I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 190

Suddenly felt pressure.

The first and second chapters of the text, Pisk's despair (part 2)

I obviously participated in the mission, why don't I know the mission goal?

It is true that the content of the task is not disclosed until the task is successful, which is the consistent style of the organization.

But... With Mescal's participation, this is not right.

She remembered the scene when Ryazan suddenly appeared above her head when she reported to the CIA last time.

At that time, although Ryazan had no particular reaction, she always felt that Ryazan's reaction was strange.

Your identity...is it suspected?

Shui Wu Ren Nai shed cold sweat.

The two twenty-five boys were panicked because of identity problems.

Under the leadership of Mumu, the people of the Metropolitan Police Department searched again several times but found no clues. In the end, they had to deal with the accident first, and the team went home.

Seeing the back of Mumu led the team away, Shiratori said with emotion: "Recently, various incidents have really emerged one after another." He finished speaking, but received no response.

He turned his head strangely to look at Ryazan and found that Ryazan did not know when he had left.

Cup household restaurant, kitchen warehouse.

Pisk came to the door, looked inside cautiously, and walked in slowly.

Just now, he received a text message from Ryazan asking him to come by himself.

In his experience, such text messages are generally accompanied by danger.

But... after thinking about it, he felt that he should have made no mistakes.

Although Mescal did not agree with him, he killed the tequila, but based on the contacts these days, he felt that Mescal was reasonable and it was unlikely that he would shoot him for no reason.

Therefore, he came to this small warehouse in accordance with Ryazan's instructions.

There is no light in the room and nothing is seen.

Pisk was about to turn on the light when a hard object suddenly hit the top of his head.

Pisk: "!!!"

He was horrified in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to dig qiāng, but before reaching out, he heard the sound of pulling the insurance off the top of his head.

Pisk didn't dare to move at once.

The next second, the warehouse door slammed shut and the light turned on.

As the lights came on, Pisk was shocked to find that Ryazan stood in front of him with the corners of his mouth raised, and his hand was against his head!

Not far away, Vodka was dressed in black, moved his hand from the light switch, and looked at him coldly.

Pisk's eyes widened: "Mescal? What are you going to do?!,,

"What are you doing?"

Ryazan chuckled and looked at the vodka.

Vodka took out his phone, called up a video, and put it in front of Pisk.

Looking at the scene in the video, Pisk's expression changed from doubt, to shock, and finally to panic and despair.

In the video, at first it was dark, and people could only be seen vaguely

The shadow is moving.

Suddenly, a flame lit up.

Against the background of the fire, it can be clearly seen that he raised a handle and opened a qiāng to the position of the chandelier!

Ryazan smiled and said: "This is a video taken by a reporter on the spot...

This is a live shooting. When it is taken, it will be directly passed back to the TV station. "You should understand, what does this mean?"

As soon as this statement came out, Pisk's last hope was completely shattered.

His legs were weak and his face turned pale:"

"Don't Mescal, spare my life,

I am the veteran of the organization, I don’t want to die. You save me! Save me!

Ryazan didn't say a word, but the arc of his mouth became larger

His fingers slowly buckled to the trigger.

Pisk let out a scream, and he couldn't stand still.

However, in the next second, Ryazan slowly moved his gun away.

"Fortunately, I let hackers control the broadcast signal of the TV station in advance,

The video was cut off."

"You took your life, Pisk."


The first and eighth chapters of the main text are you who moved in illegally (on)

Pisk stared, his face blank.

After a few seconds, he slowly backed up two steps and sat down on the ground.

He half-opened his mouth and uttered a few meaningless syllables.

After a long while, he finally came to a sense of relief, took a few breaths, and gave a wry smile.

He turned to look at vodka.

"Vodka, let Mescal and I say a few words separately


Upon hearing this, Vodka turned to look at Ryazan.

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