first nine chapters of the text, come here, I will tell you in a low voice (on

Ryazan walked out of the room and closed the door after beckoning Shi Ren not to speak out.

After answering the call, he yawned and he looked like he had just woke up from his sleep.

"Sergeant Megome... why call me so late..."

"Sorry, Ryazan!" Mumu said in an anxious tone: "There is an emergency. The bàozhà accident occurred in the villa area east of Beihu City. Judging from the report sent back by the firefighters at the scene, I am afraid that this was a man-made cause The bàozhà case!"

"The above has expressed great importance to this matter and requested a lesson to be dispatched urgently!"

Ryazan nodded: "I understand, Officer Mumu, the villa area east of Beihu City, right, I'll rush over!"

Hanging up the phone, he smiled, not anxious at all, and turned back to the room.

It didn't take much time to get to the crime scene from here.

The place where I lived at the time was not too far from the villa area, otherwise I would be a driver for Okinawa.

It would be very unreasonable if he rushed over now.

It is better to rest here comfortably.

After chatting with the time for a while, the door was knocked.

Ryazan glanced with real eyes, and after confirming that it was someone sent by the organization, he walked over and opened the door.

There were three men in black standing at the door. Seeing Ryazan, the three of them were slightly taken aback, and at the same time they reached out and touched them.

Ryazan said lightly: "It's me, Mescal."

As he said, he pulled down his collar to reveal the seam between the disguise mask and his neck.

The three men in black hurriedly bowed: "Mr. Mescal!" Ryazan nodded and turned to look at the time--

"When the person who picks you up arrives, you just go with them."

Ren nodded nervously and walked slowly to the door.The two men in black quickly reached out and took his arms from both sides.

When the few people were about to leave, Ryazan suddenly said: "Wait a moment^"

The three men in black hurriedly stopped: "Mr. Mescal, what's your order?"

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