I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 170

Incorporating modern craftsmanship, theoretically it should be better than the famous knives of ancient times!"

Let me tell you a secret for the first and third chapters of the text (below)

Ryazan nodded.

Although he didn't understand these names, he knew that the knife Bourbon brought was really good.

At least in terms of various parameters, it is much better than the one on the dead with the samurai sword before.

He looked at the short one again: "Is this also made by the descendant of the village?"

Bourbon nodded: "Yes, this rib is of excellent quality and can be called an indulgent product. If you didn't speak, I would never have it out!"

Ryazan took out this rib and gestured a few times, and it really felt good.

He showed a satisfied expression: "Yes, both knives are good, I'm very happy."

Bourbon breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the big plastic bag next to him: "Ah, by the way, this is the bullet you want."

Ryazan glanced with the real eye and nodded after confirming that there was no problem with the bullet.

Seeing that Ryazan seemed to be in a good mood, Bourbon cleared his throat: "Maxcal, I have been quite free lately, is there anything I can help with?


Ryazan played with the knife in his hand: "Do you want to have your arm removed again?"

Bourbon turned blue and shook his head quickly: "No no, I really want to help you."

"To be honest, I can see it now, even if it's rum, I can't do anything with you, so why should I treat you like a fool?"

"The environment in the organization, we all know that everyone is living a life with today and no tomorrow. I am a human being, and I don’t want to die young. If I can help you, please leave some favors for you. There are so many benefits."

Hearing that, Ryazan showed a smile but a smile.

He put the rib in his hand back into the sheath, thought for a while, and said: "Bourbon, I am very touched to hear you say that."

Bourbon smiled.

Is Mescal planning to treat him as his own?

Ryazan continued: "In order to return your honesty, I will tell you a secret too."

"In my house, there is an eavesdropping device left by Rum. What you said just now should have been heard by him..."

The smile on Bourbon's face instantly stiffened.

Ryazan opened the cabinet, took out a metal detector, walked to the place where Rum was inlaid with the bug, and took a look.

The metal detector immediately made a sound.

Bourbon's smile disappeared completely.

After a few seconds of silence, he hurriedly turned and walked outside the door: "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. Let's go now! Let's talk next time!"

Without waiting for Ryazan's response, he ran out of the yard.

After getting into the car, the first thing he did was to take out his cell phone and call Rum.

He had to explain quickly, he was trying to compose Ryazan's words just now, definitely not betraying Rum!

A few seconds later, the phone was connected, and he just wanted to talk when he heard Rum’s voice ringing--

"Bourbon, before receiving a new order, you enter the standby state and must not participate in any action."

After speaking, Rum hung up.

Looking at the phone screen, Bourbon cried without tears.

He turned his head and looked at the door of Ryazan's house from the car window.

I saw Ryazan standing there, waving his hand at him with a smile, as if it was easy to leave.Bourbon:


Devil, this guy is really a devil!

Seeing Bourbon saying nothing and driving away, Ryazan couldn’t help but haha.

laugh it out.

It was really useful to leave a few rum’s bugs.

After laughing enough, he returned to the house and blocked Lang Mei's bug again.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

The person who called is Pisk!

The head was actually harmonized and sad.

Changed a new profile picture.

By the way, can anyone recognize who the new avatar is?

The first four chapters of the main text may I have something to remember (part one)

Ryazan answered the phone: "Pisk? Why do you suddenly remember to contact me?"

Piske smiled: "That's it... This Sunday, the Beihu Hotel will hold a memorial service for the director of the Shujuan Zhao style. I think, can I invite you to participate in the business partner relationship of Baling Motors?"

"Shujiaki Zhaoshi is considered to be one of the most famous directors in modern Japan. Even many Hollywood superstars have made films directed by him. Those who come to his memorial service are all top celebrities from all walks of life."

"I'm thinking, it's too unreasonable if you don't invite Mescal to such a party..."

Hearing this, Ryazan said: "Pisk, are you sure you invite me, just to attend the memorial service?"

Pisk was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Well, I'll be honest, I'm a bit panicked about this assassination mission, and I want you to come out of the mountains in case of accidents."

Ryazan sneered: "Pisk, you are really old, you can't even play with this little thing."

Pisk was helpless, but he couldn't refute it.

Ryazan said slowly: "I was originally not interested in helping, but Ireland specifically came to beg me, I will give him face, then I will pass

To go."

Pisk froze for a moment: "Ireland? This kid... is really emotional."

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