I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 172

Ryazan smiled slightly: "I believe you can handle it."

Hearing this, Bourbon was really panicked.

He felt more and more that Mescal really found something...

After pondering for a while, he decided to reject Mescal's request.

If Mescal asks him to fetch domestic products every time, he can get it, then it's just not arrogant.Before he could speak, Ryazan said slowly: "If you get me something

I don't care how you got it.,"

"But if you can't get it, I may have to remember something and report it to Qin

Wine and rum."



[Picture: Heavenly Trio]


This is the original picture of the avatar

This picture shows Char and Amuro on the Ferris wheel in the theater version of "The Gin Nightmare"

When Conan was in a fight, the three dead men happily watched the battle in Heaven


There is a saying, Dr. Cheng Shi is really cute, but it’s a pity that he is a man

The first and fifth chapters of the main text, the words of the tiger and the wolf in the forest silver three (part 1)

Bourbon held the phone and couldn't hide his panic.

He knows...

Although Ryazan did not say what to report, Bourbon was very convinced that Ryazan was suggesting his undercover status!

Even if Mescal did not fully find out, he must have touched some key clues, otherwise he would definitely not be like this...

How did this guy know?!

Is he showing his feet?

Or is there a ghost in the police station and found out his identity?

Bourbon took a deep breath.

His identity has been exposed. It stands to reason that he should retreat immediately and learn from Akai Hideichi, relying on the power of the country to protect himself.

However, he worked so hard for so many years and finally got the code name, how could he give up so easily?

More importantly, the person who discovered his identity is not a normal person!

Mescal, who is a bit similar to Belmode, is the type who cares more about his own ideas than organizations.Since he found out that there is a problem with his identity, but did not report it, it means that this guy also has his own little abacus...

Thinking of this, Bourbon reached out his hand and wiped his sweat, his mouth raised.

"Although I can't think of anything worth reporting on me... But since Mescal has spoken out, then I have to help anyway."

Ryazan nodded with satisfaction: "Bourbon, you really are just like I thought you are a loyal member of the organization."

Bourbon laughed: "Of course, I will always be loyal to the organization!"

After they laughed heartily for a while, they hung up.

Looking at the darkened screen of the phone, the smile on Bourbon’s face instantly


He reached out and touched a handful of hair, and the corners of his mouth raised nervously.

"Mescal... is really a dangerous guy. He always looks lazy. I didn't expect to have a big picture."

"Fortunately, I should have reached a tacit agreement with him. As long as I help him, he won't expose me to the organization..."

"I am really more and more curious now, what on earth is this guy plotting?"

"Ah, it's my heart!"

With a bit of a xìngfèn mood, he dialed Feng Jian Yu Ye's phone.

"Kong Jian, I need a batch of equipment here, you help me raise it, I said you remember..."

Hanging up on Bourbon's phone, Ryazan stretched.

This person, Bourbon, despite the slick surface, is actually a diehard.

Threatening him with bullets can only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

If you want him to be honest, it is more convenient to use his identity to threaten...

Just like now, just a little hint, this grandson immediately did things obediently.

For a while, Bourbon definitely didn't dare to come and mess with him.

Thinking of this, Ryazan grinned and started texting Shirley.

[(/.) *) I have no one in my house, do you want to come and play~~]

After touching for three or four minutes, Shirley replied and looked at the simple line in front of her, Ryazan sighed.Wife addicted to work

What should I do if my husband stays alone?

Ryazan was suddenly relieved when he was about to feel sorry for himself.

My wife is special, even if I don’t indulge in work, I can’t do it myself


This is really a sad story.

After thinking about it, Ryazan walked into the room. After a while, Yi Rong became a British gentleman.

Image, left the house.

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