I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 179

Ryazan, this guy in the Metropolitan Police Department searched for a lesson and found his true identity!

Even if I was not completely sure, at least I found out that I was close to Aoko Nakamori!

In the recording, Qingzi said seriously: "I hope he surrenders as soon as possible, and don't be a person who causes trouble to others!"

"Yuanzi" smiled, turned around and was about to leave.

Just as she just turned around, a voice suddenly sounded behind her——

"It's all here, so don't rush away."

"Suzuki Sonoko" got goose bumps all over, and turned around in shock.

In his gaze, Ryazan sat inside the Lamborghini, looking at him with a smile through the open door.

"Suzuki Yuanko" had round eyes, and he saw a ghost.


"You...Where did you come from?!"

"Suzuki Yuanzi" said in surprise, and his voice changed to a female version again.

Under his gaze, Ryazan slowly walked out of the car.

Then he said, "You should take off your outfit. I can't stand it when I see a man in women's clothing."

"I was in the villa just now. I always wanted you to leave my sight. As a result, you still had to stay by the side, making my eyes polluted by you all afternoon.

Hearing Ryazan's words, "Suzuki Yuanko" mentality collapsed a bit.

Dare to love from the beginning, this guy knew he was fake?

He subconsciously touched his mask: "Is it because of my disguise?"

Ryazan shook his head: "You have a good level of disguise and can be called a master, but you have neglected a little, that is, the garden you pretend to be. There is a problem with xiōng surroundings!"

"The real garden, the xiōng enclosure is four centimeters longer than yours now!"

Upon hearing this, "Suzuki Yuanzi" was dumbfounded.

"I won't complain about what step your relationship is...you guy, can you actually use your eyes to determine other people's xiōng to this level?!"

"Humph, Ryazan smiled triumphantly, "This is my unique skill, by the way, Qingzijiang's xiōng circle is seven..." "Ah, ah, shut up, you sergeant!!!"

In Ryazan's gaze, "Suzuki Yuanzi" tore off his disguise.

With the white cloak suddenly raised, in the next second, he has turned into a personable nǎi Youxiaosheng in white clothes and white hat.

It is Kai thief Kidd!

It's just that there was a frustrated expression on his face, making his sassy appearance completely disappear.

Under Ryazan's gaze, the Kaito Kidd took a few deep breaths and adjusted his emotions.

He gritted his teeth: "How much do you know?"

Ryazan smiled slightly: "Guess?"

I do not guess you guess guess……

Kidd complained in his heart.He made up his mind to run first before talking!

Thinking of this, his wrist flicked and a smoke bomb appeared in his hand.

When he was about to hit it, he was surprised to see that Ryazan seemed to have guessed him a long time ago

Just like what I had to do, I rushed to him in one step and grabbed his wrist!

In the shocked gaze of Kaito Kidd, Ryazan grabbed his wrist with one hand and jerked

He pressed Kidd to the ground and pressed his other hand with his knee!

Looking at Ryazan who looked down on him, Kidd really panicked this time.

Ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly pass

I found out that no one really wanted to vote for this stuff and cry.

Big ticket


Please vote for us, save the child

The first chapter 20 of the main body of the ordinary police who replace fakes (part one)

After struggling twice to no avail, the thief Kidd cried and said, "No, Officer Ryazan, I don't have a hobby in that respect!"

At the same time as the sale festival, the muscles of his forearms began to exert force.

Under the squeeze of the muscle ròu, a round smoke bomb began to slowly slide down the sleeve.

Just when the smoke bomb was about to slip out of the cuff, Ryazan suddenly chuckled.

Under the gaze of the thief Kidd, he took the wrist of the thief Kidd and lifted it up.

The smoke bomb that was about to slid out just rolled back into the clothes of Kai thief Kidd.

Kai thief Kidd's eyes twitched. Fortunately, this smoke bomb hasn't been activated yet, otherwise I'm afraid I'm not going to turn myself into a white man!

He looked at Ryazan speechlessly: "Hey, you have a foul, can you see me making small movements in my sleeve?"

Ryazan shrugged: "No way, I specialize in all kinds of magicians, you are just stepping into my profession^"

"By the way, the smoke bomb hidden in your trouser legs doesn't take much effort. If it falls out, I will put it into your crotch."

"You don’t have to count on the folding paraglider on the back.

It doesn't come in handy to expand here."

"No need to think about the smoke bomb in the heel. If you dare to lift your leg, I will remove your leg."

Kidd: "..."

The threat was so real that he was persuaded in an instant.He sighed helplessly: "You are such a monster... I admit it, what will you do? Will you send me to prison?"

"But it's a pity that all the things I stolen before have been returned. Even if I get caught, it will be out in a few years."

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