I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 404

Conan suddenly regrets a little bit. What does he owe nothing to do when he is idle? This is no longer a gift, it's an expedited delivery in the same city, and a good comment for home delivery! Ryazan said slowly: "Jack the Ripper kills women xìng, Among us, Xiao Ai and Bu Mei can only be regarded as'girls', so well," Hearing this, everyone subconsciously turned their eyes to Xiao Lan.As everyone watched, Xiao Lan was startled at first, and then showed a little nervous expression."Eh, yes, do you want me to go?" Ryazan smiled slightly: "I didn't expect this. Isn't it because Conan suddenly discovered a loophole in the plan." Conan: "?" Looking at Ryazan's harmless smile, he I really want to get up with a football! This guy, I'm afraid he didn't make a plan the night before, but now he is looking for himself!

He hurriedly said to Xiao Lan: "Sister Xiao Lan, what I mean is actually" Xiao Lan took a deep breath and said firmly: "Okay, I'll come!" Conan was taken aback for a moment.

He subconsciously said: "Sister Xiaolan, aren't you afraid of Jack the Ripper?" Xiaolan shook her head: "If you say you are not afraid at all, it must be a lie, after all, it is a legendary murderer.

"However, I was more afraid than I was afraid of Jack the Ripper. Question 1: What did I do wrong that caused the game to fail."

"This kind of fear is much more terrifying than Jack the Ripper." Hearing this, Conan suddenly felt that Xiao Lan in front of him had really grown.Psychological growth.Ryazan looked at Xiaolan with admiration.This girl is really strong and sensible.

If it weren't for a master, he would really like to take it home and train Xiao Lan into a loyal dog girl every day.Just thinking about it, he suddenly felt a cold look.Turning back, I saw Xiao Ai looking at herself with a smile.

He hurried over, coughed, and said in his ears: "Boy damn, listen to me." Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ai smiled and said, "Actually, I think she is pretty good."

"If you really have the ability, let her empathize, turn her head to fall in love with you, I don't have any objection." Ryazan said in his heart.Such words don't believe any liar.At this moment, Xiao Ai suddenly whispered: "Speaking of which, I wonder if you have noticed the boy in the red suit. He really looks like you."

"Huh?" Ryazan was slightly taken aback when he heard Xiao Ai's words.

Isn't the boy in the red suit Xiuxuki?That is the one who was "taken away" by Noah.

He subconsciously looked at Noah's side.Do you look like Zhuxing Xiushu?

He doesn't think so at all.Xiao Ai was speechless: "I'm not talking about looks, I'm talking about your demeanor, and some behaviors, which are really alike."

"I have been observing for a while, it's quite obvious."

"Isn't this the successor you cultivated in the organization?" Ryazan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

"How old I am, what do you do to train successors, wait until I reach the age of gin." Not far away, Noah blinked.As a dog as a game manager, Xiao Ai and Ryazan's whispers naturally cannot escape his ears.He was a little surprised when he heard Xiao Ai's words.Is he similar to Ryazan?

With a thought in his mind, a large number of images automatically appeared in his mind.

He adjusted all his emoji screenshots after the game started, and compared them with Ryazan's usual emoji pictures.After watching for a while, he was a little surprised.Indeed, as Xiao Ai said, the gestures and movements of herself and the praise and praise really become more and more similar.

Noah's mood suddenly became a bit complicated.As a super artificial intelligence, his database is very large, and he can instantly get answers from the database for many things that ordinary people do not understand.His performance, in terms of human psychology, is a learning behavior.This is the performance of trying to imitate and get closer after agreeing that a person's behavior pattern is better than the original one.This kind of behavior, the most common, is the imitation of parents' behavior patterns by children.Noah suddenly felt that his data processing ability fluctuated a bit.

He forcibly interrupted his thinking.I am just an artificial intelligence, a program, not a human being, and there is no such advanced logic.

Although Hongshu incorporated a lot of his thinking mode when he was writing himself, it was only the false emotions brought by the data. He was just a program and should not have those unrealistic ideas.Thinking of this, Noah suddenly lost the motivation to continue playing.In the game, Ryazan spent a whole day on guard against Noah's new tricks for him.However, after a day of vigilance, he found out with some doubts that Noah was just like turning around, without any danger.He glanced at Noah with some doubts.I saw "Zhuxingxiushu" sitting quietly under a tree, expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.Ryazan showed a thoughtful expression.In the evening, according to the previously planned plan, Xiao Lan came to the street, pretending to be weak and weak, and walked slowly on the streets with no one.

As the afterglow of the setting sun faded away, she suddenly became alert.

I lowered my waist subconsciously, and a short knife slashed from where she was just now! In Xiaolan's surprised gaze, a man in a torn cloak appeared in front of her with cold eyes!

Seeing Xiaolan avoiding his attack, the man in the cloak frowned slightly, but then, with a twist of his wrist, he changed from holding the knife to a reverse grip, and went straight down to stab Xiaolan! This position, if it hits , The spot is broken!

Facing this knife, Xiaolan's pupils shrank.The speed is too fast! The speed of Jack the Ripper is faster than the previous karate club leader of Didan High School, Tsukamoto Sumi! This speed has simply broken the limit of human beings!

She twisted her body vigorously, I am afraid she could only avoid fatal injuries.According to Ryazan, as long as the game is injured, he will leave the field no matter how serious it is. Is it because I have not done anything and I am leaving? The moment the thought passed, her sight was suddenly obscured by a figure.In Xiaolan's surprised gaze, Ryazan did not know where he flew over.He put one leg away, and the other straight stretched out a "rider kick!!"

!" With a loud shout, Ryazan kicked and kicked Jack the Ripper directly

Fly away! The knife that originally stabbed Xiaolan also fell to the ground.

Seeing Ryazan who appeared suddenly, Jack the Ripper was taken aback for a while, and then he reacted.


I'm afraid I'm not caught in the trap.He exerted strength in his waist and abdomen, and a beautiful carp came to hit J

Quite, stand up directly, ready to escape.The white mist also appeared.

But at this moment, Ryazan suddenly pulled out a handful of what he had previously obtained from his midfielder.

Revolver.Under Jack the Ripper's stunned gaze, he grinned.

Your lord, the times have changed!" Li!!!

Text Chapter 296 Noah:???

Under Ryazan's gaze, Noah imitated his usual way, showing a somewhat triumphant smile.

"Games are not just what you want to do."

As soon as his voice fell, he heard shouts from a distance——

"Found it! It's an associate of Holmes!"

"Catch them! Don't let them run!"

Hearing this voice, Ryazan was a bit speechless.

It seems that I, a pure and innocent player, met the dog KP today.

He gave Noah a middle finger and hurried back.

Not far from Conan's group, several people with revolver qiāng can be seen.

Combined with the plot of the undead on Baker Street, he guessed the identity of these people at once.

These people are undoubtedly the subordinates of Colonel Meng Lang!

He originally wanted to learn from Captain America and play a drama like Long Live Hydra, but Noah didn't intend to give him a chance to do sāocāo, so he just let the other side brainless.

Although Ryazan doesn't care about winning or losing the game, he still needs face.

He gets off the court himself, if he can’t even keep this person, then kill

Hand...Ah, yeah, then this policeman would be for nothing.

After despising Noah again in his heart, he took Conan and his party and embarked on an escape journey from Lún Dun.

After a day and a half, all the players in the team wanted to die

a feeling of.

Naturally, the world in the game cannot be exactly the same as in reality, otherwise it would have been messed up outside.

But... a day and a half in the game, there are also several hours.

In the past few hours, Noah arranged six chases for Ryazan and his party for various reasons.

Ryazan feels that the game is now renamed Road to Survival, and there is no sense of disobedience.

On this day, his small advertisement in the newspaper finally went online.And with the launch of the small advertisement, the pursuit of soldiers also began to have more tricks

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